-14 Billion BCE:
(Earth-616) Thor: God of Thunder #5 Pg4+5
-13.8 Billion BCE:
(Earth-TRN870) Loki: 2x04, "Heart of the TVA": 02:03 - 03:52
Loki: 1x06, "For All Time. Always.": 01:14 - 07:26
Loki: 1x06, "For All Time. Always.": 08:00 - 10:26
(Loki Time-Sliding) Loki: 2x06, "Glorious Purpose": 19:19 - 19:42
(Earth-TRN870) Loki: 1x06, "For All Time. Always.": 10:26 - 11:51
Loki: 1x06, "For All Time. Always.": 13:35 - 17:06
Loki: 1x06, "For All Time. Always.": 19:30 - 34:17
(Loki Time-Sliding) Loki: 2x06, "Glorious Purpose": 17:57 - 27:26
(Earth-TRN870) Loki: 1x06, "For All Time. Always.": 34:17 - 37:13
Loki: 2x03, "1893": 47:22 - 48:40
Loki: 2x04, "Heart of the TVA": 01:14 - 04:36
Loki: 2x06, "Glorious Purpose": 38:56 - 39:51
Loki: 2x06, "Glorious Purpose": 40:05 - 42:24
(Earth-616) Venom(2018) #4 to Pg7
-13.5 Billion BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who(1963): 19x01, "Castrovalva: Part One": 05:36 - 24:15
Doctor Who(1963): 19x02, "Castrovalva: Part Two": 02:02 - 10:06
Doctor Who(2005): 5x12, "The Pandorica Opens": 04:33 - 05:38
-12 Billion BCE:
(Earth-616) Guardians of the Galaxy/All-New X-Men: Black Vortex Alpha to Pg8, 22 to 25
-9.6 Billion BCE:
(Earth-199999) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1 57:45 - 57:57
-6.4 Billion BCE:
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1 58:02 - 58:09
-6 Billion BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who: Classic Doctors, New Monsters: 2x02, "Empire of the Racnoss" (Ending)
Doctor Who: All Flesh is Grass(Prologue)
Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious: Short Trips: "Lesser Evils" (Main Setting)
Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor: Year Two #14 to Pg19
Doctor Who(2005): 7x09, "Hide": 20:18 - 20:41
-5.7 Billion BCE:
Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious: Short Trips: "Lesser Evils" (Minor Setting)
-5.5 Billion BCE:
(Earth-616) Original Sin(2014) #0 Pg19-22
-4.6 Billion BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who: Classic Series: Main Range #47: "Omega" (Omega's academy days flashback)
Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 17:07 - 19:53
Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 25:44 - 26:05
Doctor Who: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead (Prologue)
What the TARDIS thought of "Time Lord Victorious"
Doctor Who Magazine #556 Pg79-94
Doctor Who Magazine #557 Pg47-54
Doctor Who Magazine #558 Pg57-63
Doctor Who: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead Ch1-15
Doctor Who: All Flesh is Grass Pg10-12
Doctor Who: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead Ch16
Doctor Who: All Flesh is Grass Pg6-Ch3
Tales of the Time Lord Victorious #1-4
Doctor Who: All Flesh is Grass Pg30-33
Tales of the Time Lord Victorious #5
Doctor Who: The New Series: Time Lord Victorious: The Minds of Magnox(Primary setting)
Doctor Who: All Flesh is Grass Pg48+49, Ch4-Pg30, 33-end
Doctor Who Magazine #558 Pg63+64
Doctor Who: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead Interlude 3
Doctor Who: The New Series: Time Lord Victorious: The Minds of Magnox(Epilogue)
Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 26:10 - 27:07
Doctor Who: Classic Series: Main Range #47: "Omega" (Omega and Rassilon seize power flashback)
Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 27:25 - 28:24
