The Timeline Guy
My buddy and I were mocking the one that said you should give plot holes a pass because it's the first in a trilogy.
EDIT: I have now had a chance to read the article you posted and I believe it's the one he was referring to. What a joke.
What plot holes?
There were 40 supposed ones discounted by the article. Are you confusing unresolved plot threads with plot holes?
See this crap is getting old
Yeah like cherry picking the fact people said she could do same as luke had ONE instance She had LOTS in same time. That type of cherry picking? Or Pretending people haven't always said Anakin was a skit character and act like Rey is the first people hate. That type?
Or like continuously ignoring the fact Ren had been shot by a bowcaster, sure. Also, I'm not acting like Rey is the first people hate. I never said or intimated that. Please stop twisting that into something its not. I'm saying I don't get why there is a double standard applied to Rey and not Luke/Anakin in terms of their powers.
The facts are it's a film that may or may not need to explain more stuff and people wanting either more fleshing out or it seems out of no where or people saying it told them is not CHERRY PICKING that is opinion. Get the **** over this idea that everyone is picking on rey because ... what ever reason. Can't be the female thing as no one said this with :Lucy or Kill Bill , can't be the disney thing as no one is saying this about the Star Wars Rebels or people are not claiming captain phasma is.
I agree, never once did I say you couldn't have a problem with the pacing, etc. Your opinions are yours. I just don't understand how one gets a pass the other doesn't.
Also, I'm not saying there aren't strong female characters in film, so I'm not sure what Lucy or Kill Bill has to do with anything. Why do you keep acting as if I'm calling you a sexist? I'm not. Please realize that. I don't think your dislike of the film has anything to do with Rey's sex, but the whole Disney decanonizing the EU thing.
Some people like myself don't like Rey in the film. The pacing makes it seem like she pulls crap out her ass in a mary sue way. Guess what same thing I said about base kid goku in Dragonball GT. You see i am using that as example as look at Dragonball. Goku is small child with a stick who kicks ass no complains a\s we see him grow we seem fail we see him lean. Skip to GT and everything is just badly written and as result kid Goku in base form (his other forms are not as strong .... why?) is laughed at by fans.
Right, but in Dragonball GT is it implied Goku had Saiyan training (as in TFA its implied Rey had Jedi training? Either way its irrelevant.
The fact is the movie to some was full of it's self.
That's fair. Of course, as pointed out by the article I posted so are many of the reviews.
The whole death star was nothing compared to this is trying way to hard to say "Our star wars is better than Original trilogy or prequel" and when you do that more negatives get seen.
Ok, I don't get that impression at all. But to each their own.
Is Rey the worst character in a movie? No. Is as good a lead as Furiosa in fury road? NO.
Agreed. Furiosa was written far more realistically, but of course so is that entire WORLD/franchise. You're comparing a post-apocalyptic series to a space opera/fantasy series.
They made her do too many things also the Obi-wan role comment i had made in one of these was she even hangs down to avoid troops the same way.
I don't understand what you mean here.
Also Yes as i said she does TOO many things. You can say "LOLz everyone out shoots a storm trooper" But now you are ignoring facts as they hit stuff and the film had to show it, People ran from them, she picks up a gun and having had to be told about the safety showing NO experience she killed a few by outr shooting them.
So did Luke on the Death Star. Again, so what? This is what I mean by unobjectivity. If you're calling her out for this but giving Luke a pass, it literally doesn't make sense, man.
Now look at look. They explained he had shot before and all movie he was be lead to use the force by Obi. So even his death star wars not "wait what?"
Right. And maybe you've have a point if Rey had made an impossible shot at ludicrous speeds, but she didn't. She shot some Stormtroopers. Literally every "good guy" character in the SW lore has done so. How is shooting Stormtroopers unbelievable? It's what they're there for: they're cannon fodder.
Her feat of reversing a mind trick the way she did we have never seen in a film even the prequels when Jedis were in their prime.
There was a lot of stuff we didn't see Jedi do in their prime during prequels. Doesn't mean they couldn't do it. Also, don't forget, insanely high likelihood of Jedi training in Rey's past, so...
Also I know Ren was heart by a Bowcaster also the novel says killing his dad made him weaker however your ignoring the horrible pasing of how fast he got out to cut them off, the fact all he did was bang his chest. Basicly the bad acting + awkward cuts make him seem more powerful. I also don't think Ren should actually be shown beating Rey movie one. You see if they HAD to show them fight then he should. However look at a new hope or even phantom Menace , Luke never faced Vader and Anakin never faced Maul. That is better, THAT is a star wars movie tradition. Movie 1 main hero of trilogy never faces villain , Movie 2 get ass kicked , movie 3 kick ass. It's pacing it's tradition it's building.
