J. Agamemnon
Well-Known Member
Is there a Black Adam series? I would really like to just see a Black Adam series, possibly written by Ennis and under the Vertigo print.
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Is there a Black Adam series? I would really like to just see a Black Adam series, possibly written by Ennis and under the Vertigo print.
There isn't! But that's a good idea.
Though, Vertigo isn't doing DC properties any more.
Loved The Shade No 1!!! Splash page to remember at the end of the story...
Ressurection Man No 2... Losing initial interest...really? Turned into water??!?
Really? I wonder why.
Because they've transitioned into a creator-owned properties imprint.
I think that's a good thing.
Maybe, but I would personally be more interested on stories that can't be done in the DCU proper. Like Marvel MAX.
Out of curiosity, what books aren't you guys seeing from DC right now that you'd like to pick up month-to-month?
Really? Because I'd rather have Sweet Tooth, The Unwritten, Scalped, Northlanders, DMZ......
I didn't mean I'd rather have DCU character books over those, just that there's no reason why they can't do it.
It doesn't even have to be Vertigo; the name doesn't matter.
Just look at Wonder Woman.
It's so good....
Agreed. Wonder Woman 2 was a huge step up from #1 which was already quite good to begin with.
I've been pleased so far with the titles I've got from the second month but this week was especially promising as Batman continued to be just as good (if not better) than #1 and Justice League was infenetly better (we still haven't seen Aquaman or Wonder Woman other than the backup feature though).
The second issue of Swamp Thing is an improvement from the mess of the first issue of Swamp Thing (which I thought was a mess) and reminds me of Alan Moore's story.
Hawk and Dove disappointed me immensely. I wanted to give it a shot, but the art is horrendous and story is so hokey. Look out for the new tag team of Condor and Swan! Who's next? Egret and Swallow?
Egret and Swallow is going to be the XXX parody.
Egret and Swallow is going to be the XXX parody.
They don't need an equivalent to MAX.
Just look at Wonder Woman.
It's so good....
I think the advantage DC has over Marvel is the inherent scope of each of their core franchises, and I think for the most part, this relaunch has done a good job of highlighting their individual strengths.
I read WONDER WOMAN #2 and found it rather aggravating.
Zombipanda — your whole shebang about how "Superman is a great weird science action hero, Wonder Woman is paganism vs modern world", this are very intelligent critiques of these properties, and somewhat insightful but, the problem I have with them is the same problem I have with Grant Morrison's similar approach which is to take an outside metaphor, then apply it wholesale to these characters and turn them into a symbol-system. Here's the problem and why I found WONDER WOMAN to be so annoying: the idea of telling a story about paganism intruding on the modern world is a fine one, and is one of substance.
But Wonder Woman wears a metal bikini and has a lasso of truth and can fly and has an invisible jet.
This is writing from the outside-in. It's looking at these characters, trying to find an external system of thought or ideology or meaning and then applying it to the characters in order to legitimize them and give them substance, instead of writing inside-out, finding out about these characters and their world, and then developing stories from them. In the case of WONDER WOMAN, I just find it annoying that we have this dark, incestuous, vicious world of rape and death and supernatural occultism (taken from Greek Myth) and yet the protagonist is called Wonder Woman, has bright shiny jewellry and a golden lasso.
I can't enjoy the bizarre contrast.