Doctor Who: Classic Series: Main Range #47: "Omega" (Omega lost to the Antimatter Universe)
Doctor Who: Classic Series: Main Range #50b: "Zagreus - Heartland (Rassilon's Foundry)
Doctor Who: Eleventh Doctor: Year Three #10
Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension Special #2(third story)
Doctor Who: Classic Series: Special Releases: The Legacy of Time: Collision Course(Main Setting)
Doctor Who: Classic Doctors, New Monsters: 2x02, "Empire of the Racnoss" (Main Setting)
Doctor Who(2005): 3xSpecial, "The Runaway Bride": 40:56 - 43:54
-4 Billion BCE:
(Earth-616) Avengers(2018) #5-Pg5
Thor(2007) #7 Pg17
Journey into Mystery #629 Pg8-10
Loki: Agent of Asgard #3-Pg19
Journey into Mystery #638 Pg14-20
Thor(2007) #7 Pg18+19, #12 Pg8-11, #7 Pg22, #12 Pg12
Mighty Thor(2011) #7-Pg3
Loki: Agent of Asgard #3 Pg20+21
Mighty Thor(2011) #7 Pg4-23, #18 Pg10-14, #19 Pg15+16, #18 Pg14+15
-3.2 Billion BCE:
(Earth-94415) Prometheus 0:00:00 - 0:07:24
-2.5 Billion BCE:
(Earth-616) Marauders(2022) #12 Pg20+21
-2 Billion BCE:
Marauders(2022) #4 Pg12-17, Panel 2, #7 Pg18-20, #9 Pg17, #8-Pg3, #7 Pg21, 25, #9 Pg13, #8 Pg17-#10 Pg21
-1 Billion BCE:
(Earth-1610) Ultimate Thor #1 Pg12-20
-500 Million BCE:
Ultimate Vision #0 Pg7-17
-400 Million BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who(1963): 17x08, "City of Death: Part Four": 17:47 - 21:27
Doctor Who(1963): 17x05, "City of Death: Part One": 00:27 - 02:22
-200 Million BCE:
(Earth-1610) Ultimate Fantastic Four #21-Pg7
-150 Million BCE:
Ultimate Fantastic Four #21-Pg7
-140 Million BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who(1963): 19x23, "Time-Flight: Part One": 15:19 - 24:57
Doctor Who(1963): 19x24, "Time-Flight: Part Two": 01:20 - 24:00
Doctor Who(1963): 19x25, "Time-Flight: Part Three": 01:23 - 24:30
Doctor Who(1963): 19x26, "Time-Flight: Part Four": 01:10 - 17:57
-66 Million BCE:
(Earth-12041) Hulk and the Agents of SMASH: 2x19, "Days of Future Smash: Part One: The Dino Era": 02:21 - 02:55
Hulk and the Agents of SMASH: 2x19, "Days of Future Smash: Part One: The Dino Era": 03:06 - 03:45
Hulk and the Agents of SMASH: 2x19, "Days of Future Smash: Part One: The Dino Era": 07:50 - 10:39
Hulk and the Agents of SMASH: 2x19, "Days of Future Smash: Part One: The Dino Era": 12:41 - 15:53
Hulk and the Agents of SMASH: 2x19, "Days of Future Smash: Part One: The Dino Era": 18:39 - 20:25
Hulk and the Agents of SMASH: 2x19, "Days of Future Smash: Part One: The Dino Era": 21:02 - 21:22
Avengers Assemble: 3x13, "Into The Future": 16:57 - 19:21
(Earth-92131) X-Men: The Animated Series 3x13, "Savage Land, Savage Heart(Part 2 of 2)": 09:15 - 09:46
-65 Million BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who: Twelfth Doctor: Year Two #14 Pg8-14
(Earth-616) Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine #1
(Earth-5556) Tales of the TARDIS: "Earthshock" 01:27:08 - 01:37:12
(Alternate Earthshock Ending) Doctor Who: Classic Series: Main Range #110: The Boy That Time Forgot
(Earth-616) Mighty Thor(2015) #12 Pg7-18
-50 Million BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who: Classic Series: Main Range #123: The Company of Friends(Benny's Story)
-12 Million BCE:
(Earth-7642) Optimus Prime #18 Pg3-7
Optimus Prime #10 Pg4-18
-8 Million BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who: Classic Series: Main Range #98: Frozen Time(flashbacks)
Doctor Who: Classic Series: 8DA: The Eighth Doctor Adventures: 4x05: Deimos(Prologue)
