Patriot said:
but seriously why does no publisher except Wildstorm have the balls to have a prominent(or even existent)homosexual couple?
There was a prominent Gay couple in Vertigo Comic's The Sandman (Alexander Burgess and Paul) who appeared in the first and last arcs. Also the dead schoolboys, Paine and the other one (cant remember his name), were pretty well indicated to be gay (they walked off hand in hand). They're actually going to star in the new Vertigo Comic, Dead Boy Detectives. Then there's the Lesbian couple all over The Sandman and Death... (Foxglove and Hazel).... and also the Lesbian couples speckled all around Y: the Last Man....
Then in the formal DC universe there's the former Flash Rogue, the Pied Piper, who had a long-term boyfriend, both of whom were close friends of Wally and Linda West. And Kyle Rayner (the Green Lantern) had a Gay teenaged assistant, Terry, who got beat almost to death, and his parents blamed his boyfriend. And I mean, we all know that Robin is trying to get into Superboy's pants. Its just a matter of time.
Im guessing you meant Apollo/Midnighter from Wildstorm... yeah.
The closest Marvel has is Northstar... who is now a Zombie ninja... and The Rawhide Kid.... who is the most insulting stereotypical Gay Character I have ever read... I mean... he makes Jack from Will and Grace look like a non-stereotypical person. And the kid only Alluded to being gay, no boys kissing, or even the statement that he was attracted to men... God.. that pissed me off.
Its weird, DC, the more corporate label, is the more progressive when it comes to social issues. The only place Marvel beats it is with strong Black Characters like Luke Cage, and the Black Panther. DC had that line of comics with Static Shock.... and then there was Steel... and John Stewart as a Green Lantern.... but i mean, yeah.
Marvel needs to get some balls and let a gay couple hook up in a major title.