Wait, so let me get this straight. The movie both followed or "ripped off" A New Hope too much, but also changed things too much? Is that the argument here? Also, by Star Wars tradition, Luke should've died this movie, not Han. So what?
Rey to me feels like she wont grow as much as Anakin grew
But, Anakin really didn't grow, at all, in the Prequels. He was essentially always a whiny kid, even as a 20-something adult. There was no real evolution of Anakin's character in the Prequels outside of the necessities to get him to become Darth Vader. It was all quite predictable, rote, etc.
or Luke grey as she feels too perfect. It'd be like when I see Creed. I don't care if theyu say he comes from boxing royalty or if he was trained all his life. If he KOs is main opponent in round one I'll call him a too perfect hero compared to Rocky.
And you'd have a point if Rey had beaten Ren at the top of his game, but that isn't the case. BOWCASTER SHOT! If Creed ends up fighting another boxer with a hole through his side due to a Bowcaster, then we can make comparisons.
That's the problem which I hope you cant just ignore it and pass it off as "cherry picking" or "angry males" or "Butt hurt fans"
No, I clearly stated what was being "cherry picked". No need to repeat it a thousandth time. And you realize the "angry males" comment wasn't directed at you, and I clarified as much several times (in fact the first post I made in the thread was after reading a blatantly idiotic and sexist comment from a guy in a FB group I belong to--this is the same kind of guy who thinks Wonder Woman and the new Ghostbusters movies will suck, because women... he's pretty blatant about it). I'm sorry you keep taking everything personally.
or whatever but the fact is Heroes need to struggle heroes need to overcome and looking mad for 1 second then doing it is NOT overcoming.
Agreed. Contemplating selling a droid for food but deciding against it, OVERCOMING that selfish urge is one; another was when she gave into the fear and ran from her destiny after the visions from the lightsaber at Maz's palace. This is what I mean. You accuse her of being "perfect" continuously without that being the case. Could they have made her more vulnerable? Sure. Same can be said of Luke and Anakin too. See where I'm going with this?
So to me and others she is TOO perfect. I get shes not to you I really do but you can't ignore the fact that when things are vague or not well paced or implied or whatever people read into differently.
Absolutely. And I get it is vague and we don't have all the answers yet. Thats ok. That doesn't make it an "incomplete" movie because it didn't answer all those questions. Its intentional set up for the next film. EVERY summer blockbuster with a likely sequel does the same thing. So unless we apply that label to them all, not quite fair.
It's not "cherry picking" its opinion and you really cant compare politics to watching a film as if you do and if you only go with the facts then ok
Actually, you can. And the final decision in and of itself isn't whats cherry picked, its the evidence leading to that and the decision to intentionally and continuously minimize/maximize when convenient.
.... These 2 movies are almost the same quality http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/mighty_ducks/ http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1077027-batman_and_robin/ one is 15% one is 11% right? But i think we all know the first Mighty ducks is beloved by a lot and Batman & robin is considered one the worst films ever. That's weird to say almost same quality.
Mighty Ducks is beloved maybe by kids who grew up in the '90's. It's still a formulaic, unimaginitive, troped to death kids sports film. Most people probably don't like Mighty Ducks, though. Most people outside our generation probably view it with complete apathy, to be honest.
Also, they're both accurately rated as crappy films, thats what matters. I will give you that MD probably gets a more forgiving recall, but then again it didn't feature bat-nipples.
So looking at rey and seeing the negatives is not bad. It's just a case of the excuses are weak to people or others dont see the good. It's a film opinions is all we can give i mean if we accept only "facts"
Here's the problem. I'm not criticizing your opinion of the film, and you keep missing that, I think. I'm criticizing stuff like this:
then out dual someone who had training all the while having NO flaws is terrible
That's cherry picking. She out-dueled a severely wounded Ren, sure, but not addressing that very salient fact and making it seem like she just showed up and kicked butt isn't the case. In fact had Finn not been there to distract Ren for the 30 or so second she was knocked out, she probably would be back in Imperial restraints or dead (depending on Ren's mindset).
then fact Babe http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1065598-babe/ is better than most movies including ALL the star wars movies .....including this , New Hope and even Empire. I love babe but ... come on!
Babe is a great movie, from what I recall. I love Star Wars more, but that doesn't mean I think it outranks other films. I haven't even seen Babe in probably close to 20 years, though, so honestly can't say for sure.
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