I finally got around to reading what I bought. Animal Man is stellar. Swamp Thing, although one issue in, has me excited and Batman:DC has an interesting take on Joker. He seems a lot more cunning than any variation I've seen thus far. He could have practically killed Batman had he wanted. The hook at the end with the face on the wall was just another crazy nail biter for me.
I read a lot of stuff and buy what I like. I end up buying a lot of stuff.

I don't know how you do it. i can barely skim through an issue without someone asking if I'm ok or being super nice to me while suggesting new issues. Not to take anything away from the employees, it just seems a little suspicious is all.
i don't know how you do it. I can barely skim through an issue without someone asking if i'm ok or being super nice to me while suggesting new issues. Not to take anything away from the employees, it just seems a little suspicious is all.


I also browse but I've whittled down the 52 to maybe six to eight books I care about in any real capacity.
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I don't know how you do it. i can barely skim through an issue without someone asking if I'm ok or being super nice to me while suggesting new issues. Not to take anything away from the employees, it just seems a little suspicious is all.


I can't tell if you are joking.
So Scott Snyders Batman continues to be amazing. Its probably my favorite thing of his that I've read (of all of American Vampire, Swamp Thing and Batman).
So Scott Snyders Batman continues to be amazing. Its probably my favorite thing of his that I've read (of all of American Vampire, Swamp Thing and Batman).

Yeah he and Paul Cornell seem to be consistently great in everything they're writing in this relaunch.
Can't miss: Swamp Thing, Animal Man, Detective Comics, Aquaman, Justice League, Batwing, Action Comics

Still excited about: Batman, Green Lantern, Flash, OMAC, Frankenstein, Resurrection Man, DC Comics Presents, All-Star Western

About to drop: Nightwing, Superboy, Superman, JLI, Hawkman

What are they thinking?: Green Arrow, Men of War, Legion Lost, Legion, Hawk & Dove, Knights...

Im sure Im leaving something out, but all in all, Im reading about twice as many DC comics as I used to before the relaunch...sometimes reading them before my weekly Marvel stash...
So I'm pretty disappointed in the creative changes they've made recently. I really don't see why Cornell's off Stormwatch. And I really don't see why they didn't just cancel Legion lost. Firestorm rotating co-writers kind of intrigues me though. It'd be an interesting spin on the characters concept to apply it to creative.
I didn't even know Paul Cornell was off Stormwatch. And it's because DC want to use the title to explain the hooded woman? **** the hooded woman!

I'm still reading 21 of the new 52: Action Comics, All-Star Western, Animal Man, Aquaman, Batman, Batman and Robin, Batwing, Batwoman, Demon Knights, Flash, Frankenstein Agent of SHADE, Green Lantern, I Vampire, Justice League, Justice League Dark, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Resurrection Man, Stormwatch, Swamp Thing, Voodoo and Wonder Woman. Everything else is either boring or terrible.

I still can't tell if they did the right thing.
I didn't even know Paul Cornell was off Stormwatch. And it's because DC want to use the title to explain the hooded woman? **** the hooded woman!

I'm still reading 21 of the new 52: Action Comics, All-Star Western, Animal Man, Aquaman, Batman, Batman and Robin, Batwing, Batwoman, Demon Knights, Flash, Frankenstein Agent of SHADE, Green Lantern, I Vampire, Justice League, Justice League Dark, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Resurrection Man, Stormwatch, Swamp Thing, Voodoo and Wonder Woman. Everything else is either boring or terrible.

I still can't tell if they did the right thing.

I thought the Hooded woman was supposed to be in JLA?

Lets see here..

Teen Titans
All Star Western
The Fury of Firestorm
Animal Man
Action Comics
Swamp Thing
Justice League
Legion of Super-heroes
Wonder Woman
Demon Knights
Green Lantern
Legion Lost
Ressurection Man
Frankenstein: Agent of Shade

So 20 titles. Its a pretty big increase from where I was before the New 52. I was getting Legion, Green Lantern related books, REBELS and Brightest Day. And I was about done with the whole Green Lantern/Brightest day crap. Out of them I could probably cut Nightwing, Deathstroke, Grifter, and The Fury of Firestorm. I'm locked in on Legion Lost but GOD DAMN do I want it to end.
I still can't tell if they did the right thing.

Unfortunately I think they believe they did the right thing solely based on the immediate increased sales and exposure, without regard to what is happening to these books or characters long-term. What happens when these books are 7 or 8 months old and the novelty has worn off? The novelty has already worn off with a lot of them.
After looking at the new solicitations, I can't see any real difference between the old DC and the new DC.
Demon Knights really impressed me this week.

I think the Queen whose attacking the Demon Knights is a future version of the Shining Knight

I could see that.

I feel my Adam 1/Merlin speculation got a lot of traction in the issue. Which makes me even angrier that Cornell is off Stormwatch...

And I'm wondering when we're going to run into the Daemonites in this book since I'm fairly confidant that thats what Merlin said and not Demon Knights.
I was trying to decide if I liked the art in Captain Atom and then I hit this page:


I thought it looked cool. I can't pinpoint what it reminds me of, though.

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