Marvel Extended Multiverse(work in progress)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2023
a timeline containing events not only from the MCU but media from the vast number of timelines in the multiverse from comics to video games, including those from other franchises such as AvP and IDW transformers just for some fun because of the various crossover earths where those events could be applied. i have also decided to include the various star wars canons despite the lack of an earth designation due to the long history the series has with marvel comics, especially the new canon. i will also be including doctor who

the placements take inspiration from the various marvel timelines on this site, the AvP one especially, i will link to these at some later point, but i do tend to favour the dates provided by the various wikias but i am willing to negotiate on these if there's a rational provided

i've spent the time since I first discovered this site compiling these all together into my own timelines and now that i've completed the first draft on these in my google docs i am sharing it with all of you as i slowly go through it all and add these to this post as my second draft.

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-First Firmament:
Ultimates 2(2016) #6 Pg 3+4

Infinity Wars #5 Pg 27+28, #6 Pg 5-7

Wolverine: Infinity Watch #1 Pg15+16

Astonishing X-Men(2004) #61 Pg9+10

Defenders Beyond #2 Pg3

-Second Cosmos:
Defenders Beyond #2 Pg4+5

-Third Cosmos:
Defenders Beyond #2 Pg5

Defenders(2021) #4 Pg19 to #5 Pg18

-Fourth Cosmos:
Defenders(2021) #3 Pg19 to #4 Pg18

-Fifth Cosmos:
Defenders(2021) #2 Pg18 to #3 Pg18

-Sixth Cosmos:
-14 Billion BCE:

(Earth-616 predecessor) Defenders(2021) #1 Pg19 to #2 Pg18
(Taaia of Taa) Defenders(2021) #3 Pg4-6, 10-18, #4 to 5 Pg18
(Earth-616 predecessor) Thor(2020) 24 Pg34 to 43
Silver Surfer(2017) #13
Super-Villain Classics #1 Pg4-11
Ultimates(2015) #2 Pg5+6
Super-Villain Classics #1 Pg11+12

-Seventh Cosmos:
-14 Billion BCE:
(Earth-616) Thor: God of Thunder #5 Pg4+5

-13.8 Billion BCE:
(Earth-TRN870) Loki: 2x04, "Heart of the TVA": 02:03 - 03:52
Loki: 1x06, "For All Time. Always.": 01:14 - 07:26
Loki: 1x06, "For All Time. Always.": 08:00 - 10:26

(Loki Time-Sliding) Loki: 2x06, "Glorious Purpose": 19:19 - 19:42
(Earth-TRN870) Loki: 1x06, "For All Time. Always.": 10:26 - 11:51
Loki: 1x06, "For All Time. Always.": 13:35 - 17:06
Loki: 1x06, "For All Time. Always.": 19:30 - 34:17

(Loki Time-Sliding) Loki: 2x06, "Glorious Purpose": 17:57 - 27:26
(Earth-TRN870) Loki: 1x06, "For All Time. Always.": 34:17 - 37:13
Loki: 2x03, "1893": 47:22 - 48:40
Loki: 2x04, "Heart of the TVA": 01:14 - 04:36
Loki: 2x06, "Glorious Purpose": 38:56 - 39:51
Loki: 2x06, "Glorious Purpose": 40:05 - 42:24

Venom(2018) #4 to Pg7

-13.5 Billion BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who(1963): 19x01, "Castrovalva: Part One": 05:36 - 24:15
Doctor Who(1963): 19x02, "Castrovalva: Part Two": 02:02 - 10:06
Doctor Who(2005): 5x12, "The Pandorica Opens": 04:33 - 05:38

-12 Billion BCE:

(Earth-616) Guardians of the Galaxy/All-New X-Men: Black Vortex Alpha to Pg8, 22 to 25

-9.6 Billion BCE:
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1 57:45 - 57:57

-6.4 Billion BCE:
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1 58:02 - 58:09

-6 Billion BCE:
Doctor Who: Classic Doctors, New Monsters: 2x02, "Empire of the Racnoss" (Ending)
Doctor Who: All Flesh is Grass(Prologue)
Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious: Short Trips: "Lesser Evils" (Main Setting)
Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor: Year Two #14 to Pg19
Doctor Who(2005): 7x09, "Hide": 20:18 - 20:41

-5.7 Billion BCE:
Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious: Short Trips: "Lesser Evils" (Minor Setting)

-5.5 Billion BCE:

(Earth-616) Original Sin(2014) #0 Pg19-22

-4.6 Billion BCE:
Doctor Who: Classic Series: Main Range #47: "Omega" (Omega's academy days flashback)
Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 17:07 - 19:53
Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 25:44 - 26:05

Doctor Who: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead (Prologue)
What the TARDIS thought of "Time Lord Victorious"

Doctor Who Magazine #556 Pg79-94
Doctor Who Magazine #557 Pg47-54
Doctor Who Magazine #558 Pg57-63

Doctor Who: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead Ch1-15
Doctor Who: All Flesh is Grass Pg10-12
Doctor Who: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead Ch16
Doctor Who: All Flesh is Grass Pg6-Ch3
Tales of the Time Lord Victorious #1-4
Doctor Who: All Flesh is Grass Pg30-33
Tales of the Time Lord Victorious #5

Doctor Who: The New Series: Time Lord Victorious: The Minds of Magnox(Primary setting)
Doctor Who: All Flesh is Grass Pg48+49, Ch4-Pg30, 33-end
Doctor Who Magazine #558 Pg63+64
Doctor Who: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead Interlude 3
Doctor Who: The New Series: Time Lord Victorious: The Minds of Magnox(Epilogue)
Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 26:10 - 27:07
Doctor Who: Classic Series: Main Range #47: "Omega" (Omega and Rassilon seize power flashback)
Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 27:25 - 28:24
Doctor Who: Classic Series: Main Range #47: "Omega" (Omega lost to the Antimatter Universe)
Doctor Who: Classic Series: Main Range #50b: "Zagreus - Heartland (Rassilon's Foundry)

Doctor Who: Eleventh Doctor: Year Three #10
Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension Special #2(third story)

Doctor Who: Classic Series: Special Releases: The Legacy of Time: Collision Course(Main Setting)
Doctor Who: Classic Doctors, New Monsters: 2x02, "Empire of the Racnoss" (Main Setting)

Doctor Who(2005): 3xSpecial, "The Runaway Bride": 40:56 - 43:54

-4 Billion BCE:
Avengers(2018) #5-Pg5
Thor(2007) #7 Pg17
Journey into Mystery #629 Pg8-10
Loki: Agent of Asgard #3-Pg19
Journey into Mystery #638 Pg14-20
Thor(2007) #7 Pg18+19, #12 Pg8-11, #7 Pg22, #12 Pg12
Mighty Thor(2011) #7-Pg3
Loki: Agent of Asgard #3 Pg20+21
Mighty Thor(2011) #7 Pg4-23, #18 Pg10-14, #19 Pg15+16, #18 Pg14+15

