Nexus of the World
"The Revenge of Ultimate E"
Probably a long issue! Performing arguably the world's most ingenious and exciting escape*, Ultimate E manages to evade Bass Lak Tus' tangy, cheesey Dorito grasp and make it all the way to the planet of Earth. (That's this planet, in case you're confused.)"The Revenge of Ultimate E"
Hellbent, Ultimate E cuts a swath through the Ultimate Central universe. Just what does Ultimate E want? (Revenge.) Er... I mean... just what is Ultimate E's plan for exacting revenge? Can the Avatars and the Brotherhood put aside their differences and work together? Can their combined might stop Ultimate E?
You're kidding, right? The world is so pwnd.
From the writer critics are calling "Are you sure this is this week's solit", discover new Centralizations (that's plural), and witness the greatest insults to Reginald Hudlin, Chris Claremont, Brian Michael Bendis, Jeph Loeb, AND Orson Scott Card in the next exciting issue of Ultimate Central!
*Argument only appropriate if the subject matter is limited to this issue and the events of any story in which there was no escape.
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