Ultimate Central: The Fanfic Volume 3

I FINALLY got a chance to catch up.

In #18, when I come back, the way that PX2 reacted, there should've been more reation there than just "Where have you been?!", as well as when the others. But the chapter was a good read. #19 was good, the interaction was cool to see, and the ending was ok.

Its great to se you back on the title, so keep up with the good work.



The Avatars are desperate to get Ultimate Central back from the powerful Slimjim and his team of undead super-humans. To do this they have decided to ask their greatest enemies, the E-Men and the Cabinet, for their help in the upcoming battle. Will these rival teams help the Avatars? or will they sit back and laugh at them?

Also, the battle Ultimate Central fans have been waiting for....TheManWithoutFear vs JTG3885!!!!
Nurhachi said:



The Avatars are desperate to get Ultimate Central back from the powerful Slimjim and his team of undead super-humans. To do this they have decided to ask their greatest enemies, the E-Men and the Cabinet, for their help in the upcoming battle. Will these rival teams help the Avatars? or will they sit back and laugh at them?

Also, the battle Ultimate Central fans have been waiting for....TheManWithoutFear vs JTG3885!!!!
Niiiiice cover. It looks cool.

Cant wait for the fight! $15 on MWF!!!! :D
Holy ****, this arc just keeps getting better and better! And this is only the solicit! :D The showdown has the potential to be great, Nur. The cover is very well done, also. Good job.
Nice cover. Looking forward to the fight.

Way to shove my stuff to the back of the cupboard... :D
Nurhachi said:



The Avatars are desperate to get Ultimate Central back from the powerful Slimjim and his team of undead super-humans. To do this they have decided to ask their greatest enemies, the E-Men and the Cabinet, for their help in the upcoming battle. Will these rival teams help the Avatars? or will they sit back and laugh at them?

Also, the battle Ultimate Central fans have been waiting for....TheManWithoutFear vs JTG3885!!!!
:lol: Damn man, that is classic.

Siberia, 11th July 2005

Two young teenage girls walked along a long dark path in the local park. They say the park used to be a burial ground, which made many urban legends and thrilling stories about the park. The girls giggled as they tried to scare each other with tales about how the park was cursed.

Suddenly, they heard a weird sound…a moaning noise. They went to investigate but could find nothing that would make that noise.

Feeling a little scared, they decided to go home, but as they went, one of the girls screamed. Something had grabbed her foot. Her friend screamed in horror as she saw an old bloodied rotten hand holding her friends ankle. She then saw something crawling out the ground. A dead person, his skin rotting and peeling off the bones, his eyes pure white, infested with maggots. The person crawled on top of the fallen girl and tore into her back, grabbing out chunks of meat and eating it savagely.

The other girl ran, tears streaming down her face as she could still hear her friends screams fill the night time air. She saw a man in the distance.

"HELP," She screamed, "HELP ME PLEASE!"

She then gasped in horror as the man turned around to reveal his dead green face. Her insides filled with dread as she was frozen stiff with fear.

The undead man started moving towards her, and she came to her senses and turned to run away, only to see 2 more zombies behind her.

Her heart felt heavy, as she knew that she would suffer the same fate as her friend. Tears streamed down her face as the terror gripped her.

All she could do was scream in hopelessness as the hands and teeth tore at her skin…


TheManWithoutFear jumped across the rooftops, heading for mid-city. He had been keeping track of JTG from the news. His super enhanced hearing could hear news reports of a walking skeleton, going around killing various people. Finally MWOF reached mid-city. He jumped off the roof, swung on a pole, and landed on the ground below, where people were running, screaming. JTG was holding a middle aged cop by the throat. MWOF saw the cop's skin change into a lifeless husk as JTG looked into the sky, his fingers digging into the cop's neck as JTG absorbed his life.

MWOF approached JTG as he turned around…
JTG3885: Aaaah, my good friend, TheManWithoutBalls. You come for a fight?

