Ultimate Central: The Fanfic Volume 3

Baxter said:
Something tells me that the end of this arc will see President Goodwill/Dr. Strangefate. The Cabinet has to be doing something while everyones out of country.

Whos out of the country?
Nurhachi said:
Whos out of the country?
I just assumed that the fight would be taking place in Siberia. My mistake.

Remember, destroy the brains or sever the head to defeat the zombies.
Nurhachi said:



A country has been killed and if the United Nations dont surrender the world to Slimjim, it will suffer the same fate. How are the Avatars and the E-Men gonna be able to respond to that? Surrender? or fight?

Do you really need to ask?
8) :twisted:
Slimjims trying to make a point, by showing the world what will happen if they fail to surrender to him
Nurhachi said:
Sorry guys, i've had an extreme case of laziness. I'll do it soon i promise :p
I'd prod you, but it took me two weeks to get my crappy annual up.

... * prod prod prod *
Nurhachi said:
Sorry guys, i've had an extreme case of laziness. I'll do it soon i promise :p
This better be good, or I will give you heck! Heck I tell ya :p
Finally: #21

Last issue:

Slimjim has gained the ability to raise the dead. Since gaining this ability, he has taken over Ultimate Central and is determined to make the undead rule the world and gain revenge on the living beings that killed them.

TheManWithoutFear faced Slimjim's general JTG, who was on a killing spree, and managed to defeat him by attacking him with a spade. MWOF returned to the rest of the Avatars, as well as the E-Men who had joined the battle against Slimjim. He brought JTG's skull with him so the Avatars could get information out of it.

The Avatars and E-Men have just learned that Slimjim has killed everyone in Siberia as an example of what will happen to the world if the United Nations don't hand the world over to him in 3 days….


ICEMASTERTRON: Oh man guys, we are so royally screwed here!

JTG: Hahahahaaaaaaaa. You can't win Avatars. Surrender now, while you still have a chance.

MWOF: I've just about had enough of this dick!

JTG: At least I will be the dick left standing when the world falls under Lord Slimjim's rule.

MWOF then picked up his spade and opened JTG's cage.

JTG: What do you think you are gonna do with that little boy? Get it through your thick head that you cannot hurt me! I am JTG, and I am….

MWOF then raised the spade above his head and brought it down hard against JTG's jaw as his jawbone was broken off.


PROJECTX2: Here MWOF, gimme that.

Project took the spade from MWOF and used all his super strength as he stuck JTG right between the eyes. JTG screamed as his skull split in half. A dark mist emerged from his shattered skull and made a hissing noise before disappearing.

CADUCEUS: Ok guys, if you're done smiting a helpless skull, what's the plan?

RENE: We have no choice. We have to fight and defeat Slimjim! Failure is not an option.

The Avatars looked at the TV. It showed Slimjim live outside the UN building, along with his undead warriors, LongshotJimLee, Patriot, Irish_4204, Captain and Thee Great One. Slimjim was giving a speech, shrieking about how the world will be run once he has control over it.

NURHACHI: We better hurry guys.

RENE: Agreed. We need to bring down Slimjim fast before he can call on his undead to attack. We will have the element of surprise. We must stop him…

Rene hesitated, before saying "By any means necessary!!!"

CADUCEUS: Enough of this useless prattle! We must strike now while the timing is good!

The Avatars, alongside the E-Men then left there cabin to confront Slimjim and his minions. Luckily, Rene had installed a teleporter, similar to the one in Ultimate Central, but more primitive. They used the teleporter to transport them near to the United Nations building.

PROJECTX2: Slimjims going down!

Meanwhile: At the entrance of the UN building, Slimjim was hovering in the air. His 5 superhuman undead warriors around him, and many more undead soldiers around them.


Just then, a portal opened nearby, with Rene, Nurhachi, ProjectX2, Icemastertron, TheManWithoutFear, Caduceus and Ultimate Gambit coming out of it.

SLIMJIM: YOU! Stand down Avatars! Stand down now or the world will suffer the consequences!

MWOF: You're kidding right?

NURHACHI : Lets get this bastard!

SLIMJIM: I warned you!!! KILL THEM!!!!

Slimjim's undead army all turned towards the Avatars and E-Men. They began to stagger towards them.

RENE: Alright guys! Lets do this!

Rene's hands summoned fireballs as he lead the attack against the zombie army of Slimjim. He threw the fireballs at the zombies and then used his strength to smash them into the ground.

ULTIMATE GAMBIT: They may be vicious! But they're slow!

Gambit grabbed a zombies head and used his power to make the head explode. He turned around and punched another zombie, exploding it. Next to him, Nurhachi, using his mutated blood costume, and Icemastertron, using weapons he made from ice, started to slice zombies left and right. Project X2 was surrounded by zombies trying to claw and bite into his rocky hide. He laughed as he picked them off and crushed there heads with his incredible strength. Unfortunately Caduceus's powers were not effective against the mindless undead, so MWOF had to begrudgingly protect him. He easily dodged the zombies with his agility, and then used his optic beams to blast the zombies to bits. The zombies were easily destroyed by the combined might of the Avatars and E-Men. Now it was time to face the big guns.

SLIMJIM: You've made a terrible mistake Avatars! You cannot win, you have just doomed you're world. Go my death knights. Whoever kills the most of them will become my new general.

Slimjim then levitated high, and teleported away back into Ultimate Central.

His team then prepared to attack the Avatars.

IRISH_4204: Let's do this boys!

Irish got ready to scream, but Icemastertron was able to freeze his mouth shut before he was able to. Patriot then opened fire and the Avatars scattered, and began to attack!

