The All-About Video Games thread

Recently, THQ shuttered its Australian studios in an attempt to cut costs and pivot away from games made for children, as well as licensed games. One of those licensed games THQ Australia in particular was working on was based on The Avengers. It apparently was to be released to complement the Avengers movie currently in production.


from (i added video as one on ign no longer works)
Games I want to get (releases from September to December 2011):

  • God of War: Origins Collection (PS3)
  • The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection (PS3)
  • X-Men Destiny (PS3)
  • Rage (PS3)
  • Batman: Arkham City (PS3)
  • CoD: Modern Warfare 3 (PS3)
  • Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection (PS3)
  • Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception (PS3)
  • Super Mario 3D Land (3DS)
  • Saints Row: The Third (PS3)
  • Ultimate MvsC3 (PS3)
  • LoZ: Skyward Sword (Wii)
  • Mario Kart 7 (3DS)
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I'm gonna be playing Battlefield 3 for the foreseeable future. Early access beta began yesterday and already there's some great footage. The knife kills look terrifyingly satisfying


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Hey if you're gonna talk smack, you better have a contingency plan for those kind of people. I don't feel sorry for either. Grown man lost his cool when he should have just put the game down and reported the kid. The kid shouldn't have been talking **** in the first place. They both got what they deserved.

In other news, The Battlefield 3 Beta is frikkin' awesome. Anyone else playing this?
Has anyone here gotten Dead Island? I got it Thursday and I'm really digging it. Its playing like a mix of Resident Evil and Fallout 3. The controls are a bit rough though, and you can't really remap them. Like L3 to run is kinda ackward. But you do get that satisfying thump as you his a Zombie with a pickup truck. I really don't like that it has a quick travel option. The whole point of games like this is getting from point a to point b alive, even moreso than normal thanks to the survival horror aspect here. I think quick travel really undercuts it.

Its a solid enough game. I expect it'll keep me busy till Skyrim comes out.
J. Agamemnon said:
Hey if you're gonna talk smack, you better have a contingency plan for those kind of people. I don't feel sorry for either. Grown man lost his cool when he should have just put the game down and reported the kid. The kid shouldn't have been talking **** in the first place. They both got what they deserved.

In other news, The Battlefield 3 Beta is frikkin' awesome. Anyone else playing this?

If that's something you're really OK with...

You can't say the kid shouldn't have been talking trash when he has the right to. It's just trash talk. It's just a game. I've been annoyed by many idiots online and have received over the line messages. You either mute them and/or report them.
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If that's something you're really OK with...

You can't say the kid shouldn't have been talking trash when he has the right to. It's just trash talk. It's just a game. I've been annoyed by many idiots online and have received over the line messages. You either mute them and/or report them.

I have many obscene messages as well just for playing well. One reason I stopped playing MW2, besides Bad Company 2 being better, was the obscene language. In BC2, you can only speak with your 4-Man Squad. It's a bit restrictive, but it forces any one trash talker to go completely out of their way to spit hate speech at you. I can only imagine that's what this kid was saying, because 9 times out of 10, it's hate speech. Hate speech is not protected under law, at least not this country. Now if the kid was just trolling and saying, "U mad bro?" that's completely different. The kid's just being a kid and the adult was in the wrong. But like I said, 9/10 it's always hate speech and the little ****er got what he deserved. The hardest part of determining this, is we don't know what the kid said. Neither side is saying anything. IMO, the blame is in several areas. the mom for not supervising her child in the online environment, the kid for not displaying a well-mannered persona and the grown ass man with 3 kids who can't handle his temper.

If this was Homer and Bart, this would have been hilarious. What a shame.
J. Agamemnon said:
I have many obscene messages as well just for playing well. One reason I stopped playing MW2, besides Bad Company 2 being better, was the obscene language. In BC2, you can only speak with your 4-Man Squad. It's a bit restrictive, but it forces any one trash talker to go completely out of their way to spit hate speech at you. I can only imagine that's what this kid was saying, because 9 times out of 10, it's hate speech. Hate speech is not protected under law, at least not this country. Now if the kid was just trolling and saying, "U mad bro?" that's completely different. The kid's just being a kid and the adult was in the wrong. But like I said, 9/10 it's always hate speech and the little ****er got what he deserved. The hardest part of determining this, is we don't know what the kid said. Neither side is saying anything. IMO, the blame is in several areas. the mom for not supervising her child in the online environment, the kid for not displaying a well-mannered persona and the grown ass man with 3 kids who can't handle his temper.

