Wow, cheers guys for the welcome. Even the ass comments are appreciated.
No, not appreciated, er... terrifiying. That's it.
Actually, being so excited with Ultimate Thor, in my head, I've read the first and last couple of pages of the upcoming two-parter. This is what I "read":
We know in issue #4 that Fury sends the Ultimates after Thor, and I can't help but imagine Fury puts it something like this: "Donald Blake was a nurse at a Norway hospital. He was 5'6", 100 lbs and walked with a limp. Two days before his 30th birthday, he grew a foot, added 150lbs of muscle and got a big, scary hammer and called himself Thor. Thor's powers come from his hammer which is an unimaginably powerful weapon of mass destruction of alien design. To put it short; this power has made Thor insane, believing he's a Norse God and that he's job is to 'save humanity' from itself. He's misusing his power and his responsibility to the world, and he's mentally unstable. It's only a matter of time before he snaps and thousands of people pay the price. So we need to take this hammer from him, because we can use it to save the world." And of course, it's all true - and all a lie. The Ultimates believe Fury, and chase down Thor. And after a huge fight, The Ultimates and SHIELD have near possession of Mjolnir, so Thor does the one thing he can do against this assembling of super-people. He destroys Mjolnir. It explodes in a huge, huge blast and all thats left in the rubble, is a naked Donald Blake, who gets up with a limp. He' harmless, so they let Blake go, who returns to his practice as a nurse. Since Mjolnir is destroyed, no one minds that Blake uses a nearby gnarled stick to prop himself up as he limps away...
If I'm right, it's a nice variant on the Trial of the Hulk - but I'd hope the truth is far more exhilarating.
Also, anyone notice the parallel of Loki? In Ultimates 2 Volstagg tells Thor that Loki will "assemble the super-people against him". Readers of Earth X and the Marvel Universe know that Loki assembled the Avengers, and that the Avenger's battle cry is "Avengers Assemble!" Anyone think it's probable that Loki will be responsible for the Ultimates ending up independent from SHIELD at the end of Ultimates 2?
Man, I'm going to be sad when Millar and Hitch leave this title (unless their successors are, somehow, even better).