-3.2 Billion BCE:
Prometheus 0:00:00 - 0:07:24

-2.5 Billion BCE:
Marauders(2022) #12 Pg20+21

-2 Billion BCE:
Marauders(2022) #4 Pg12-17, Panel 2, #7 Pg18-20, #9 Pg17, #8-Pg3, #7 Pg21, 25, #9 Pg13, #8 Pg17-#10 Pg21

-1 Billion BCE:
(Earth-1610) Ultimate Thor #1 Pg12-20

-500 Million BCE:
Ultimate Vision #0 Pg7-17

-400 Million BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who(1963): 17x08, "City of Death: Part Four": 17:47 - 21:27
Doctor Who(1963): 17x05, "City of Death: Part One": 00:27 - 02:22

-200 Million BCE:
(Earth-1610) Ultimate Fantastic Four #21-Pg7

-150 Million BCE:
Ultimate Fantastic Four #21-Pg7

-140 Million BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who(1963): 19x23, "Time-Flight: Part One": 15:19 - 24:57
Doctor Who(1963): 19x24, "Time-Flight: Part Two": 01:20 - 24:00
Doctor Who(1963): 19x25, "Time-Flight: Part Three": 01:23 - 24:30
Doctor Who(1963): 19x26, "Time-Flight: Part Four": 01:10 - 17:57

-66 Million BCE:
(Earth-12041) Hulk and the Agents of SMASH: 2x19, "Days of Future Smash: Part One: The Dino Era": 02:21 - 02:55
Hulk and the Agents of SMASH: 2x19, "Days of Future Smash: Part One: The Dino Era": 03:06 - 03:45
Hulk and the Agents of SMASH: 2x19, "Days of Future Smash: Part One: The Dino Era": 07:50 - 10:39
Hulk and the Agents of SMASH: 2x19, "Days of Future Smash: Part One: The Dino Era": 12:41 - 15:53
Hulk and the Agents of SMASH: 2x19, "Days of Future Smash: Part One: The Dino Era": 18:39 - 20:25
Hulk and the Agents of SMASH: 2x19, "Days of Future Smash: Part One: The Dino Era": 21:02 - 21:22

Avengers Assemble: 3x13, "Into The Future": 16:57 - 19:21

(Earth-92131) X-Men: The Animated Series 3x13, "Savage Land, Savage Heart(Part 2 of 2)": 09:15 - 09:46

-65 Million BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who: Twelfth Doctor: Year Two #14 Pg8-14
(Earth-616) Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine #1
(Earth-5556) Tales of the TARDIS: "Earthshock" 01:27:08 - 01:37:12
(Alternate Earthshock Ending) Doctor Who: Classic Series: Main Range #110: The Boy That Time Forgot
(Earth-616) Mighty Thor(2015) #12 Pg7-18

-50 Million BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who: Classic Series: Main Range #123: The Company of Friends(Benny's Story)

-12 Million BCE:
(Earth-7642) Optimus Prime #18 Pg3-7
Optimus Prime #10 Pg4-18

-8 Million BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who: Classic Series: Main Range #98: Frozen Time(flashbacks)
Doctor Who: Classic Series: 8DA: The Eighth Doctor Adventures: 4x05: Deimos(Prologue)

(Earth-7642) Robots in Disguise #34 Pg16-19
Robots in Disguise #30-Pg5
Robots in Disguise #34 Pg4-9, 11-13

-7 Million BCE:
Robots in Disguise Annual-Pg3, 10-12, 15

-6.7 Million BCE:
Robots in Disguise #34 Pg15-18, 20

-6 Million BCE:
More Than Meets The Eye #1 Pg8
Robots in Disguise Annual Pg18+19, 22-24
Robots in Disguise #17 Pg4+5
More Than Meets The Eye #1 Pg15
Robots in Disguise Annual Pg27-29, 36
Dark Cybertron Finale-Pg3
Robots in Disguise #17 Pg6-10

-5 Million BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who(1963): 1x21, "The Sea of Death(The Keys of Marinus Part One)": 00:25 - 23:15
Doctor Who(1963): 1x22, "The Velvet Web(The Keys of Marinus Part Two)": 00:40 - 25:16
Doctor Who(1963): 1x23, "The Screaming Jungle(The Keys of Marinus Part Three)": 00:35 - 23:50
Doctor Who(1963): 1x24, "The Snows of Terror(The Keys of Marinus Part Four)": 00:37 - 24:59
Doctor Who(1963): 1x25, "Sentence of Death(The Keys of Marinus Part Five)": 01:41 - 25:02
Doctor Who(1963): 1x26, "The Keys of Marinus(The Keys of Marinus Part Six)": 00:43 - 25:09

(Earth-7642) More Than Meets The Eye #37 Pg23
More Than Meets The Eye #38 Pg3-16
Optimus Prime #25-Pg2, 4, 6
More Than Meets The Eye #37 Pg10-17
Transformers #22 Pg5, 16+17, 22
Transformers #23-Pg3, 5+6
More Than Meets The Eye #37-Pg2, 4-10
More Than Meets The Eye #9 Pg2+3, 7-21
More Than Meets The Eye #10-Pg5, 9-#11 Pg2, 5-7, 9-19, 21+22
More Than Meets The Eye #40-Pg1
Transformers V2 #44-Pg1
Robots in Disguise #22 Pg20-end
Optimus Prime #16-Pg2

-4.2 Million BCE:
Robots in Disguise #22 Pg17
More Than Meets The Eye #14-Pg2

-4 Million BCE:
More Than Meets The Eye #36-Pg3, 7-end
Megatron: Origin #1+2

Robots in Disguise #22 Pg12-14
Megatron: Origin #3-Pg11
Drift #2 Pg12-17
Robots in Disguise #17 Pg13+14
Robots in Disguise #22 Pg10
Robots in Disguise #17 Pg15+16
Robots in Disguise #22 Pg5+6
Robots in Disguise #17 Pg17-20

