One of the problems with being slow to post is... you guys steal all the good stuff! ;-) There is precious little left for us slowpokes but to agree. Yup - LOTS of cool stuff in #12. LOTS. And a few points that I find disappointing, in a very minor way (Iron Man 6 being, basically, a big warship as opposed to armor or a giant, for example). But, all in all, another great issue. Most of my qualms are probably due to the inevitable "anticipation" factor.. how could ANY issue, so anticipated, so often delayed, possibly meet the "expectations" of those of us so eager to read it?
SO... I will do my best to try and only mention a few things not widely and thoroughly touched on already. Maybe...*S* Unfortunately, most of these deal with quibbles...
> I would have liked to have seen the Liberators present a real challenge for the Ultimates, to be overcome in a really tough, epic fight. Don't get me wrong, I wanted the Ultimates to kick butt... ultimately... and after all the torture and angst they/we have endured for issue after issue, it was time for some big time payback, BUT... they completely rolled over the Liberators. Part of that was doubtless due to the need to have so MUCH happen in this issue, but even so - it wasn't even a contest. The Liberators were OBLITERATED. The only Liberator who put up much of a fight, onscreen, was Abdul. The rest just got OWNED.
> In a similar vein... I wanted... more EMOTION in this issue. I don't know how it could have been shoe-horned in there... maybe via Hawkeye... but this wasn't even "just" another fight for the life of the planet, as in the battle with the alien invaders. These guys had HURT the Ultimates on a very personal level...VERY personal... and then had gone on to RAVAGE the USA. To kill a LOT of Americans, to destroy large parts of several cities, etc, etc. But... BUT... I grant you... a LOT had to get done in this issue and I don't know any way to easily work in this emotional resonance. Hard to emote and throw punches. Maybe next issue will deal with this.
> Personally, I think the Thor/Jesus comparisons only work on a very superficial level. Not kicking off a religious discussion here, just saying that while we are clearly MEANT to see SOME parallels... I don't think there is a lot of depth there. So yes, we get the "Father, why have you foresaken me" stuff, and the "Come to bring peace" stuff (How, exactly?), etc, but.... I think it is just a cool character "twist" on the "old" Thor motif. Personally.
> Up to this point, Loki has been nothing if not clever. So how can he really be surprised at Thor's return? Thor wasn't dead, after all, just locked up. It would be kind of amazing if he DIDN'T pop up at some point. Granted, his timing really rains on Loki's parade, so I guess the "Oh no..." makes SOME sense... but .... I hope Loki doesn't just cave in three frames next issue.
> Nice to see the Wasp play a "physically significant" role, via her growth to giant size. She has been a key player throughout, taking down Hulk, blowing the whistle on the alien invaders, freeing Cap, etc, but it was good here to see her get to dish out some physical punishment for a change. *S*
> And lastly... I think some of the scorn being directed at Cap over his killing of Abdul is related more to his politics than anything else. When Hawkeye killed the evil (but physically unimposing) scientist who had been torturing him - basically, a revenge killing - I didn't hear many protests. Hulk, for goodness sake, punched Abomination's HEAD off after he was already reduced to an armless, cowering nonfactor. Quicksilver killed off Hurricane when it sure looked as if he could easily have simply subdued her. Iron Man vaporized Crimson Dynamo, after previously (apparently) brain-damaging Widow (no wasted sympathy there, but still!).
Granted - and I see this as a writing misstep, but that is just me - the juxtaposition of this end to the fight, with the discussion of whether Abdul would be executed if he surrendered, makes things more...problematic. I can see that, and I certainly grant that. BUT... and I do think this is relevant... Abdul had NOT surrendered. He had the chance, he chose to fight on, and he chose to abandon his desire for a "fair fight". He basically indicated he would not be taken prisoner. What could he do, handless? Not much that I can see (blow himself up?). But I don't see this as being the same as Cap "executing" Abdul after he surrendered. I see it as Cap, finally having had enough, enough of this guy, enough of his threats, enough of what he had done to Cap and to the country, putting an end to him. Harsh. Brutal. Not what the "mainstream" Marvel Cap would have done. I honestly think it was "meant" to read as the final, emotional payoff after all the angst of the last number of issues (before the big return of Thor, of course!). But it was handled clumsily (IMHO).
An exciting, action packed issue that definitely leaves me with mixed feelings because we all know an amazing run of entertainment, of terrific writing and amazing art, is coming to an end (not a shot at the new crew!)... quite a great ride!