Hey, this is my first post, I stumbled onto this site whilst searching for Ultimate Thor's origin and speculations about it.
There have been some great ideas here, things I hadn't noticed, and I've just read 8 pages of posts, so I apologise - but I can't remember who said what. So, I'll just go through my head as clearly and succinctly as possible.
Firstly, I'm really looking forward to Ultimate Galactus' arrival. Maybe all the super soldier projects have been attempts to find ways to create warriors to protect us from Galactus since SHIELD and other top-level institutions have been aware of his coming for quite some time. Perhaps Ultimate Galactus comes from the N-Zone (he's always supposed to come from the previous universe and maybe he destroyed the N-Zone, that's why its entropic).
Secondly, I've been thinking - is it unlikely that Ultron leaked the files (he is hooked up to Pym's files after all)? But I'm unsure as to who benefits from Banner's fate, and therefore, am not entirely convinced Ultron, Loki (or even his ally) was behind this fate - for Fury does benefit to some extent if I'm correct in my assumption that Ultimates 2 will end with SHIELD versus The Ultimates, with Captain America on the latter side.
But now to Thor: I'm very happy Thor is about to be unveiled. The reason is this: if Mark and Bryan left Ultimate Thor a mystery, a couple of years (or decades) down the road, some other guy would show up and give him his origin, and I personally, would prefer these guys to do it since y'know, they came up with this version of the character.
As for the Jesus metaphors - there are many, and of course, they're all appropriate (how many times does Thor appear with the sun behind him like he's an angel?). And I really think that #5 will end with Thor's crucifixtion (not necessarilly death, indeed he could survive but be unknown, foreshadowed in Banner's fate). I think that we are building up to Thor's act of martyrdom.
As for my idea, the set-up is below in italics, with the final sentence in bold - because that one sentence should make perfect sense, though I've still gone an included a follow-up analysis. I think that Millar's origin for Thor will be very succinct and when its revealed, it'll probably be a splash page with one sentence and we'll all slap our foreheads, jaws gawping, shouting "Of course!" If my idea below doesn't make sense to you, well then, I'm probably wrong.
In issue #2 I saw Nick Fury tell Tony Stark, "I'd rather have that hammer with us than against us" and it hit me - I've been thinking about Thor and not Mjolnir.
I don't think Fury has made this mistake - for him its always been about the hammer. He seems to have no respect for Thor, only for his hammer. He wants to not upset Thor's apple cart because he wants that damn hammer. So he can make more. Armies of super soldiers, and norse gods.
To understand Thor's origin, we must understand Mjolnir's. The SHIELD intel says that Thor was a normal man, probably very unremarkable and average-looking, and rather fragile, perhaps a limp. He had a nervous breakdown on his 30th birthday (or close to it) and then suddenly became this muscelbound Adonis, Thor. I think his breakdown came because he found Mjolnir. It transformed him into Thor. It's never been about Thor. It's about Mjolnir.
Mjolnir is an alien artifact that contains the memories of a dead alien world.
In the Ultimate world, we've seen something like this already:
Ultimate Nightmare. And we know that SHIELD knows of at least 11 alien species on Earth - perhaps this artifact is a remnant of one of them.
This hammer 'downloads' the memories of the civilisation into its weilder's mind - hence Thor's mental breakdown and his transformation. I think the meeting with Volstagg was Mjolnir talking to Thor, using the Volstagg character as a interface. This would explain Thor's visions, and it would explain Thor's battles with the serpent that appeared off-screen - because it never did happen. Only in Thor's mind.
Mjolnir seems quite capable of generating vast energy - maybe that bomb was just a nice meal? Remember, Thor just hit the bomb. It seems Mjolnir knew what to do with it.
There are many occassions when Mjolnir is referred to as an entity - Thor's first words involve him saying
"if a demonstration from Mjolnir is what is required", and the storm starts without Thor doing anything. The hammer did it for him. When he flies, he throws the hammer to guide him. He's a pacifist with
"a big, scary hammer". As for his telepathy, is it unlikely that Mjolnir can read information as it can project it? It simply read Banner and told Thor what was in his mind. And the warning from Volstagg? Maybe it just peeked into Fury's mind, (or Loki's ally) saw that Fury wants to dissect Thor's hammer and give it trained grunts and warned Thor in the only way it could.
It is possible Mjolnir is a giant information source; since Loki seems to be referred to as more of an apparition, than a physical being it could therefore easily read computer files. This would make his 'rewriting reality' even more appropriate - especially since if Loki
is responsible for the leak, he's only attacked through information so far. And as for his ally, it would be someone equally intangible, which would most likely be - Ultron.
There is one other thing - if Mjolnir contains all of the Norse characters and worlds inside it, I think an appropriate name for it would be
the Room With No Doors, wouldn't you?
And maybe the things inside it have become more powerful ever since a huge surge in Mjolnir's power, involving a very large bomb it consumed...
Personally, if Mjolnir is talking to and empowering Thor, I think
Thor is both crazy and a god.
I hope I'm wrong and the real truth is far more insightful. I just can't wait until March 10th for my copy to end up in my hands.