The Apple Products Thread

I have yet another iTunes sorting issue.

Is there any way to sort two separate albums but have them show up as having the same title. Because here's the problem:

It's not a big deal, if there's no way to fix it, but I hate having to put the year next to the album because I'm weird like that.

yeah i think this will work-

put both album titles as "weezer" but for each song, go in to sorting, and change "sort title" to "weezer (1994)" or "weezer (2001)" and that SHOULD do it, logically. but you'll have to do it song by song i think... :/

EDIT: nope, that didnt work... it will probably sort it correctly for your iPod, but not in iTunes. though it does keep each albums tracks together, not mixed up
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Okay, no videos that are under the "Movies" folder on iTunes is transferring over to the iPod. I don't know why. When I sync my iPod, it just says "Could not transfer [enter title here]...etc."

Doesn't actually give a specific reason why, just says that it can't. At first it was just with the Tropic Thunder trailer, but then some other videos that I brought over into iTunes is now doing the same thing.
Okay, no videos that are under the "Movies" folder on iTunes is transferring over to the iPod. I don't know why. When I sync my iPod, it just says "Could not transfer [enter title here]...etc."

Doesn't actually give a specific reason why, just says that it can't. At first it was just with the Tropic Thunder trailer, but then some other videos that I brought over into iTunes is now doing the same thing.
Okay, I did find the reason, and it was because the audio format, as it said, was not supported by the iPod. But I did DL a video converter and got the imported video problem sorted out.

Now, for whatever reason, I still cannot get the Tropic Thunder Red Band trailer on the iPod. I even listed the trailer as a TV Show and just won't come up. It is a quicktime movie file since I downloaded it from Apple's trailer site. But on the site, it doesn't list a link to DL to the iPod, but to the iPhone. Does that make a difference?
Okay, I did find the reason, and it was because the audio format, as it said, was not supported by the iPod. But I did DL a video converter and got the imported video problem sorted out.

Now, for whatever reason, I still cannot get the Tropic Thunder Red Band trailer on the iPod. I even listed the trailer as a TV Show and just won't come up. It is a quicktime movie file since I downloaded it from Apple's trailer site. But on the site, it doesn't list a link to DL to the iPod, but to the iPhone. Does that make a difference?

what's the resolution of the video
By that, do you mean video dimensions, since I don't see 'resolution'? The video dimensions are 320x132.

That's odd, that's well within the iPod's playback resolution, is the file in iTunes? if so, you can right click the file and select "Convert for iPod", it may be a slight codec issue, and converting it might fix it.
Just noticed what happened. I thought I had clicked on the trailer for the iPod, but it's just a regular version for computers, not set to play on iPods.

But now I have a song that only plays for like 15 seconds, even though on iTunes it plays fine. I deleted it from the library, brought it back again and still does the same.

So I went to where I originally got the song (LimeWire), got another song while deleting the old one, and then brought that one to iTunes, but it still only plays for about 15 seconds on the iPod. WHY?!
Just noticed what happened. I thought I had clicked on the trailer for the iPod, but it's just a regular version for computers, not set to play on iPods.

But now I have a song that only plays for like 15 seconds, even though on iTunes it plays fine. I deleted it from the library, brought it back again and still does the same.

So I went to where I originally got the song (LimeWire), got another song while deleting the old one, and then brought that one to iTunes, but it still only plays for about 15 seconds on the iPod. WHY?!

Not entirely sure. Have you tried rebooting your iPod?
I have that problem with a podcast I have. It plays past it's time on iTunes, but cuts off on the iPod. I've tried fixing it by changing the time the track goes for, but it doesn't change. I don't know what to do.
But now I have a song that only plays for like 15 seconds, even though on iTunes it plays fine. I deleted it from the library, brought it back again and still does the same.

So I went to where I originally got the song (LimeWire), got another song while deleting the old one, and then brought that one to iTunes, but it still only plays for about 15 seconds on the iPod. WHY?!

If you got it off Limewire you could very well have downloaded the same bad file twice.
Yeah, that's true.

But it's weird that on iTunes it's fine, but not on the iPod.

I have a song I downloaded that I didn't know was in MP2 format. It plays OK in iTunes but will not transfer at all to my iPod.