The Ultimates 2 #12 Discussion (SPOILERS!)

The Quicksilver bits were my favorite, because they play on a long-running joke from V1, where you never actually saw Quicksilver DO anything, and he was always boasting about having saved everyone. This issue you get to see that he was probably always telling the truth. The fight was so fast that they were literally invisible.

And Hawkeye's quip at the end of the whole scene was great ("Stop messing around and give me a hand here!"), as was Quicksilver's look he gave him. :lol:
And Hawkeye's quip at the end of the whole scene was great ("Stop messing around and give me a hand here!"), as was Quicksilver's look he gave him. :lol:

They felt like a TEAM here, though, didn't they? Which is odd, because a lot of the fights were sort of separate, off doing their own thing, but you got the feeling of the team as a unit. That hasn't been true for a lot of the series (which was the point, I think).

Over on MW I described Hawkeye as a Timex watch in GI Joe mode - wind him up, point him at the enemy, and he'll "take a lickin' and keep on tickin' " (or however the old commercial went).
They felt like a TEAM here, though, didn't they? Which is odd, because a lot of the fights were sort of separate, off doing their own thing, but you got the feeling of the team as a unit. That hasn't been true for a lot of the series (which was the point, I think).

Yes - as frantic and chaotic as things are it feels like they are coordinated and working together; like they know what they're doing.

Over on MW I described Hawkeye as a Timex watch in GI Joe mode - wind him up, point him at the enemy, and he'll "take a lickin' and keep on tickin' " (or however the old commercial went).

Hawkeye has undoubtedly been the star of the series - great writing for him.
Hello everyone. Newbie here, but I'm a long time observer.

This was fantastic. I honestly didn't think the wait would be worth it, but I was wrong. The return of Thor made my arm hair stand on end.

Iron Man-06...How long has Stark had that and why would he have ever wasted his time with his regular Armor? Screw the Liberators, Gah Lak Tus, Magneto, Doom...

I'd **** my pants if I heard Tony Stark talking about taking over the world.

And another thing. In the splash page with all of the Ultimate Heroes fighting the Liberator soldiers, I noticed something. Between Spidey and Mr. Fantastic, we see, in the background, what appears to be Nighthawk getting owned. :lol: I wonder if Millar and Hitch actually considered him as a hero, or they put him in there soley for the purpose of at least ONE character getting the crap beat out of them?
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I was re-reading it, and in the splash-page with all the heroes, you can see Nighthalk in the back, he is the only one that is not winning a fight. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh And now I understood when Abdul said Captain would execute him, and Cap said that's not the way they do it, and then three pages later he stabs a man that don't have any hands.

Edit: DAMMIT the newbie got first! And Welcome Scarecrow.
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That's the best thing about all this. Millar/Hitch wrapping things up just like all their other volumes. That way when it's time to start with a new story things are finalized and not just left hanging in mid-air.

I understand that, and agree with the mentality. I've been thinking about it, and one of the other things that bothered me was the writing (the dialogue, anyway) just seemed flat. Hawkeye's "Darth Maul Mofo" crack was great, but honestly for me its the only thing that really stood out about the issue. Again, I still liked the issue, it was a fun read and still satisfying on many levels. I guess I just expected something a little bit more clever, a little more profound, as Millar often is in his writing (sure, over the top, too, but thats one of the things we all love about the guy).

I think one of the other reasons for the high expectations (which were probably unfair on my part) were the constant delays. By what, #7, it was back to a quarterly instead of monthly? I mean we've been reading this series for over two years now (well over by the time #13 comes out), and I guess that puts a lot more expectations on each individual issue (which for me have all lived up to and exceeded my expectations). As I said in my last post, I bet its probably better if read all at once, which as soon as #13 comes out in December I'm going to sit down and do. We'll see.

The one other thing that bothered me was that Hawkeye really didn't get to have his revenge for the killing of his family. Sure, something could happen next issue to address it, but it probably won't be in a kick-***, violent way like it really should be (come on, you all are thinking the same thing). The Liberators are defeated, Black Widow's brain dead,
I mean sure we can expound on different aspects like:
  • What are we gonna do with Fury's arm?

  • I'm sure that'll be addressed next issue.

    [*]What's gonna happen with Pym?

    Ditto. (At least to some degree).