Megatron: Origin #3 Pg12-#4 Pg22
Robots in Disguise #22-Pg2
Megatron: Origin #4 Pg23-end
All-Hail Megatron #13 Pg3+4, 6+7, 9+10
Spotlight: Blurr #1-Pg9
Spotlight: Orion Pax #1
Spotlight: Blurr #1 Pg10-end
Optimus Prime #1-Pg4, 10+11, 16+17
Optimus Prime #2 Pg5+6, 11+12
Optimus Prime #3-Pg2, 9-11, 16
Optimus Prime #4 Pg3+4, 11, 16+17
Optimus Prime #5 Pg6+7, 13-15
Optimus Prime #6 Pg5-7, 11-14
Optimus Prime #7-Pg2, 5-7, 14-16, 18-end
Optimus Prime #8 Pg2+3, 7+8, 12, 14, 18

Transformers: Annual(2017) #1 Pg5-19
Optimus Prime #20-Pg2
Optimus Prime #25 Pg8

Sins of the Wreckers #4-Pg4
Sins of the Wreckers #3-Pg2, 13-15
Sins of the Wreckers #5 Pg6

Transformers: Autocracy #1-3
Optimus Prime #25 Pg10
Transformers: Autocracy #4-12
Spotlight: Wheelie #1 Pg1 Panel 1, Pg3, Pg1, 4, 8-10, 4+5
Requiem of the Wreckers #1 Pg30+31, 4+5, 17+18
Transformers: Monstrosity #1-12
Transformers: Primacy #1-4
Optimus Prime #25 Pg12
Transformers: Ironhide #1 Pg2-18
More Than Meets The Eye #16-Pg2

-3 Million BCE:
More Than Meets The Eye #16 Pg3+4
Optimus Prime #25 Pg14
More Than Meets The Eye #48-Pg4, 12+13, 19-#49 Pg3, 8, 18-end

-1 Million BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who: Classic Series: Eighth Doctor Adventures: Ravenous: 4x03, "Day of the Master Pt1" (Artron)
Doctor Who: Classic Series: Eighth Doctor Adventures: Ravenous: 4x04, "Day of the Master Pt2" (Artron/Early Earth)

(Earth-616) Dark Avengers #4 Pg9+10
Avengers(2018) #7
Marvel Legacy #1-Pg8
Avengers: Free Comic Book Day 2018 #1 Pg5
Mighty Thor: At the Gates of Valhalla #1 Pg10 Panel2
Avengers(2018) #1-Pg7
Avengers(2018) #4-Pg3, 17+18, 21
Eternals(2006) #1 Pg22-28

(Earth-1610) Ultimate Thor #2 Pg4-11, 14-16, 19+20, #3 Pg7-10
(Earth-78411) Uncanny X-Men Annual 2014 #1
All-New X-Men Annual 2014 #1

(Earth-616) Original Sin #5.3 Pg8-11, 13-15, #.1 Pg10-13, #.5 Pg5+6

-650,000 BCE:
(Earth-7642) Transformers: Spotlight: Shockwave-Pg3

-500,000 BCE:
Robots in Disguise #6-Pg5
Robots in Disguise #28 Pg4-7
Robots in Disguise #32-Pg2
Spotlight: Thundercracker
Robots in Disguise #19

-297,989 BCE:
(Earth-616) FF(2011) #6 Pg9-19, #7 Pg15-17

-230,000 BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor: Year Two #4+5

-100,000 BCE:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x01, "An Unearthly Child(An Unearthly Child Part One)": 20:27 - 23:20
Doctor Who(1963): 1x02, "The Cave of Skulls(An Unearthly Child Part Two)": 00:40 - 24:35
Doctor Who(1963): 1x03, "The Forest of Fear(An Unearthly Child Part Three)": 00:52 - 23:35
Doctor Who(1963): 1x04, "The Firemaker(An Unearthly Child Part Four)": 00:39 - 18:46

Doctor Who: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead Interlude 1
Doctor Who(1963): 1x04, "The Firemaker(An Unearthly Child Part Four)": 18:47 - 21:40
(Earth-616) Thor: Ages of Thunder #1-Pg11

-98,022 BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 37:14 - 38:20
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 00:00 - 00:42
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 03:12 - 06:24
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 08:53 - 09:00
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 09:59 - 10:07
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 11:06 - 11:14
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 12:05 - 15:52
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 17:20 - 18:01
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 22:12 - 29:11
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 37:51 - 38:18

Free Comic Book Day: 2022: Doctor Who #1-Pg9

Doctor Who: Origins #1-4
Doctor Who(2005): 12x05, "Fugitive of the Judoon" (Fugitive Doctor)
Doctor Who(2005): 12x09, "Ascension of the Cybermen" 01:11 - 03:38
Doctor Who(2005): 12x09, "Ascension of the Cybermen" 17:37 - 19:00
Doctor Who(2005): 12x09, "Ascension of the Cybermen" 24:13 - 26:11
Doctor Who(2005): 12x09, "Ascension of the Cybermen" 43:35 - 45:25
Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 17:00 - 19:49
Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 25:37 - 28:19
Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 37:14 - 38:21
Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 39:39 - 40:24

Doctor Who: Classic Series: Novel Adaptations, "Cold Fusion" (Patience's Husband+loom born revolt)

-2881 BCE:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x04, "The Firemaker(An Unearthly Child Part Four)": 22:34 - 24:24
Doctor Who(1963): 1x05, "The Dead Planet(The Daleks Part One)": 00:51 - 24:19
Doctor Who(1963): 1x06, "The Survivors(The Daleks Part Two)": 00:41 - 24:24
Doctor Who(1963): 1x07, "The Escape(The Daleks Part Three)": 00:38 - 25:05
Doctor Who(1963): 1x08, "The Ambush(The Daleks Part Four)": 00:49 - 24:25
Doctor Who(1963): 1x09, "The Expedition(The Daleks Part Five)": 00:42 - 24:28
Doctor Who(1963): 1x10, "The Ordeal(The Daleks Part Six)": 00:42 - 26:09
Doctor Who(1963): 1x11, "The Rescue(The Daleks Part Seven)": 00:42 - 20:47

Doctor Who(1963): 3x18, "Golden Death(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Nine)": (Ancient Egypt)
Doctor Who(1963): 3x19, "Escape Switch(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Ten)"

