The Cult Of Bass

Maybe you haven't noticed that despite the fact that this is an internet's actually a pretty close-knit family of friends. I mean can you even imgaine all the PMs E must've gotten with people offering help due to his recent unemployment? Or how about when MWoF told us about his brother's illness and pending surgery? How many people offered up their prayers and comments of goodwill. So with all that---how dare you get mad or even annoyed at the fact that people here actually miss a personal UC fav member?

This doesn't go out to anyone in particular....but just know that you've got some serious growing up to do.

Or that MWoF let me crash on his couch with never meeting me before. Or that me, Ice, and Baxter all trust each other to sleep in the same room. Or that I trust Ice enough to loan him dvds and that he will send them back.
thee great one said:
Or that me, Ice, and Baxter all trust each other to sleep in the same room.

I know I wouldn't.
*wakes up*

"Huh, whu?

Is that a baby carrot or something?..."
Or that MWoF let me crash on his couch with never meeting me before. Or that me, Ice, and Baxter all trust each other to sleep in the same room. Or that I trust Ice enough to loan him dvds and that he will send them back.

In all fairness I had a knife under my pillow the whole time.:shifty:
9-Thou shalt not follow the false teachings of the snake-demon LoeBendis or his many spiraling arms.
*Kneels in humility and worships... or something to that degree*

Unfortunately, he'll be bringing Brooke.

Or is that "Fortunately,"?...
Well, as long as she doesn't sing, I'd go with "fortunately". And don't forget, if Hogan does bring her, then Brooke's stalker Randy "Mr. Pooped in My Gymbag" Orton will be close behind... Scary, I tell ye!
For those who roll their eyes at the mock worship of Bass----get over it. I've only been here a year and even I could see that Bass contributed more to this site in terms of thought-provoking discussions and pure hilarity than any of you could ever dream of doing. It's actually sad that you get jealous over the fact that people would rather await the return of Bass rather than contribute to an online petition to save Arrested Development. It's just that sad.

Where the heck do you get "jealous" from what I've said?

I think Bass was hilarious, and his fanfic doubley so. I'm just tired of the joke. That's ALL.

Maybe you haven't noticed that despite the fact that this is an internet's actually a pretty close-knit family of friends. I mean can you even imgaine all the PMs E must've gotten with people offering help due to his recent unemployment? Or how about when MWoF told us about his brother's illness and pending surgery? How many people offered up their prayers and comments of goodwill. So with all that---how dare you get mad or even annoyed at the fact that people here actually miss a personal UC fav member?

Dude, this has nothing to do with the community and friendships here. Believe me I understand how close online friendships can get. I have a buddy my age in Ireland from the Superman Homepage(not Doc Comic:wink:) who I talk to so often and agree with so much that sometimes it hits me that I've never even heard his voice and I can't believe it. It's like we're old friends.

Yeah, people miss Bass. I miss Bass too. For the millionth time, all I said was using the same Bass-worship jokes over and over again was stale and unoriginal which, news-flash, it is. I'm not trying to insult his legacy or anything.

This doesn't go out to anyone in particular....but just know that you've got some serious growing up to do.

Who do you think you're kidding? No one "in particular"? Guess bringing up that Arrested Development(a show which countless members here absolutley love, btw) petition that I had in my sig when I joined here the day after you was just a coincedence, huh? And a big one, too, because it has NOTHING to do with this conversation.

We all know you're talking to me here, so at least give me the respect of coming out and saying it. I'll say it again, I meant Bass no disrespect here, and I think he was just about the funniest guy on the board. All I said was that using the same tired joke again and again for months isn't cool. Moony was the one who decided that was somehow going to far.

My last clarification/apology got deleted, by the way, so maybe if this one sticks people will stop trying to provoke the issue. I'd appreciate it.
We should make t-shirts with sayings such as, "Bass Was Right!", and "Bass Was Better Than You!"

This is the only bass that matters to me.

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