    [*]What about the love triangle between Pym/Janet/Cap?

    Again, next issue.

    [*]What is SHIELD gonna do about Tony Stark having a weapon like IronMan6 around and not telling anyone about it?

    I'm can't be positive, but I think it will be at least minorly touched upon in #13 as well.

    [*]What do we do now that Hulk is back and in control (presumably)?
Stuff like that is up there for new writers to expound upon.

Another one I'm sure will be addressed next issue, as well as be left open for Loeb. I'm sure a plot revolving out of that will be SHIELD being held responsible for screwing up the Hulk execution, and possibly Pym's involvement in helping the Hulk escape. Though from the Ultimate Power covers, it does seem Pym at least survives as part of the team that long...unless of course its someone else as Ant-Man. Remember, Pym was publicly known as Giant Man, not Ant-Man--despite his best attempts to get Fury to do so without the public knowing it was Pym. Its entirely possible that could be another person as Ant-Man, who knows? This could be another motivating factor if the Ultimates decide to leave SHIELD. Who knows? Fury could end up having the SHIELD command taken away from him, and maybe given back to Gen. Ross...which would also then lead into cool Ultimizations of past 616 Hulk stories. Anyway, I'm just speculating like a wild man. See, the issue at least got me excited enough to do that and look forward to the next, so it did its job.

Good issue, but with all the delays I was expecting more.
I think the Colonel should have lived. He was a great character, and him alone would not be a threat to the Ultimates. Actually it would be quite interesting if he was imprisioned in the Triskelion.
Maybe it was too much action in so few pages?
Well I'm looking forward to the next issue nonetheless.

4/5 - Quicksilver is just awesome.

Pretty much exactly my feelings on it. Good issue, just expected more. Still looking forward to #13.

...and you can tell from the way they interact that Betty loves Fury!

(sorry...couldn't resist :) )



On a more serious note, I can understand DIrishB's sentiment regarding 'bang' vs. 'wait time' - but I don't think it could ever equal the anticipation. I actually liked it even more the second time I read it.

As did I. Like I said, I'm sure it'll come across much better when read as a whole (with the rest of Ultimates 2).

Nice ending, too...will there be a death next issue? (Of an Ultimate, I mean?)

On a side note, Isn't it nice when a comic advertises as 'double sized' (or whatever they called it) and it really is, instead of ending just after the staples, and filling it out with nonsense (I'm looking at you, USM 100)

My sentiments exactly.

Well worth the wait.

Quicksilver is one of the most amazing characters ever. That death was indeed one of the best in the history of death. (Which has a long extended list of nominees)

It was cool, but not as cool as Hawkeye's fingernail flick killing. There is nothing more badass than that.

[/quote]Abomination immediately turning into a snizzling coward before Hulk was awesome. [/quote]

It was too rushed for me. If it had gotten a bit more page time and gotten into their fight more, I am sure it would have been better. I know they only had 38 pages to work with and had to fit a lot of story in, but thats the impression I got. Not a big deal, just saying.

Captain America vs. Not Ultimate Red Skull? Too cliche and didn't grab me at all.

Iron Man 6... eh. Necessary and cool way to blow off Dynamo but unimpressed.


European Union. One of my favorite use of "Secret Identities" ever. But how the hell did they get out?

Hank Pym/Ultrons. Interesting to see Ultron even question Pym's orders, although very expected. But I hated how Pym merely switched sides when the battle tilted in Ultimates favor. But then again he did give Jan that serum which was one of my favorite moments.

That was cool...beautifully drawn and colored as well.

Thor as always was very cool but I was kind've hopeing for Odin.

I didn't expect to see Odin...I bet some questions of Thor's Godhood are left open after this series ends. After all, supposedly Scarlet Witch increased the odds of him appearing there, but did she also heal him, grow back his hair, and return his belt and hammer? This is one of those questions I bet will be left open.

Betty does not Love Fury.

Preach it, brother.

Its been a while for me reading the earlier issues also - but I picture them not being 'captured' per se, but (I think) there was a panel or two where they explained that they couldn't get over there to assist...then Captain Britain said something like, "...there is another option."

...Now I may be WAY off, but I think it went something like that, because I think that led to further speculation that they assisted Hulk in his return (which may still be the case)

I would be happy to be corrected on this, though - my memory is not what it used t.....what was I typing?

