Ultimate Marvel Timeline / Chronology (v. 3.0)

Ultimate Houde said:
Why does a majority of the Supreme Power titles take place in 2006?

Because thats the firm date given in the end of the Hyperion mini series, and anything following Supreme Power #6 and up to that point hasn't included a large jump in time, meaning in terms of their universe, most of the last two thirds of Supreme Power and the Hyperion mini series take place in 2006. When they cross over into the Ultimate universe later this year, right now its assumed that there were some time anomalies to reconcile the Squadron Supreme coming from 2006 in their own timeline to 2004 or 2005 in the Ultimate timeline. We'll know for sure in October when Ultimate Power starts.
So you will be very happy to know that I let the Ultimate Universe Assistant Editor, John Barber, about this site and about this timeline. He was very happy to know that he was very happy there's already an ultimate universe timeline done and that he didn't have to do it, after someone asked about where things take place.

Yes, this is very true. :D
Ice said:
So you will be very happy to know that I let the Ultimate Universe Assistant Editor, John Barber, about this site and about this timeline. He was very happy to know that he was very happy there's already an ultimate universe timeline done and that he didn't have to do it, after someone asked about where things take place.

Yes, this is very true. :D

Very cool - hopefully he joins us once in a while.
Ice said:
So you will be very happy to know that I let the Ultimate Universe Assistant Editor, John Barber, about this site and about this timeline. He was very happy to know that he was very happy there's already an ultimate universe timeline done and that he didn't have to do it, after someone asked about where things take place.

Yes, this is very true. :D

Nice...I should have printed out a bunch of copies and mailed them to you so you could pass them out at the con... ;)

E said:
Very cool - hopefully he joins us once in a while.

DIrishB said:
Nice...I should have printed out a bunch of copies and mailed them to you so you could pass them out at the con... ;)
Actually, that would have been a great idea, because there were a couple questions regarding Ultimate continuity; I keed you not.
Ice said:
I have, actually.

I plugged this site so much over the weekend it's crazy.

You get an award.

*looks for award to give Ice*
Does Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk take place before or after Ultimates 2 vol 2.
I know it takes place before X4 so help me out.

I don't want to be a spoil sport but I noticed a flaw. UWvsH takes place
before X4. Sorry
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Prof. Toad said:
Does Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk take place before or after Ultimates 2 vol 2.
It should take place DURING it because as you saw in UXM with Phoenix? Part 1, Wolverine got the call from Fury from the same place Fury called him in Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk. That would explain why Wolverine was away to do Fury's job, since he'd have to be to do that job in the first place. And Ultimate X-Men currently in continuity takes place after Ultimates 2 #4, but before sometime anything currently in Ultimates 2.
Ice said:
It should take place DURING it because as you saw in UXM with Phoenix? Part 1, Wolverine got the call from Fury from the same place Fury called him in Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk. That would explain why Wolverine was away to do Fury's job, since he'd have to be to do that job in the first place. And Ultimate X-Men currently in continuity takes place after Ultimates 2 #4, but before sometime anything currently in Ultimates 2.

Exactly. The flashbacks in it also take place during and immediately after Ultimates 2 #3, so there's that to account for.

For your answers, Prof Toad, just look at the actual timeline. That'll tell you where everything takes place.
:? :? :?

I don't want to be a spoil sport but I noticed a flaw. Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk takes place before X4. Sorry

In X4 when Wolvie appears on the scene he just got back from fighting the hulk.
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Prof. Toad said:
:? :? :?

I don't want to be a spoil sport but I noticed a flaw. Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk takes place before X4. Sorry

No, no it doesn't.

In X4 when Wolvie appears on the scene he just got back from fighting the hulk.

You're assuming that. Nowhere in that book is it mentioned he just returned from fighting the Hulk. Furthermore, the X4 series takes place immediately after Magnetic North, and before Date Night in UXM. Considering Fury didn't even contact Wolverine to take down the Hulk until the first part of the Phoenix arc, there's no way X4 can come before UWvs.H. Also, in the last issue of "Phoenix", Storm (I think) asks where Wolverine is when they get back from Emma's School. This indicates he's still gone on his mission to fight the Hulk.

Besides, Wolverine is always leaving the mansion for various reasons, whether its to spend time alone or to take on a mission for Fury. That could explain his just returning to it in X4.

Trust me, read the comics in that order and then see if you can tell me it doesn't make sense.
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Prof. Toad said:
That is completely wrong.

First of all, Wiki can be edited by anyone. So someone with incorrect information did that.

Ultimate X4 does NOT take place before UWvsH becauase the 2-issue mini takes place AFTER "Magnetic North" and before "Date Night" as D!B has said. Don't trust what's said on Wiki. Look at the actual comic. It's all there.
Good to know. I have another question. Does Wolvie vs Hulk take place before or during ultimates 2 vol 2. Please tell me it won't be Hulk-less.
Prof. Toad said:
Good to know. I have another question. Does Wolvie vs Hulk take place before or during ultimates 2 vol 2. Please tell me it won't be Hulk-less.
Since it takes place after UXM #69, and UXM takes place during Ultimates 2, UWvsH takes place during Ultimates 2.

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