J. Agamemnon
Well-Known Member
Did you plug it in?
Did you plug it in?
Post of the Day.
I picked up the limited edition of the Metal Gear Solid Collection today.
Jaggyd said:I got mine too, what's neat is not only is there MGS 2, MGS 3 and Peacewalker, there's also the original Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2. So if you have MGS 1 & 4, you can play the whole franchise in in-game continuity order.
Metal Gear
Metal Gear 2
American or jap metal gear 2?
I am so doing that. I have both the ps1 and twin snakes version of MGS.
Just beat Uncharted 3 after a touch of frustration. As poorly done as the firearms mechanics are, the story, pacing and characters, make it one if the best games I ever played. The ending was solid and has me looking forward to Golden Abyss.