Caduceus, still powerless against the mindless undead, ran to a building to stay out of the battle. His team mate Ultimate Gambit ran up toward Patriot and grabbed his guns, exploding them. Patriot screamed before jumping out of the way and shot at Ultimate Gambit. Gambit winced as the bullet caught him in the arm. Patriot shot again but the bullets were stopped by an ice shield.

ICEMASTERTRON: Need some help UG?

While Icemastertron and UG faced Patriot, Irish_4204 managed to unfreeze his mouth by breaking the ice with a powerful scream. He then went after Nurhachi.

IRISH_4204: I recall you being pretty vulnerable to my supersonic scream Nurhachi!
Nurhachi leapt to attack him and stabbed him through the chest with a spear created by his blood. Irish laughed.

IRISH_4204: You're trying to kill an undead being by impaling him in the chest? Dick!

Irish then grabbed Nurhachi and flew high into the sky. He then screamed into Nurhachi's ear. Nurhachi's mutated blood went crazy as the supersonic sound from Irish_4204 hurt it beyond anything it had felt before. Nurhachi tried to calm his blood, but the pressure was too much and Nurhachi passed out from the strain. Irish laughed as dropped Nurhachi from the air.

Rene, who was busy trading blows with The Captain, saw Nurhachi falling and broke off his fight to leap high into the air and catch Nurhachi's limp body, saving his life. Unfortunately, this distracted him from the Captain, who shot a blast at Rene's head from behind. Rene went down hard.

Nearby, ProjectX2 was facing Thee Great One. Project picked up Thee Great One and threw him into a nearby building. Irish_4204 and the Captain saw this and flew to their team mates' aid. Captain punched PX2 down while Irish_4204 screamed at him. Project was on his knees, covering his bleeding ears. He was vulnerable as the mighty Captain pounded and pounded his head until he was unconscious. Thee Great One then started walking toward the building where Caduceus was trying to hide.

THEE GREAT ONE: You can't hide Caduceus, you're next!

Meanwhile, MWOF was facing LongshotJimLee. Longshot's invisibility was useless against MWOF as he used his heightened senses to keep track of Longshot's movements. Seeing Thee Great One approach Caduceus, he knew he had to end this quickly. MWOF shot a wide beam optic blast at Longshot and managed to hit him. Longshot went down as MWOF gathered all his power for one last, powerful, shot at Longshot's head. Longshot's head exploded as MWOF went after Thee Great One.

Patriot was loosing his fight against Icemastertron and Ultimate Gambit. He desperated shot at Icemastertron, but Ice just kept on blocking the bullets with shields. With one last desperate attempt, Patriot leapt to the side and fired. The bullet caught Ice right in the chest. Ice's ice body protected him from being killed, but he was winded. Patriot then hit Ice over the head with his gun, knocking him out. Before Patriot could finish him off, however, Ultimate Gambit came up from behind him and exploded his head. Ultimate Gambit then saw Thee Great One going after Caduceus, with MWOF chasing him. He ran after them to help his team mate.

Thee Great One entered the building where Caduceus was hiding, but was followed straight after by MWOF and Ultimate Gambit.

THEE GREAT ONE: Hahaha you dicks! You've just fallen into my trap! Have you forgotten what my power is?

Thee Great One glowed as he gathered all his power.


Thee Great One exploded. MWOF, Caduceus and Ultimate Gambit could not get out in time as the building collapsed on them.

Thee Great One reassembled his molecules by his team mates, Irish_4204 and The Captain.

THE CAPTAIN: Good work TGO! We might have lost Longshot and Patriot, but we have accomplished our mission and defeated our enemies. Slimjim will be pleased. Now gather the bodies of those who are still alive and let us get back to our leader.


Icemastertron woke up, his body ached all over as he looked around. He was in a room filled with injured and dying people. Kind of like a low rent hospital. He turned as he heard a voice.

THEE GREAT ONE: Ah your finally awake.

ICEMASTERTRON: You….you bastard….what happened!

Thee Great One smiled.

THEE GREAT ONE: You have been asleep for 5 days.

Icemastertron gasped. 5 days? What happened with Slimjim? What happened to the world? Thee Great One saw the look on Ice's face and was filled with the satisfaction of being able to tell him the news.

THEE GREAT ONE: The world is ours now Icemastertron! You and you're fellow "Avatars" are currently in a human concentration camp where you will now be used as a slave or plaything. That collar around you're neck prevents you from using you're powers, so don't bother trying.

ICEMASTERTRON: You're lying! Earth would never have surrendered to Slimjim!

THEE GREAT ONE: They didn't have a choice you fool! Slimjim told you that there would be consequences if you attacked. You didn't listen and after you were defeated, our army killed everyone in the state you call Washington. After that, the United Nations had no choice but to hand over the world to us!

Icemastertron felt the tears fill his eyes. Everyone in Washington. Dead! And it's all there fault.

Slimjim had won. The world was his and now the Avatars, and all living beings everywhere, would spend there days serving the dead….


I always knew TGO was a Hitler-wannabe. :D

Good issue. Looking forward to being in a concentration camp. I mean, who wouldn't?

I also noticed how you used the word "dick" many times now. :D
ProjectX2 said:
I always knew TGO was a Hitler-wannabe. :D
You mean Slimjim right? He's in charge. Racist against the living. tsk tsk
ProjectX2 said:
Good issue. Looking forward to being in a concentration camp. I mean, who wouldn't?
Hey i'll be in there wit ya. Its not that bad :D
ProjectX2 said:
I also noticed how you used the word "dick" many times now. :D
Knock it off or it goes back on the list.

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