If this was Homer and Bart, this would have been hilarious. What a shame.

Even if it was hate speech, he still doesn't deserve to be almost killed. And seeing that you're ok with what happened to him is extremely disappointing.
Even if it was hate speech, he still doesn't deserve to be almost killed. And seeing that you're ok with what happened to him is extremely disappointing.

well we don't have enough details to outright say he was almost killed. There are different levels on the Use of Force Continuum. Believe it or not there's a difference between choking and strangulation. Petechia is usually a result of extreme choking(or chokingwith intent to kill), or even hand marks on his neck. In most cases I've read or seen, if none of these are present, the charges drop to a misdemeanor assault. If it was life-threatening, I hardly think the family would even allow the man a personal visit outside of court to apologize and then allow the two of them to play online together as the story suggests. (IGN has a more detailed article but it's all still cloudy)

The guy obviously lost it and he got what the judge felt he deserved. But the kid goes without so much as a warning? Again, for me, it comes down to behavior and I just feel like the kid is getting way too much sympathy when there obviously needs to be some kind of mediation in the way people speak to each other online. As far as I can tell, the judge addresses nothing from what this kind of behavior breeds and the possible incidents we have yet to see. Nope, here's your sentence, go about your way and my job is done. I just hope the kid either learns some manners or starts locking his doors.
Re: The Kid; this is absolute proof that MS does absolutely nothing to these little teenage jerk offs who pollute games with racist/homophobic/sexist mockery (I get "*****, get back in the kitchen!" "Chicks can't game!" "Show us your ****" in MW2, Reach and Gears 3). With that said, when you're pushing 50, and you feel justified to choke a kid, you seriously have rage (plus stupidity) issues.

Personally, this is why I apply headshots to these kids. Kinda hard to run your hole when you're respawning.
Spawn camping is also a good solution.

So after playing some Battlefield 3, I'm getting many mixed impressions. This is game is a whole lot of games rolled into one. The running and jumping over of things oddly reminds me of Mirror's Edge, which I think DICE also produced. The shooting is still reminiscent of of any Battlefield game but there's also this odd familiarity of Counterstrike to it, especially when it comes to knife kills. You can now run around with a knife in your hand by holding down the R2 or just tap it for a quick swipe. I've been hearing a lot of heresay about it feeling a lot like MW2, but I don't see it. I think people for get that modern warfare took a lot of what battlefield had and improved upon it and threw in the 0 second spawn/arcade aspect to really speed up the action. The gun sounds and actions are incredible. Owning a Glock 22 and having qualified with the G17 for work, I can easily say the gun shots sound specifically authentic in comparison to the M9, which is also in the game. The weapon play is incredible, Recon, my favorite class, is no longer reduced to a camping class as we can now move freely about and customize our weapons for full frontal assault or long range interception. I've unlocked about 8 different scopes and perks for just one weapon and there's 17 total for each gun in the game. You get awarded for virtually everything, from being the best to just finishing a round (200 points). And the sheer map size means there's even less a chance for spawn camping and enough time for you to reorganize your game plan. Playing with teams isn't a must, like most suggest it is, but staying close to your team definitely has it's advantages. I've heard from those lucky enough to play Caspian Border, which features jets, tanks and 4-wheelers, that anyone adept at the Ace Combat series would easily have the advantage in a aerial fight because the flight sim is similar to Ace Combat's own system.
Hey, I don't know if any of you guys know this. But My nephew popped in an old xbox console game I still have lying around and it worked. They must of upgraded it to play all the old game. I just started to replay Ultimate Spider-Man.
Re: The Kid; this is absolute proof that MS does absolutely nothing to these little teenage jerk offs who pollute games with racist/homophobic/sexist mockery (I get "*****, get back in the kitchen!" "Chicks can't game!" "Show us your ****" in MW2, Reach and Gears 3). With that said, when you're pushing 50, and you feel justified to choke a kid, you seriously have rage (plus stupidity) issues.

Personally, this is why I apply headshots to these kids. Kinda hard to run your hole when you're respawning.

Me and my friends just start speaking to each other in Spanish, really ticks the trolls off.

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