Doctor Who(1963): 2x10, "The Powerful Enemy(The Rescue Part One)" (Vicki Timeline)
Doctor Who(1963): 2x11, "Desperate Measures(The Rescue Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x12, "The Slave Traders(The Romans Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x13, "All Roads Lead to Rome(The Romans Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x14, "Conspiracy(The Romans Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x15, "Inferno(The Romans Part Four)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x16, "The Web Planet(The Web Planet Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x17, "The Zarbi(The Web Planet Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x18, "Escape to Danger(The Web Planet Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x19, "Crater of Needles(The Web Planet Part Four)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x20, "Invasion(The Web Planet Part Five)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x21, "The Centre(The Web Planet Part Six)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x22, "The Lion(The Crusade Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x23, "The Knight of Jaffa(The Crusade Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x24, "The Wheel of Fortune(The Crusade Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x25, "The Warlords(The Crusade Part Four)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x26, "The Space Museum(The Space Museum Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x27, "The Dimensions of Time(The Space Museum Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x28, "The Search(The Space Museum Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x29, "The Final Phase(The Space Museum Part Four)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x30, "The Executioners(The Chase Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x31, "The Death of Time(The Chase Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x32, "Flight through Eternity(The Chase Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x33, "Journey into Terror(The Chase Part Four)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x34, "The Death of Doctor Who(The Chase Part Five)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x35, "The Planet of Decision(The Chase Part Six)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x36, "The Watcher(The Time Meddler Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x37, "The Meddling Monk(The Time Meddler Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x38, "A Battle of Wits(The Time Meddler Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x39, "Checkmate(The Time Meddler Part Four)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x01, "Four Hundred Dawns (Galaxy 4 Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x02, "Trap of Steel(Galaxy 4 Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x03, "Air Lock(Galaxy 4 Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x04, "The Exploding Planet(Galaxy 4 Part Four)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x06, "Temple of Secrets(The Myth Makers Part One)": (Vicki)
Doctor Who(1963): 3x07, "Small Prophet, Quick Return(The Myth Makers Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x08, "Death of a Spy(The Myth Makers Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x09, "Horse of Destruction(The Myth Makers Part Four)": (Vicki, Katarina)

-64 CE:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x11, "Desperate Measures(The Rescue Part Two)": 23:28 - 24:37
Doctor Who(1963): 2x12, "The Slave Traders(The Romans Part One)": 00:59 - 23:15
Doctor Who(1963): 2x13, "All Roads Lead to Rome(The Romans Part Two)": 00:23 - 23:13
Doctor Who(1963): 2x14, "Conspiracy(The Romans Part Three)": 00:46 - 26:21
Doctor Who(1963): 2x15, "Inferno(The Romans Part Four)": 00:35 - 21:10

Aug: 23:

Dr. Who and the Daleks(1965): 01:21:14 - 01:22:23 [Dr. Who's Universe]

Tales of the TARDIS: 1x05, "The Time Meddler": 00:07:18 - 01:32:46 [N-Space]

Doctor Who(1963): 2x22, "The Lion(The Crusade Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x23, "The Knight of Jaffa(The Crusade Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x24, "The Wheel of Fortune(The Crusade Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x25, "The Warlords( Part Four)"The Crusade

Doctor Who(1963): 1x14, "The Roof of the World(Marco Polo Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 1x15, "The Singing Sands(Marco Polo Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 1x16, "Five Hundred Eyes(Marco Polo Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 1x17, "The Wall of Lies(Marco Polo Part Four)"
Doctor Who(1963): 1x18, "Rider from Shang Tu(Marco Polo Part Five)"
Doctor Who(1963): 1x19, "Mighty Kublai Khan(Marco Polo Part Six)"
Doctor Who(1963): 1x20, "Assassin at Peking(Marco Polo Part Seven)"


Doctor Who(1963): 1x27, "The Temple of Evil(The Aztecs Part One)": 32s-23m56
Doctor Who(1963): 1x28, "The Warriors of Death(The Aztecs Part Two)": 42s-24m9
Doctor Who(1963): 1x29, "The Bride of Sacrifice(The Aztecs Part Three)": 46s-25m26

Doctor Who(1963): 1x30, "The Day of Darkness(The Aztecs Part Four)": 49s-25m26

Aug: 20-24:

Doctor Who(1963): 3x22, "War of God(The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x23, "The Sea Beggar(The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x24, "Priest of Death(The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x25, "Bell of Doom(The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve Part Four)"

Doctor Who(1963): 2x30, "The Executioners(The Chase Part One)": 07:08 - 09:02

Doctor Who(1963): 4x01, "The Smugglers Part One"
Doctor Who(1963): 4x02, "The Smugglers Part Two"
Doctor Who(1963): 4x03, "The Smugglers Part Three"
Doctor Who(1963): 4x04, "The Smugglers Part Four"

Jul: 27:

Doctor Who(1963): 1x37, "A Land of Fear(The Reign of Terror Part One)": 00:21 - 24:01
Doctor Who(1963): 1x38, "Guests of Madame Guillotine(The Reign of Terror Part Two)": 00:40 - 24:01
Doctor Who(1963): 1x39, "A Change of Identity(The Reign of Terror Part Three)": 01:00 - 25:23

Doctor Who(1963): 1x40, "The Tyrant of France(The Reign of Terror Part Four)": 00:39 - 25:08
Doctor Who(1963): 1x41, "A Bargain of Necessity(The Reign of Terror Part Five)": 00:41 - 24:43
Doctor Who(1963): 1x42, "Prisoners of Conciergerie(The Reign of Terror Part Six)": 00:39 - 25:02

Nov: 19:

Doctor Who(1963): 2x30, "The Executioners(The Chase Part One)": 05:23 - 06:40

Nov: 23:

Doctor Who(1963): 2x32, "Flight through Eternity(The Chase Part Three)": 13:42 - 23:17


Doctor Who(1963): 3x34, "A Holiday for the Doctor(The Gunfighters Part One)": 00:24 - 23:49
Doctor Who(1963): 3x35, "Don't Shoot the Pianist(The Gunfighters Part Two)": 00:48 - 23:46
Doctor Who(1963): 3x36, "Johnny Ringo(The Gunfighters Part Three)": 01:00 - 24:40
Doctor Who(1963): 3x37, "The O.K. Corral(The Gunfighters Part Four)": 00:25 - 22:10

