Well-Known Member
Best. Scene. Ever!
Most of my friends at school lost faith in the movie during that scene.
Best. Scene. Ever!
Best. Scene. Ever!
I laughed at it, but also lost faith at the same time.Most of my friends at school lost faith in the movie during that scene.
I'm using it as mine. Didn't have time before school.Could you shrink that and If i'm allowed animated avatar use it?
Most of my friends at school lost faith in the movie during that scene.
I loved it precisely because he's obviously so stupid. Peter Parker is Peter Parker. He doesn't know what cool is. So when the blakc suit ups his confidence and makes him think he's cool, he does that. I think it's superb. I think it went on too long, but I don't think it went over the top.
Yeah, thinking abouf it, it was prpbably the length of how long if went that really bothered me.
I disagree. They didn't have Staying Alive playing.
You were mad beacuse he stole your moves :lol:
You must have me confused with the guy you see in the mirror.
Where's the poll?
Yeah, thinking abouf it, it was prpbably the length of how long if went that really bothered me.
Of couse now they have a reason to do an extended version of this film. We know they've cut stuff out. I've posted pics. of scenes they just didn't show. So we could be seeing a Special Edition of this sometime after the dvd release.
I hope so dude that would kick ***
Okay, here I am to chat about the movie...
1. This is probably the best superhero movie of the past year... but that's not saying much. Its miles beyond Ghost Rider, but its still by far the worst installment in the Spider-Man movie saga. I hope there's a fourth movie coming, just so for the most part we can just forget about
2. James Franco was fantastic, Topher Grace was a brilliant choice for Brock, and Kirsten Dunst gave her best performance out of all three movies. Tobey Maguire, on the other hand, proved to me why he should have never been cast as Spider-Man... He sucked at fake crying, he sucked at being vindictive, and he was as dopey and idiotic as he's ever been. In Spidey 1 he made a halfway decent Peter, but I -hated- his Peter in this movie. Especially when he wasn't under the influence of the suit. I wanted MJ to dump him, Harry's a better catch anyway, even IF he's crazy.
3. My favorite characters in the series so far is Ursula and her Dad. They make me smile. Ursula's scene in Spidey 2 is my favorite scene in that whole movie... I'm glad they were in the movie. Ursula is what Gwen Stacy should have been like.
4. They should have recast the Butler and gotten somebody who could act. Actually, no. PETER SHOULD HAVE TOLD HIM WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS FATHER! Grrrraaah! Web him up if you have to, to keep him from getting all stabby, but peter should have been the one.
5. Sandman overplayed the daughter thing way too much. AND WHY THE HELL COULD HE FLY?!?!
6. Brock shouldn't have died. He deserved a whole movie.