His voice sounded raspy and croaky. JTG hissed as he walked up towards MWOF.

MWOF: Let's do this!

MWOF's eyes glowed as he cracked his knuckles and got ready for combat.

Meanwhile, ProjectX2 and Icemastertron are in there human forms, looking around what used to be the E-Men's hideout.

ICEMASTERTRON: Where are they? They couldn't have gotten far….

Suddenly, Icemastertron felt a tingling sensation in his brain, he knew this feeling from before, and he knew he only had a second to act.


Instantly, Icemastertron lowered the temperature of the air around the area to freezing levels as Project powered up to avoid being frozen.


The heard a scream close by.


Icemastertron and PX2 went towards to sound to see Caduceus on his knees holding his head in pain as Ultimate Gambit was next to him, shivering.

CADUCEUS: D….Damn you're…..brain freezing ability….Icemaster…tron

PROJECTX2: We're not here to fight you E-Men.

ULTIMATE GAMBIT: What the hell you here for then?

ICEMASTERTRON: Well, since we're both being attacked by our dead friends, I thought a team up may be in order?

ULTIMATE GAMBIT: Are you ****in serious?


ICEMASTERTRON: They won't stop until all of us are killed and the dead rule the living.

ULTIMATE GAMBIT: We can take care of ourselves!

CADUCEUS: No no Gambit, lets help our rivals.

ULTIMATE GAMBIT: What? You serious?

Caduceus pulled Ultimate Gambit aside and whispered to him.

CADUCEUS: I don't think E would be happy to return if he came back to a world ruled by corpses….and besides, I have a plan that will be very beneficial for us.

Caduceus smiled as Ultimate Gambit nodded.

CADUCEUS: We're in Avatars!

Back in town:

JTG lunged at MWOF, but MWOF was easily able to dodge the blows. He knew, however, that he could not attack JTG back, since one touch of the skeleton would kill him, even through his costume.

JTG again lunged at MWOF, and this time MWOF leapt back a few feet and fired an optic blast at JTG. It seemed to have no effect.

JTG3885: Fool! What are you trying to accomplish? You can't hurt me! I have no nerves, I don't feel pain! And I am undead, you cannot kill or even injure me!

JTG laughed a high pitched, shrill, maniacal laugh.

JTG3885: No, you cannot touch me, and soon you will tire and slow down, and I will take your life and…..

MWOF: Take this!

TheManWithoutFear picked up a piece of debris off the ground and threw it hard towards JTG.

The piece of debris hit JTG hard right in the middle of his skull. MWOF looked in astonishment as JTG's skull shook a little, and then fell clean off his neck!!!

MWOF was then horrified as he saw JTG's body walk towards his skull, pick it up, and reconnect it onto his neck. He then glared and hissed at MWOF as he started to slowly stagger towards him.

MWOF: **** this!

MWOF turned to run away, but stopped when he heard JTG shriek.

JTG3885: Yessss Run MWOF. Leave all these helpless victims for me to devour.

MWOF hesitated, he couldn't let JTG kill more people, but he didn't know what he could do. JTG is unable to be hurt, injured or killed and if they fight, MWOF would die as soon as JTG touched him, and it was only a matter of time before he would tire. It was hopeless.

Then JTG saw something in a nearby shop, something that could maybe work against the horrific JTG.

MWOF walked up to the shop, and picked up a nice, heavy spade.

He smiled.

JTG3885: BWAHAHAHahaha, you think you can beat me with a spade? A SPADE?

MWOF then turned around and ran at JTG with the spade. JTG was very quick for a skeleton, unfortunately, and was able to block MWOF's strike with his hand. His hand, however, was knocked off and landed near a building.

JTG3885: You….you DARE!

JTG took a swing, trying to get MWOF with his death touch, but MWOF's incredible agility managed to avoid the attack. MWOF then hit JTG's other arm off with his spade.