Doctor Who(1963): 2x35, "The Planet of Decision(The Chase Part Six)" (Steven's Timeline)
Doctor Who(1963): 2x36, "The Watcher(The Time Meddler Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x37, "The Meddling Monk(The Time Meddler Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x38, "A Battle of Wits(The Time Meddler Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x39, "Checkmate(The Time Meddler Part Four)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x01, "Four Hundred Dawns (Galaxy 4 Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x02, "Trap of Steel(Galaxy 4 Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x03, "Air Lock(Galaxy 4 Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x04, "The Exploding Planet(Galaxy 4 Part Four)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x06, "Temple of Secrets(The Myth Makers Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x07, "Small Prophet, Quick Return(The Myth Makers Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x08, "Death of a Spy(The Myth Makers Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x09, "Horse of Destruction(The Myth Makers Part Four)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x10, "The Nightmare Begins(The Daleks' Master Plan Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x11, "Day of Armageddon(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x12, "Devil's Planet(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x13, "The Traitors(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Four)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x14, "Counter Plot(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Five)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x15, "Coronas of the Sun(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Six)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x16, "The Feast of Steven(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Seven)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x17, "Volcano(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Eight)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x18, "Golden Death(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Nine)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x19, "Escape Switch(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Ten)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x20, "The Abandoned Planet(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Eleven)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x21, "Destruction of Time(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Twelve)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x22, "War of God(The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x23, "The Sea Beggar(The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x24, "Priest of Death(The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x25, "Bell of Doom(The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve Part Four)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x26, "The Steel Sky(The Ark Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x27, "The Plague(The Ark Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x28, "The Return(The Ark Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x29, "The Bomb(The Ark Part Four)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x30, "The Celestial Toyroom(The Celestial Toymaker Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x31, "The Hall of Dolls(The Celestial Toymaker Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x32, "The Dancing Floor(The Celestial Toymaker Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x33, "The Final Test(The Celestial Toymaker Part Four)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x34, "A Holiday for the Doctor(The Gunfighters Part One)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x35, "Don't Shoot the Pianist(The Gunfighters Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x36, "Johnny Ringo(The Gunfighters Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x37, "The O.K. Corral(The Gunfighters Part Four)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x38, "The Savages Part One": (Steven, Time Setting)
Doctor Who(1963): 3x39, "The Savages Part Two"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x40, "The Savages Part Three"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x41, "The Savages Part Four"

Dec: 25:

Doctor Who(1963): 3x16, "The Feast of Steven(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Seven)": (Hollywood)


Doctor Who(1963): 1x01, "An Unearthly Child(An Unearthly Child Part One)": 07:09 - 07:24
Doctor Who(1963): 1x01, "An Unearthly Child(An Unearthly Child Part One)": 07:38 - 08:04
Doctor Who(1963): 1x01, "An Unearthly Child(An Unearthly Child Part One)": 08:19 - 08:43

Nov: 23:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x01, "An Unearthly Child(An Unearthly Child Part One)" (1st, Susan, Ian, Barbara/Matrix POV)
Nov: 30:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x02, "The Cave of Skulls(An Unearthly Child Part Two)"
Dec: 7:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x03, "The Forest of Fear(An Unearthly Child Part Three)"
Dec: 14:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x04, "The Firemaker(An Unearthly Child Part Four)"
Dec: 21:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x05, "The Dead Planet(The Daleks Part One)"
Dec: 28:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x06, "The Survivors(The Daleks Part Two)"

Jan: 4:

Doctor Who(1963): 1x07, "The Escape(The Daleks Part Three)"
Jan: 11:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x08, "The Ambush(The Daleks Part Four)"
Jan: 18:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x09, "The Expedition(The Daleks Part Five)"
Jan: 25:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x10, "The Ordeal(The Daleks Part Six)"
Feb: 1:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x11, "The Rescue(The Daleks Part Seven)"
Feb: 8:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x12, "The Edge of Destruction(The Edge of Destruction Part One)"
Feb: 15:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x13, "The Brink of Disaster(The Edge of Destruction Part Two)"
Feb: 22:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x14, "The Roof of the World(Marco Polo Part One)"
Feb: 29:

Doctor Who(1963): 1x15, "The Singing Sands(Marco Polo Part Two)"
Mar: 7:

Doctor Who(1963): 1x16, "Five Hundred Eyes(Marco Polo Part Three)"
Mar: 14:

Doctor Who(1963): 1x17, "The Wall of Lies(Marco Polo Part Four)"
Mar: 21:

Doctor Who(1963): 1x18, "Rider from Shang Tu(Marco Polo Part Five)"
Mar: 28:

Doctor Who(1963): 1x19, "Mighty Kublai Khan(Marco Polo Part Six)"
Apr: 4:

Doctor Who(1963): 1x20, "Assassin at Peking(Marco Polo Part Seven)"
Apr: 11:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x21, "The Sea of Death(The Keys of Marinus Part One)"
Apr: 18:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x22, "The Velvet Web(The Keys of Marinus Part Two)"
Apr: 25:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x23, "The Screaming Jungle(The Keys of Marinus Part Three)"
May: 2:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x24, "The Snows of Terror(The Keys of Marinus Part Four)"
May: 9:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x25, "Sentence of Death(The Keys of Marinus Part Five)"
May: 16:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x26, "The Keys of Marinus(The Keys of Marinus Part Six)"
May: 23:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x27, "The Temple of Evil(The Aztecs Part One)"
May: 30:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x28, "The Warriors of Death(The Aztecs Part Two)"
Jun: 6:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x29, "The Bride of Sacrifice(The Aztecs Part Three)"
Jun: 13:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x30, "The Day of Darkness(The Aztecs Part Four)"
Jun: 20:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x31, "Strangers in Space(The Sensorites Part One)"
Jun: 27:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x32, "The Unwilling Warriors(The Sensorites Part Two)"
Jul: 11:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x33, "Hidden Danger(The Sensorites Part Three)"
Jul: 18:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x34, "A Race Against Death(The Sensorites Part Four)"
Jul: 25:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x35, "Kidnap(The Sensorites Part Five)"
Aug: 1:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x36, "A Desperate Venture(The Sensorites Part Six)"
Aug: 8:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x37, "A Land of Fear(The Reign of Terror Part One)"
Aug: 15:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x38, "Guests of Madame Guillotine(The Reign of Terror Part Two)"
Aug: 22:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x39, "A Change of Identity(The Reign of Terror Part Three)"
Aug: 29:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x40, "The Tyrant of France(The Reign of Terror Part Four)"
Sep: 5:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x41, "A Bargain of Necessity(The Reign of Terror Part Five)"
Sep: 12:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x42, "Prisoners of Conciergerie(The Reign of Terror Part Six)"
Oct: 31:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x01, "Planet of Giants(Planet of Giants Part One)"
Nov: 7:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x01, "Planet of Giants(Planet of Giants Part One)" (1st, Susan, Ian, Barbara/Main Setting): 00:21 - 23:08
Doctor Who(1963): 2x02, "Dangerous Journey(Planet of Giants Part Two)" (1st, Susan, Ian, Barbara/Matrix POV+Main Setting): 00:41 - 22:55
Doctor Who(1963): 2x03, "Crisis(Planet of Giants Part Three)" (1st, Susan, Ian, Barbara/Main Setting): 00:21 - 26:37

Nov: 14:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x03, "Crisis(Planet of Giants Part Three)" (Matrix POV)
Nov: 21:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x04, "World's End(The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part One)" (1st, Susan, Ian, Barbara/Matrix POV)
Nov: 28:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x05, "The Daleks(The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part Two)"
Dec: 5:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x06, "Day of Reckoning(The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part Three)"
Dec: 12:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x07, "The End of Tomorrow(The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part Four)"
Dec: 19:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x08, "The Waking Ally(The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part Five)"
Dec: 26:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x09, "Flashpoint(The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part Six)"

