Except the way this goes is
I feel rey is .... sequels your wrong
I don't like this ...... past crap that may be explained in sequels .your wrong
I don't like characters who ...... Luke did it the 3 movies but she gets singled out when she did more in 1 movie? not fair
How did she do more in one movie? She wasn't even directly responsible for blowing up the Starkiller base like Luke was directly responsible for blowing up the Death Star. She was a good pilot/tech head, and fought her severely injured cousin (DUDE HAD BEEN SHOT WITH A BOWCASTER!!!) when she tapped back into her innate Force powers and gained upper hand.
It's pointless. hints =/= facts , I think rey did waaaaaay too much in 1 film for 1 character and I never thought "Oh no she'll die!" or "oh no she's at risk"
Yeah, I never thought Luke would die in OT either. So what's your point? They're the main protagonists of the trilogy, course they're not going to die, let alone in the first movie of that trilogy.
As for being at risk? She seemed pretty at risk when Ren was holding a lightsaber to her throat and Force mind-reading her (which in a sense makes Ren the overpowered one).
And let's be honest... why no accusations of Ren being overpowered? He managed to slaughter much of Luke's academy with the other Knights. He's arguably more powerful than Rey (again, when you continually ignore the fact Chewbacca literally shot Ren in the side with a Bowcaster and act like that didn't give Rey a major fighting chance/advantage, it's hard to debate with you fairly). He's severed his last links to the Light Side.
The next film will undoubtedly have Rey facing a great many challenges, just as Luke did on Dagobah and Bespin in Empire.
You accuse this film of doing too much with Rey while simultaneously accusing it of not doing the stuff it took the OT 2 films to do.
closet to a flaw for me was she started to go darkside but she got over it so fast it's like saying Bella in twlight is instresting because of the 2 seconds a car almost hits her.
More than Luke did in ANH regarding his Light/Dark side stuff. That was addressed in Empire, the second film. You can be sure Rey's struggle with the Dark Side will be a running theme of the second film.
And really? Twilight? Never seen them, but gross.
She was boring to watch ,
That's subjective, but I can respect that. I thought she was a great character, and Ridley did a great job in the role.
She out did EVERYONE in their respective feild (to the point I bet in VIII she teaches luke thus out lukes luke, not really expecting it but also .... wouldn't be surprised)
Again, you're exaggerating. She was a great pilot, yes (a direct correlation to her Skywalker bloodline). She was a tech head, yes (also a direct correlation to her father and grandfather, who built a podracer and T-16 Skyhopper as kids/teens, and had extensive experience in either building droids from scratch in Anakin's case with C-3PO and Luke's experience with droid and other tech on his uncle's moisture farm). She was strong in the Force, yes (again, just like grandad and pops).
Sooooo... if they're following the same formula as Anakin and Luke, why the noticeably larger backlash against Rey? We both know Anakin didn't get that kind of label (unlikable as he was) in Prequels, and certainly not Luke in the originals. Not saying some may not have been of that opinion, but certainly never the vocal labeling of it with Rey. I just find it odd.
The second characters meet her Han = respects ,
Because he recognizes her as his niece and respects how much like her father she is. He's also inherently protective, trying to get her to stay with him and Chewie on the Falcon, which is likely compounded by his loss of Ben to the Dark Side.
Just like C-3PO and R2-D2 trusted Luke.
Least there's no love triangle.
Same as Han. See above.
Actually, given the obvious hints and comparisons to ANH, it either makes perfect sense or is in line with what ANH did.
Even Jar Jar had characters insult him as did Anakin (who got was the chosen one yet failed over and over) even Luke had Han doubt him and warm to him very slowly. that feels mary sue.
We're really going to compare any lead character to Jar Jar in terms of deserving insults? Jar Jar wins every time.
And Rey was getting Han's gruff responses up until she suggested the bypass, at which point she kind of earned his respect. Remember she spent probably a good 10-15 years living alone and scavenging on Jakku. Her ability to make the best of a bad situation directly correlating to tech makes absolute sense given her background.
It'd be the equivalent of someone who knows ALMOST EVERYTHING about their car, a real gear head, getting a useful tip from a full time mechanic or something similar. Not at all unbelievable.
Keep in mind Han hadn't seen the Falcon in awhile either.
As I said beating everyone in their thing is Mary sue. Even Lion-o had to cheat to that. She feels like someone wrote episode IV but then made death star bigger , took away personal growth and figured "Meh people will defend this" She felt to perfect and I know "sequels" or "training" or the same recycled crap but THAT is not enough. I dont want a character that seems **** until 4 years later when a sequel comes out.
I get it. So different standards for the Sequel trilogy versus Original Trilogy? Because that does seem to be the core of your argument. She didn't even blow up the Starkiller base like Luke blew up the Death Star.
This film was lazy , the characters bad. and I don't like it. Like i said episode VII = Iv with no heart. Rey = Luke with no flaws. It's dumb you cant tell I felt she was good or at risk or anything as I didnt and she is a mary sue in my eyes.
You're entitled to your opinion, but your reasoning is notably selective. At which point did you ever feel Luke was in danger of death in OT? Even getting his hand chopped off first time I saw Empire I knew he wouldn't die because he's the main character.
How was the film lazy, exactly? I'm honestly asking. You keep accusing it of no character development or boring characters, no heart, etc, and you're entitled to think that. I can't refute your opinion. I can debate clues the film gave us, outright evidence the film gave us, and fairly compare this first film in the new trilogy with the first films in PT and OT.
As I said, I think you're simultaneously accusing this movie of doing too much with Rey while not doing enough. I get where you're coming from, but they did the same thing with Anakin in Ep I and Luke in Ep IV, and then in their next respective films they largely tore them down. Doesn't it seem inherently unfair to complain they haven't had Rey facing her biggest challenges in the first film? Doesn't it seem inherently unfair to accuse Rey of being overpowered when she wasn't even directly responsible for the destruction of the planet killing base like Luke was?
I found the film to have a lot of heart. BB-8 was awesome. All the leads were extremely charming and likable.
My biggest complaints are that they didn't give Poe Dameron and Phasma enough to do. Why Phasma wasn't the one fighting Finn during the assault of Maz's base is beyond me. THAT was dumb. Poe Dameron explaining "oh yeah I managed to get away from Jakku" to Finn was lazy.
But if Luke isn't a Gary Stu when Rey is a Mary Sue in your eyes, why? Luke blew up the first Death Star a day or two after leaving his backwater planet.
Rey only managed to defeat a severely injured Kylo Ren.