(Earth-7642) Robots in Disguise #34 Pg16-19
Robots in Disguise #30-Pg5
Robots in Disguise #34 Pg4-9, 11-13
-7 Million BCE:
Robots in Disguise Annual-Pg3, 10-12, 15
-6.7 Million BCE:
Robots in Disguise #34 Pg15-18, 20
-6 Million BCE:
More Than Meets The Eye #1 Pg8
Robots in Disguise Annual Pg18+19, 22-24
Robots in Disguise #17 Pg4+5
More Than Meets The Eye #1 Pg15
Robots in Disguise Annual Pg27-29, 36
Dark Cybertron Finale-Pg3
Robots in Disguise #17 Pg6-10
-5 Million BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who(1963): 1x21, "The Sea of Death(The Keys of Marinus Part One)": 00:25 - 23:15
Doctor Who(1963): 1x22, "The Velvet Web(The Keys of Marinus Part Two)": 00:40 - 25:16
Doctor Who(1963): 1x23, "The Screaming Jungle(The Keys of Marinus Part Three)": 00:35 - 23:50
Doctor Who(1963): 1x24, "The Snows of Terror(The Keys of Marinus Part Four)": 00:37 - 24:59
Doctor Who(1963): 1x25, "Sentence of Death(The Keys of Marinus Part Five)": 01:41 - 25:02
Doctor Who(1963): 1x26, "The Keys of Marinus(The Keys of Marinus Part Six)": 00:43 - 25:09
(Earth-7642) More Than Meets The Eye #37 Pg23
More Than Meets The Eye #38 Pg3-16
Optimus Prime #25-Pg2, 4, 6
More Than Meets The Eye #37 Pg10-17
Transformers #22 Pg5, 16+17, 22
Transformers #23-Pg3, 5+6
More Than Meets The Eye #37-Pg2, 4-10
More Than Meets The Eye #9 Pg2+3, 7-21
More Than Meets The Eye #10-Pg5, 9-#11 Pg2, 5-7, 9-19, 21+22
More Than Meets The Eye #40-Pg1
Transformers V2 #44-Pg1
Robots in Disguise #22 Pg20-end
Optimus Prime #16-Pg2
-4.2 Million BCE:
Robots in Disguise #22 Pg17
More Than Meets The Eye #14-Pg2
-4 Million BCE:
More Than Meets The Eye #36-Pg3, 7-end
Megatron: Origin #1+2
Robots in Disguise #22 Pg12-14
Megatron: Origin #3-Pg11
Drift #2 Pg12-17
Robots in Disguise #17 Pg13+14
Robots in Disguise #22 Pg10
Robots in Disguise #17 Pg15+16
Robots in Disguise #22 Pg5+6
Robots in Disguise #17 Pg17-20
Megatron: Origin #3 Pg12-#4 Pg22
Robots in Disguise #22-Pg2
Megatron: Origin #4 Pg23-end
All-Hail Megatron #13 Pg3+4, 6+7, 9+10
Spotlight: Blurr #1-Pg9
Spotlight: Orion Pax #1
Spotlight: Blurr #1 Pg10-end
Optimus Prime #1-Pg4, 10+11, 16+17
Optimus Prime #2 Pg5+6, 11+12
Optimus Prime #3-Pg2, 9-11, 16
Optimus Prime #4 Pg3+4, 11, 16+17
Optimus Prime #5 Pg6+7, 13-15
Optimus Prime #6 Pg5-7, 11-14
Optimus Prime #7-Pg2, 5-7, 14-16, 18-end
Optimus Prime #8 Pg2+3, 7+8, 12, 14, 18
Transformers: Annual(2017) #1 Pg5-19
Optimus Prime #20-Pg2
Optimus Prime #25 Pg8
Sins of the Wreckers #4-Pg4
Sins of the Wreckers #3-Pg2, 13-15
Sins of the Wreckers #5 Pg6
Transformers: Autocracy #1-3
Optimus Prime #25 Pg10
Transformers: Autocracy #4-12
Spotlight: Wheelie #1 Pg1 Panel 1, Pg3, Pg1, 4, 8-10, 4+5
Requiem of the Wreckers #1 Pg30+31, 4+5, 17+18
Transformers: Monstrosity #1-12
Transformers: Primacy #1-4
Optimus Prime #25 Pg12
Transformers: Ironhide #1 Pg2-18
More Than Meets The Eye #16-Pg2
-3 Million BCE:
More Than Meets The Eye #16 Pg3+4
Optimus Prime #25 Pg14
More Than Meets The Eye #48-Pg4, 12+13, 19-#49 Pg3, 8, 18-end
-1 Million BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who: Classic Series: Eighth Doctor Adventures: Ravenous: 4x03, "Day of the Master Pt1" (Artron)
Doctor Who: Classic Series: Eighth Doctor Adventures: Ravenous: 4x04, "Day of the Master Pt2" (Artron/Early Earth)
(Earth-616) Dark Avengers #4 Pg9+10
Avengers(2018) #7
Marvel Legacy #1-Pg8
Avengers: Free Comic Book Day 2018 #1 Pg5