Jan: 2:

Doctor Who(1963): 2x10, "The Powerful Enemy(The Rescue Part One)" (1st, Ian, Barbara/Matrix POV)
Jan: 9:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x11, "Desperate Measures(The Rescue Part Two)"
Jan: 16:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x12, "The Slave Traders(The Romans Part One)"
Jan: 23:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x13, "All Roads Lead to Rome(The Romans Part Two)"
Jan: 30:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x14, "Conspiracy(The Romans Part Three)"
Feb: 6:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x15, "Inferno(The Romans Part Four)"
Feb: 13:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x16, "The Web Planet(The Web Planet Part One)" (Matrix POV)
Feb: 20:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x17, "The Zarbi(The Web Planet Part Two)"
Feb: 27:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x18, "Escape to Danger(The Web Planet Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 2x16, "The Web Planet(The Web Planet Part One)": 00:47 - 23:51 (Vortis, 1st, Ian, Barbara)
Doctor Who(1963): 2x17, "The Zarbi(The Web Planet Part Two)": 00:39 - 23:14
Doctor Who(1963): 2x18, "Escape to Danger(The Web Planet Part Three)": 00:54 - 22:51
Doctor Who(1963): 2x19, "Crater of Needles(The Web Planet Part Four)": 00:38 - 25:43
Doctor Who(1963): 2x20, "Invasion(The Web Planet Part Five)": 00:31 - 26:03
Doctor Who(1963): 2x21, "The Centre(The Web Planet Part Six)": 00:46 - 24m26

Mar: 6:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x19, "Crater of Needles(The Web Planet Part Four)" (Matrix POV)
Mar: 13:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x20, "Invasion(The Web Planet Part Five)"
Mar: 20:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x21, "The Centre(The Web Planet Part Six)"
Mar: 27:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x22, "The Lion(The Crusade Part One)" (1st, Ian, Barbara/Matrix POV)
Apr: 3
Doctor Who(1963): 2x23, "The Knight of Jaffa(The Crusade Part Two)"
Apr: 10:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x24, "The Wheel of Fortune(The Crusade Part Three)"
Apr: 17:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x25, "The Warlords(The Crusade Part Four)"
Apr: 24:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x26, "The Space Museum(The Space Museum Part One)"
May: 1:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x27, "The Dimensions of Time(The Space Museum Part Two)"
May: 8:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x28, "The Search(The Space Museum Part Three)"
May: 15:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x29, "The Final Phase(The Space Museum Part Four)"
May: 22:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x30, "The Executioners(The Chase Part One)" (Matrix POV)
May: 26:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x30, "The Executioners(The Chase Part One)" (Aridius, 1st, Ian, Barbara, Dalek Execution Squad)
Doctor Who(1963): 2x31, "The Death of Time(The Chase Part Two)"

May: 29:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x31, "The Death of Time(The Chase Part Two)" (Matrix POV)
Jun: 5:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x32, "Flight through Eternity(The Chase Part Three)" (1st, Ian, Barbara, Dalek Execution Squad/Matrix POV)
Jun: 12:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x33, "Journey into Terror(The Chase Part Four)"
Jun: 19:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x34, "The Death of Doctor Who(The Chase Part Five)"
Jun: 26:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x35, "The Planet of Decision(The Chase Part Six)" (1st, Ian, Barbara/Matrix POV)
Jul: 3:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x36, "The Watcher(The Time Meddler Part One)" (1st, The Monk/Matrix POV)
Jul: 10:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x37, "The Meddling Monk(The Time Meddler Part Two)"
Jul: 17:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x38, "A Battle of Wits(The Time Meddler Part Three)"
Jul: 24:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x39, "Checkmate(The Time Meddler Part Four)"
Aug: 23:
Dr. Who and the Daleks(1965): (Dr. Who, Susan, Barbara, Ian/Matrix POV) [Dr. Who's Universe]
Sep: 11:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x01, "Four Hundred Dawns (Galaxy 4 Part One)" (1st/Matrix POV) [N-Space]
Sep: 18:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x02, "Trap of Steel(Galaxy 4 Part Two)"
Sep: 25:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x03, "Air Lock(Galaxy 4 Part Three)"
Oct: 2:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x04, "The Exploding Planet(Galaxy 4 Part Four)"
Oct: 9:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x05, "Mission to the Unknown": (Matrix POV)
Oct: 16:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x06, "Temple of Secrets(The Myth Makers Part One)" (1st/Matrix POV)
Oct: 23:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x07, "Small Prophet, Quick Return(The Myth Makers Part Two)"
Oct: 30:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x08, "Death of a Spy(The Myth Makers Part Three)"
Nov: 6:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x09, "Horse of Destruction(The Myth Makers Part Four)": (1st, Katarina/Matrix POV)
Nov: 13:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x10, "The Nightmare Begins(The Daleks' Master Plan Part One)": (1st/Matrix POV)
Nov: 20:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x11, "Day of Armageddon(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Two)"
Nov: 27:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x12, "Devil's Planet(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Three)"
Dec: 4:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x13, "The Traitors(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Four)"
Dec: 11:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x14, "Counter Plot(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Five)"
Dec: 18:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x15, "Coronas of the Sun(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Six)": (Matrix POV)
Dec: 21:
Doctor Who: Classic Series: The Stageplays #3: "The Curse of the Daleks": (Matrix POV)
Dec: 25:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x15, "Coronas of the Sun(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Six)": (1st, Liverpool)
Doctor Who(1963): 3x16, "The Feast of Steven(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Seven)": (1st, Liverpool/Matrix POV)

Jan: 1:

Doctor Who(1963): 3x17, "Volcano(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Eight)": (1st, The Monk, Earth/Matrix POV)
Jan: 8:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x18, "Golden Death(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Nine)": (1st, The Monk/Matrix POV)
Jan: 15:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x19, "Escape Switch(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Ten)"
Jan: 22:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x20, "The Abandoned Planet(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Eleven)": (1st/Matrix POV)
Jan: 29:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x21, "Destruction of Time(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Twelve)"
Feb: 5:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x22, "War of God(The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve Part One)"
Feb: 12:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x23, "The Sea Beggar(The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve Part Two)"
Feb: 19:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x24, "Priest of Death(The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve Part Three)"
Feb: 26:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x25, "Bell of Doom(The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve Part Four)": (1st, Dodo, London/Matrix POV)
Mar: 5:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x26, "The Steel Sky(The Ark Part One)": (1st, Dodo/Matrix POV)
Mar: 12:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x27, "The Plague(The Ark Part Two)"
Mar: 19:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x28, "The Return(The Ark Part Three)"
Mar: 26:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x29, "The Bomb(The Ark Part Four)"
Mar: 30
Dr. Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150 AD(1966): (Dr. Who, Susan, Louisa, Tom) [Dr. Who's Universe]
Apr: 2:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x30, "The Celestial Toyroom(The Celestial Toymaker Part One)": (1st, Dodo/Matrix POV)
Apr: 9:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x31, "The Hall of Dolls(The Celestial Toymaker Part Two)"
Apr: 16:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x32, "The Dancing Floor(The Celestial Toymaker Part Three)"
Apr: 23:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x33, "The Final Test(The Celestial Toymaker Part Four)"
Apr: 30:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x34, "A Holiday for the Doctor(The Gunfighters Part One)"
May: 7:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x35, "Don't Shoot the Pianist(The Gunfighters Part Two)"
May: 14:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x36, "Johnny Ringo(The Gunfighters Part Three)"
May: 21:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x37, "The O.K. Corral(The Gunfighters Part Four)"
May: 28:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x38, "The Savages Part One"
Jun: 4:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x39, "The Savages Part Two"
Jun: 5:
Doctor Who(1963): 2x32, "Flight through Eternity(The Chase Part Three)": 04:34 - 12:49
Jun: 11:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x40, "The Savages Part Three": (1st, Dodo/Matrix POV)
Jun: 18:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x41, "The Savages Part Four"
Jun: 25:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x42, "The War Machines Part One": (Matrix POV)
Jul: 2:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x43, "The War Machines Part Two"
Jul: 9:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x44, "The War Machines Part Three"
Jul: 12:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x42, "The War Machines Part One": 00:29 - 24:01 (1st, Dodo, Ben, Polly, Earth)
Doctor Who(1963): 3x43, "The War Machines Part Two": 00:35 - 02:32

Jul: 13:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x43, "The War Machines Part Two": 02:32 - 24:04
Doctor Who(1963): 3x44, "The War Machines Part Three": 01:26 - 06:32 (1st, Ben, Polly, Earth)

Jul: 15:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x44, "The War Machines Part Three": 06:32 - 14:45
Jul: 16:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x44, "The War Machines Part Three": 14:46 - 24:00
Doctor Who(1963): 3x45, "The War Machines Part Four": 00:46 - 20:29 (1st, Ben, Polly, Earth/Matrix POV)

Jul: 20:
Doctor Who(1963): 3x45, "The War Machines Part Four": 20:29 - 23:12 (1st, Ben, Polly, Earth)
Aug: 5:
Dr. Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150 AD(1966): (Matrix POV) [Dr. Who's Universe]
Sep: 10:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x01, "The Smugglers Part One"
Sep: 17:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x02, "The Smugglers Part Two"
Sep: 24:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x03, "The Smugglers Part Three"
Oct: 1:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x04, "The Smugglers Part Four"
Oct: 8:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x05, "The Tenth Planet Part One"
Oct: 15:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x06, "The Tenth Planet Part Two"
Oct: 22:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x07, "The Tenth Planet Part Three"
Oct: 29:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x08, "The Tenth Planet Part Four": (1st/2nd/Matrix POV)
Nov: 5:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x09, "The Power of The Daleks Part One": (2nd/Matrix POV)
Nov: 12:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x10, "The Power of The Daleks Part Two"
Nov: 19:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x11, "The Power of The Daleks Part Three"
Nov: 26:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x12, "The Power of The Daleks Part Four"
Dec: 3:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x13, "The Power of The Daleks Part Five"
Dec: 10:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x14, "The Power of The Daleks Part Six"
Dec: 17:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x15, "The Highlanders Part One"
Dec: 24:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x16, "The Highlanders Part Two"
Dec: 31:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x17, "The Highlanders Part Three"

Jan: 7:

Doctor Who(1963): 4x18, "The Highlanders Part Four"
Jan: 14:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x19, "The Underwater Menace Part One"
Jan: 21:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x20, "The Underwater Menace Part Two"
Jan: 28:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x21, "The Underwater Menace Part Three"
Feb: 4:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x22, "The Underwater Menace Part Four"
Feb: 11:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x23, "The Moonbase Part One"
Feb: 18:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x24, "The Moonbase Part Two"
Feb: 25:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x25, "The Moonbase Part Three"
Mar: 4:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x26, "The Moonbase Part Four"
Mar: 11:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x27, "The Macra Terror Part One"
Mar: 18:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x28, "The Macra Terror Part Two"
Mar: 25:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x29, "The Macra Terror Part Three"
Apr: 1:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x30, "The Macra Terror Part Four"
Apr: 8:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x31, "The Faceless Ones Part One"
Apr: 15:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x32, "The Faceless Ones Part Two"
Apr: 22:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x33, "The Faceless Ones Part Three"
Apr: 29:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x34, "The Faceless Ones Part Four"
May: 6:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x35, "The Faceless Ones Part Five"
May: 13:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x36, "The Faceless Ones Part Six"
May: 20:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x37, "The Evil of The Daleks Part One"
May: 27:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x38, "The Evil of The Daleks Part Two"
Jun: 3:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x39, "The Evil of The Daleks Part Three"
Jun: 10:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x40, "The Evil of The Daleks Part Four"
Jun: 17:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x41, "The Evil of The Daleks Part Five"
Jun: 24:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x42, "The Evil of The Daleks Part Six"
Jul: 1:
Doctor Who(1963): 4x43, "The Evil of The Daleks Part Seven"


Doctor Who(1963): 4x05, "The Tenth Planet Part One": 00:21 - 23:08
Doctor Who(1963): 4x06, "The Tenth Planet Part Two": 00:45 - 23:12
Doctor Who(1963): 4x07, "The Tenth Planet Part Three": 00:45 - 23:34
Doctor Who(1963): 4x08, "The Tenth Planet Part Four": 00:50 - 24:35

Jun: 12:

Doctor Who(1963): 2x33, "Journey into Terror(The Chase Part Four)": 00:50 - 14:52

Aug: 23:

Dr. Who and the Daleks(1965): 00:06:17 - 01:21:14 [Dr. Who's Universe]

Dr. Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150 AD(1966): 00:04:29 - 01:18:02 [Dr. Who's Universe]