Actually, that does sound familiar. Its been awhile for me as well. I think it had something to do with the Liberators controlling the United States' nuclear warheads and aiming them at other countries (at least American allies) to prevent them from interfering (especially the European Union). I could be wrong there as well, but for some reason thats what I'm remembering. If I'm wrong I can blame it on the pot.

Not quite what I was expecting, but still a solid 5/5.

The best parts? Quicksilver reaching light speed and disintegrating Hurricane was awesome - Millar is very good at having characters "overdo it". Hulk was similar - all of the sudden he overcomes Abomination, rips his arms off, and punches through his head. Wow.

It was indeed great, just too rushed, like I said.

I liked that al-Rahman didn't have a dorky codename.

Iron Man 6 - awesome. That's exactly what I'd expect the ultimate Iron Man suit to be. Wow x2.

The Hank Pym scene was great, trying to convince Ultron that he really was a double agent. What a douche. I hope he dies. :D


And Thor's return - man, the Jesus parallels don't stop, do they? Awesome return. [/quote]

Quite true, though I think the parallels only go so far. I don't think Jesus ever kicked the crap out of anyone with a giant hammer. Still very nice ending, and great two page rendition of Thor's triumphant return.

I think for Seldes' birthday I'll have that blown up into a poster and send it to her. ;)

I thought this issue was supposed to tie up a bunch of plot lines, but it didn't seem to. Ultimates vol. 1 #12 was a big fight issue, and this was too except it was much better done. Hopefully the tie-ups happen in #13.

I'm sure they will. I think another reason I didn't enjoy it as much is because it did leave a few things hanging (which I did expect), but once #13 ties them up it'll be a much more satisfying read overall. Naturally.

There no confirmation that it's armor. It could just be Tony is a one-man cockpit wrecking **** as giant IronMan Airplane.

I guess I just figured that the next few steps for his armor would either be a huge mech or streamlined version incorporating Capt Marvel tech. :?

You're thinking too much of a Voltron/Anime state of mind. Which is the total opposite (geographically speaking) of a New York state of mind.

The Quicksilver bits were my favorite, because they play on a long-running joke from V1, where you never actually saw Quicksilver DO anything, and he was always boasting about having saved everyone. This issue you get to see that he was probably always telling the truth. The fight was so fast that they were literally invisible.

I really enjoyed that as well. And you know what, just because of that scene I'm bumping my score for this issue up to a 4/5. It was nice to see Quicksilver vindicated (at least in the eyes of the readers).

Yes - as frantic and chaotic as things are it feels like they are coordinated and working together; like they know what they're doing.

This was also evident in the Hawkeye/Hulk/Captain America scene where Cap is about to get decapitated and Hulk throws the shield strong enough to cleanly sever al-Rahman's hands.

Hawkeye has undoubtedly been the star of the series - great writing for him.

So far. I just hope he gets his due. Someone's got a lot coming to them. I hope. Though on a different note, it might be an interesting direction to take the character, in terms of him not getting a personal revenge. Since as I mentioned all the Liberators have been taken out, as well as accomplices (Black Widow...not Hank Pym, yet), there's no one for Hawkeye to "get his moment with". This could be a running plot line for the character and give him a whole new depth. Could work either way, if done right.

And another thing. In the splash page with all of the Ultimate Heroes fighting the Liberator soldiers, I noticed something. Between Spidey and Mr. Fantastic, we see, in the background, what appears to be Nighthawk getting owned. :lol: I wonder if Millar and Hitch actually considered him as a hero, or they put him in there soley for the purpose of at least ONE character getting the crap beat out of them?

Nice, I hadn't even noticed that. That also improves the issue for me.

Welcome, Scarecrow.

EDIT: Damn. This is one hell of a post. I bet my post count would be higher than Ice's if I actually broke up some of my posts.
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It was good, like how every Ultimates issue is good, but not excellent. The waits are really decreasing the quality of this story. :(
Iron Man-06...How long has Stark had that and why would he have ever wasted his time with his regular Armor? Screw the Liberators, Gah Lak Tus, Magneto, Doom...

It would be overkill. And I'm sure Magneto would love to have Tony Stark come at him with a space ship-sized metal object. :wink:

It was great. That's all I can say.