Mighty Thor: At the Gates of Valhalla #1 Pg10 Panel2
Avengers(2018) #1-Pg7
Avengers(2018) #4-Pg3, 17+18, 21
Eternals(2006) #1 Pg22-28
(Earth-1610) Ultimate Thor #2 Pg4-11, 14-16, 19+20, #3 Pg7-10
(Earth-78411) Uncanny X-Men Annual 2014 #1
All-New X-Men Annual 2014 #1
(Earth-616) Original Sin #5.3 Pg8-11, 13-15, #.1 Pg10-13, #.5 Pg5+6
-650,000 BCE:
(Earth-7642) Transformers: Spotlight: Shockwave-Pg3
-500,000 BCE:
Robots in Disguise #6-Pg5
Robots in Disguise #28 Pg4-7
Robots in Disguise #32-Pg2
Spotlight: Thundercracker
Robots in Disguise #19
-297,989 BCE:
(Earth-616) FF(2011) #6 Pg9-19, #7 Pg15-17
-230,000 BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor: Year Two #4+5
-100,000 BCE:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x01, "An Unearthly Child(An Unearthly Child Part One)": 20:27 - 23:20
Doctor Who(1963): 1x02, "The Cave of Skulls(An Unearthly Child Part Two)": 00:40 - 24:35
Doctor Who(1963): 1x03, "The Forest of Fear(An Unearthly Child Part Three)": 00:52 - 23:35
Doctor Who(1963): 1x04, "The Firemaker(An Unearthly Child Part Four)": 00:39 - 18:46
Doctor Who: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead Interlude 1
Doctor Who(1963): 1x04, "The Firemaker(An Unearthly Child Part Four)": 18:47 - 21:40
(Earth-616) Thor: Ages of Thunder #1-Pg11
-98,022 BCE:
(Earth-5556) Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 37:14 - 38:20
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 00:00 - 00:42
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 03:12 - 06:24
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 08:53 - 09:00
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 09:59 - 10:07
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 11:06 - 11:14
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 12:05 - 15:52
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 17:20 - 18:01
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 22:12 - 29:11
Doctor Who(2005): 13x03, "Once, Upon Time" 37:51 - 38:18
Free Comic Book Day: 2022: Doctor Who #1-Pg9
Doctor Who: Origins #1-4
Doctor Who(2005): 12x05, "Fugitive of the Judoon" (Fugitive Doctor)
Doctor Who(2005): 12x09, "Ascension of the Cybermen" 01:11 - 03:38
Doctor Who(2005): 12x09, "Ascension of the Cybermen" 17:37 - 19:00
Doctor Who(2005): 12x09, "Ascension of the Cybermen" 24:13 - 26:11
Doctor Who(2005): 12x09, "Ascension of the Cybermen" 43:35 - 45:25
Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 17:00 - 19:49
Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 25:37 - 28:19
Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 37:14 - 38:21
Doctor Who(2005): 12x10, "The Timeless Children": 39:39 - 40:24
Doctor Who: Classic Series: Novel Adaptations, "Cold Fusion" (Patience's Husband+loom born revolt)
-2881 BCE:
Doctor Who(1963): 1x04, "The Firemaker(An Unearthly Child Part Four)": 22:34 - 24:24
Doctor Who(1963): 1x05, "The Dead Planet(The Daleks Part One)": 00:51 - 24:19
Doctor Who(1963): 1x06, "The Survivors(The Daleks Part Two)": 00:41 - 24:24
Doctor Who(1963): 1x07, "The Escape(The Daleks Part Three)": 00:38 - 25:05
Doctor Who(1963): 1x08, "The Ambush(The Daleks Part Four)": 00:49 - 24:25
Doctor Who(1963): 1x09, "The Expedition(The Daleks Part Five)": 00:42 - 24:28
Doctor Who(1963): 1x10, "The Ordeal(The Daleks Part Six)": 00:42 - 26:09
Doctor Who(1963): 1x11, "The Rescue(The Daleks Part Seven)": 00:42 - 20:47