JTG3885: NO!

JTG then turned to run but was not fast enough as MWOF hit JTG in the rib cage with the spade. JTG went down. As he started to pick himself up, MWOF swung his spade and hit JTG's skull clear off his body.

MWOF then smashed up JTG's skeletal body with the spade until it could not reattach itself and got the townspeople to bury them in different places while MWOF went to JTG's skull.

JTG3885: You have accomplished nothing fool! You are still nothing to the power of my master SlimJim!

MWOF: Shut the hell up before I smack your jaw off.


The Avatars, Rene and Nurhachi, were looking for the Cabinet in a forest, near where there old hideout was.

RENE: So you feeling better Nurhachi?

NURHACHI: Mmmmyeah. Sorry bout this Rene.

RENE: Yeah now you know why I don't like you and MWOF drinking so much!

NURHACHI: Yeah but...

RENE: Shhhht… Did you hear that?

NURHACHI: Hear what?

Suddenly, squirrels surrounded them in all directions. Nurhachi screamed like a girl while Rene looked left and right, looking for the culprit. They both knew that this would be the work of the Cabinet member, Shihad, the Squirrel Master.

Suddenly, Shihad came out from behind some trees, followed by the other Cabinet members. Goodwill approached the 2 Avatars and spoke to them.

GOODWILL: You have 5 seconds to explain yourselves before we destroy you!

RENE: We need your help against the undead superhumans!

The Cabinet looked amused.

GOODWILL: Hehe, and what makes you think we would ever consider helping you?

NURHACHI: Dude, the corpses are coming after you as well!

DR. STRANGEFATE: Indeed, but we have the numbers and the power to protect ourselves from these monsters. We will be prepared for them. Thank you for you're…….concern.

GOODWILL: THANK you Strangefate. I got this.

Goodwill turned to the Avatars.

GOODWILL: You're request, although amusing, is denied, farewell Avatars, you are welcome to leave….if you can get past the squirrels that is! You're just lucky that the blast we were hit with left us ill prepared for a battle.

SHIHAD: Tear them to shreds my children!

As the squirrels leapt at Nurhachi and Rene, the Cabinet departed into the forest.

NURHACHI: I TOLD you this was a bad idea.

RENE: Come on, let's get out of here!

Rene threw fireballs at the squirrels while Nurhachi turned his hands into hammers and hit them out of the way as they ran out of the forest back towards their base.


Finally, Rene and Nurhachi had lost the squirrels and made it back to the base, where Icemastertron and PX2 were waiting with Caduceus and Ultimate Gambit of the E-Men.

RENE: Ah so you two decided to help us?

CADUCEUS: For now, Avatar! We need these corpses out of the way as much as you do!

Before Rene could reply, MWOF burst in the door. In his hand was a metal cage. Like a cage you would keep a puppy or kitten in. And in the metal cage was a skull. JTG's skull.

PROJECTX2: DUDE! What the hell you doing here with THAT!


MWOF walked into the cabin and slammed the cage down on the table.

MWOF: OK JTG, tell us what you're master is planning!

JTG3885: HAHAHAAAA, Why ask me? Turn on the TV, it should be on the news by now!

Rene turned on the TV, and on the TV was Slimjim, surrounded by dead people and a destroyed city.

SLIMJIM: Look world! Look at what I have done to this country in just 3 hours.

The camera zoomed out to show the city in ruins, dead bodies everywhere and zombies staggering around, feasting on them.

SLIMJIM: This is the country that used to be known as Siberia. All residents in this country are now dead or undead under my command. I claim it for my own.

The camera then zoomed in on Slimjim again.

SLIMJIM: And unless the United Nations surrenders full leadership of all their countries over to me in 3 days time….The world will share Siberia's fate!!!!

You know, I'm from the home of Zombie movies. I'd be invaluble in this fight.

But then again i didn't even show up. :(

But we did send squrrels after them, so its all good.

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