Doctor Who(1963): 2x04, "World's End(The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part One)": 00:27 - 23:44
Doctor Who(1963): 2x05, "The Daleks(The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part Two)": 00:30 - 24:21
Doctor Who(1963): 2x06, "Day of Reckoning(The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part Three)": 00:39 - 26:48
Doctor Who(1963): 2x07, "The End of Tomorrow(The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part Four)": 00:41 - 23:25
Doctor Who(1963): 2x08, "The Waking Ally(The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part Five)": 00:31 - 24:32
Doctor Who(1963): 2x09, "Flashpoint(The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part Six)": 00:34 - 25:30

Doctor Who(1963): 2x26, "The Space Museum(The Space Museum Part One)": 00:24 - 23:41
Doctor Who(1963): 2x27, "The Dimensions of Time(The Space Museum Part Two)": 00:43 - 22:01
Doctor Who(1963): 2x28, "The Search(The Space Museum Part Three)": 00:39 - 23:31
Doctor Who(1963): 2x29, "The Final Phase(The Space Museum Part Four)": 00:41 - 22:15

Dec: 21:

Doctor Who: Classic Series: The Stageplays #3: "The Curse of the Daleks": (Skaro)


Doctor Who(1963): 2x30, "The Executioners(The Chase Part One)": 13:12 - 15:46

Jun: 19:

Doctor Who(1963): 2x33, "Journey into Terror(The Chase Part Four)": 21:39 - 23:50
Doctor Who(1963): 2x34, "The Death of Doctor Who(The Chase Part Five)": 00:44 - 23:28
Doctor Who(1963): 2x35, "The Planet of Decision(The Chase Part Six)": 00:43 - 26:27

Dec: 20:

Doctor Who(1963): 2x10, "The Powerful Enemy(The Rescue Part One)": 00:24 - 25:12
Doctor Who(1963): 2x11, "Desperate Measures(The Rescue Part Two)": 00:48 - 22:59

Doctor Who(1963): 1x31, "Strangers in Space(The Sensorites Part One)": 00:45 - 24:47
Doctor Who(1963): 1x32, "The Unwilling Warriors(The Sensorites Part Two)": 01:09- 24:42
Doctor Who(1963): 1x33, "Hidden Danger(The Sensorites Part Three)": 00:48 - 24:55
Doctor Who(1963): 1x34, "A Race Against Death(The Sensorites Part Four)": 00:45 - 24:50
Doctor Who(1963): 1x35, "Kidnap(The Sensorites Part Five)": 00:40 - 25:49
Doctor Who(1963): 1x36, "A Desperate Venture(The Sensorites Part Six)": 00:45 - 25:49

Doctor Who(1963): 3x01, "Four Hundred Dawns (Galaxy 4 Part One)": 00:27 - 23:04
Doctor Who(1963): 3x02, "Trap of Steel(Galaxy 4 Part Two)": 00:34 - 25:49
Doctor Who(1963): 3x03, "Air Lock(Galaxy 4 Part Three)": 00:44 - 24:20
Doctor Who(1963): 3x04, "The Exploding Planet(Galaxy 4 Part Four)": 01:10 - 25:57
Doctor Who(1963): 3x05, "Mission to the Unknown"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x10, "The Nightmare Begins(The Daleks' Master Plan Part One)": (Katarina, Time Setting)
Doctor Who(1963): 3x11, "Day of Armageddon(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Two)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x12, "Devil's Planet(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Three)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x13, "The Traitors(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Four)": (Katarina, Sara Kingdom, Time Setting)
Doctor Who(1963): 3x14, "Counter Plot(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Five)": (Sara Kingdom, Time Setting)
Doctor Who(1963): 3x15, "Coronas of the Sun(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Six)"
Doctor Who(1963): 3x16, "The Feast of Steven(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Seven)": (Sara Kingdom)
Doctor Who(1963): 3x17, "Volcano(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Eight)": (Sara Kingdom, Time Setting)
Doctor Who(1963): 3x18, "Golden Death(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Nine)": (Sara Kingdom, Mavic Chen, Daleks)
Doctor Who(1963): 3x19, "Escape Switch(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Ten)": (Sara Kingdom, Mavic Chen, Daleks, Time Setting)
Doctor Who(1963): 3x20, "The Abandoned Planet(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Eleven)": (Sara Kingdom, Time Setting)
Doctor Who(1963): 3x21, "Destruction of Time(The Daleks' Master Plan Part Twelve)"

Doctor Who(1963): 3x26, "The Steel Sky(The Ark Part One)": 00:24 - 24:01
Doctor Who(1963): 3x27, "The Plague(The Ark Part Two)": 01:12 - 22:59

Doctor Who(1963): 3x27, "The Plague(The Ark Part Two)": 23:00 - 25:02
Doctor Who(1963): 3x28, "The Return(The Ark Part Three)": 01:03 - 24:20
Doctor Who(1963): 3x29, "The Bomb(The Ark Part Four)": 00:57 - 22:58
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For clarity, Time Lord appearances following the anchoring of the thread up to the deposal of Rassilon take place in a relatively short number of years despite being far more spread out on this timeline

Gallifrey has it's own relationship to the rest of the universe with the transduction barriers and the eye of harmony literally separating it from the greater universe and the traditional flow of time. Following the anchoring this timeline returns to events on Gallifrey when they again become synchronous with events beyond the homeworld such as the Racnoss War, Artron's folly and the institution of the non-intervention policy following a disastrous conflict in 98,022 BCE and the subsequent formation of organisations like the division and the celestial intervention agency.

This anchoring is also my explanation as to how so many contradictory who timelines can co-exist in marvel earth 5556, as a result of the time lord's unparalleled dominance over their native spacetime.

However, events on Gallifrey will become more sparse from this point forward until 1963. I have however calculated the events of the Morbius and Pandora civil wars by using the (frankly inconsistent) Gallifreyan dates provided for two doctor stories connected with real world release dates in order to calculate backwards to a real world date suitable for these events. The civil war may result in the decimation of Karn but there is no universal dating provided for this event so I've assumed, being so intrinsically connected to Gallifrey by the Sisterhood and relative galactic closeness to the Homeworld, that it operates within Gallifrey time

I have yet to determine whether moving Gallifrey to the far future alters this relationship or of the complexities of the pantropic matrix would continue this despite temporal relocation
Will you include Star Trek? There is an X-Men / Star Trek Crossover (the X-Men appear to be from 616)
havent read it. I'll certainly include the x-men aspect, 616 or otherwise, but as to star trek it'll depend on whether its more like the alien crossovers where its on an actual marvel universe or if its more like the dc crossovers where they come from a definitive other multiverse
Great - Kull/Conan was where I stopped with mine because there was different times given from where the latter started (people couldn't decide whether 10,000 or 15,000!)
Updated with all the releases of the original William Hartnell televised era, including both Cushing films and the audio adaptation of the 60's stage play Curse of the Daleks

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