The art did seem a little off. Hawkeye and Quicksilver. That was great. So was Loki. And the return of Thor. That last page is now my wallpaper.
this comic was truly bananas.

every page was amazing...i just wish that the abomination hulk fight was PUNCHED HIS HEAD RIGHT OFF!!!

one thing i didn't get tho...after hulk vs wolverine 2, didnt we figure out that hulk could maintain his intellect? so was he just dicking around with abomination?
maybe the more he fights the less control he has?

all in all i loved the issue. thought it was definitely worth the (relatively short, for ultimate standards) wait.

- Quicksilver -- owns. i love how this is essentially the third time he's done something like that, but the first time they showed it.

- Hawkeye -- him flying at dudes with broken glass friggin rules. Also, he was fighting super-powered beings with Cap's shield and Martial Arts. And that is ****ing awesome.

- Wasp -- does something cool!

- Cap -- typical. No "Letter on the Head" moments, but shows the business side of Cap. I like how he essentially won the fight without any tricks.

- Darth Red -- I'm sorry, but that lightsaber is so gay

- Iron Man 6 -- Not quite Giant Fighting Robot, but close. I love how Tony had to get absolutely hammered to get the guts to fly it around in battle.

- European Heroes -- I think that the secret identities part is one of the best things ever to happen in this comic, first or second volume. Goes super well with the concept. If the Ultimates did that, perhaps they would not be having this problem. Of course, Captain's Britain's Costume suddenly grows a neck that was invisible somehow when a suit is over it, but whatever.

The only thing they lied about is how this was supposed to tie up loose ends from the start. Like what? Loki running stuff? No ****.
I loved this issue? I say that as a question because I can't think of a reason I didn't like it. All the pieces were there. Like everyone else I thought it was great that Quicksilver finally got some time to shine. The wasp was actually useful for once(although I hope getting big is a one time thing for her). Thor had his glorious return. Hawkeye was cool and the Hulk was funny and badass when he smashed the crap out of the Abomination. Tony drunk off his *** and singing while he destroyed the robots in Manhattan was a nice line. I even liked the splash page and I saw the Easter egg the first time through. Eat it Nighthawk.

I don't know it felt like something was missing.

Pym is a *****. I hope they kill him.

Cap's interactions before the fight with Abdul was great, but the fight was boring and I didn't like Cap needing an assist to take him down. The end of any Ultimates adventure should be Cap kicking the crap out of someone in the most dramatic manner possible. This wasn't cool enough.

I don't like the new Iron Man armor. It was cool and all, but with that kind of power at his disposal who needs a girl who can shrink or a guy who has really good aim or even a superpowered flag themed *** kicker. Who needs the Ultimates if Tony can just build a few of those for Fury. Why would he go back to the personal battle suits if he has this?

In the end there is nothing wrong with this issue, it just felt lacking. Guess my expectations were to high.

4/5 - definately worth the extra buck.
This is a minor thing, but did anyone else notice that Nightcrawler was in the giant battle scene?

Since this has to take place AFTER UXM 74 and the annual, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for him to be fighting alongside the UXM.
Wasn't Swarm supposed to be killed with a bug spray?

Yeah. Go back and read it. They were definitely held up.

Nope. They only appear in #11 in two panels:

Dr Braddock :"They've got us over a barrel, Brian. The Union even look like they're going in, and the Liberators say they'll launch America's atomic arsenal. We're in a stalemate, son. Anything we do can only make things worse."
Cap Britain: "Actually, there is one option we haven't considered..."

So, I guess the option he was talking about was using secret identities.
Well, the bad guys wouldn't bother keeping up with Xavieresque drama, so I'm sure he was put on the initial 'tag and bag' list, along with every other meta in the country. Uniform... ummm... maybe he wears it becuase he's crazy and weird? Good enough for me.

Could be. Probably the explanation we'll have to eventually go with, unfortunately. At least for now. Who knows? Maybe Nightcrawler will redeem himself with the team and Xavier in the very near future (though it would kind of cheapen the turn he's taken in the past 15 issues or so). We'll have to wait and see how the next few UXM arcs play out. UXM #75, the first part of the "Cable" arc is shipping next week, so maybe we'll see Nightcrawler's story addressed some there.

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