Smallville (spoilers)

Like they've done with everything for the past year.

I really couldn't care less about Darkseid. It looked pretty cool and genuine, but that's not what made this episode one of the best episodes in the entire series.

Tom Welling has greatly improved as an actor and his entire performance in this episode just showed how much his character has actually developed over the course of the show. He truly is worthy of being called Superman, now. And he totally flew in that scene with the Daily Planet globe (he even says it). It really feels like the Superman show it never truly was, now.

I loved how the episode was chock full of Superman references and that guy playing the Lex clone was so fantastic that I almost wish they'd just retool the character and allow that actor to keep playing him (but that would be a bit of a cop out, I guess).

What made the episode was John Schneider at the end, which was just magnificent. Holy Balls. My favourite scene in seven years, easily. I hope they bring him back for the finale, as well.

Eh, It was an okay episode but everything felt so rushed. I would disagree with Welling's acting at the fortress scene, so much force over the top drama. And The CGI darksied looked lame, just didn't have the presence darksied needs. But it was a great story a lot of great ideas and scenes, it probably would have worked much much better as a 2 hour premiere. I just really hope they don't wait for the last five minutes of the series to show him in costume flying. I feel that last half of the season should have him in the damn costume flying already.
I don't think it should be the last five minutes, but I certainly don't think it should be an entire chunk of the season either. The show should end with him becoming Superman. It was never supposed to be about him as Superman. Just do a two-hour finale with Clark becoming Superman halfway through.
I don't think it should be the last five minutes, but I certainly don't think it should be an entire chunk of the season either. The show should end with him becoming Superman. It was never supposed to be about him as Superman. Just do a two-hour finale with Clark becoming Superman halfway through.

I get that, But I want a few epsiodes of him in the suit becoming the man of steel everyone knows, just a small amount of learning curve before he's officially titled Superman. Cause honestly that's all I've been waiting for since this series started. If that majority of the last two hours will be him using the suit I'll be happy. And also I just want to do away with the black costume, just doesn't work for me.
I get that, But I want a few epsiodes of him in the suit becoming the man of steel everyone knows, just a small amount of learning curve before he's officially titled Superman. Cause honestly that's all I've been waiting for since this series started. If that majority of the last two hours will be him using the suit I'll be happy. And also I just want to do away with the black costume, just doesn't work for me.

ritual burning of the black suit as he adopts the red and blues would be cool. and a few episodes with the suit would be good.
And also I just want to do away with the black costume, just doesn't work for me.

I've actually grown to love the black costume. It makes a lot of sense as a prototype Superman identity. But yeah, it is just about time for them to get rid of it.
I've actually grown to love the black costume. It makes a lot of sense as a prototype Superman identity. But yeah, it is just about time for them to get rid of it.

Yeah it does makes sense and make the transition to a colorful costume more meaningful but what I hate is you can barely see the symbol. If the S was bright solid white and shine through the dark scenes it would work so much better. But most of the time I might as well think it's Neo saving the day. So there's really nothing distinguishing it than the Matrix style that's already played out.

David: It's kind of weird, since the original plan for this show was that it was going to be the Young Bruce Wayne Adventures. And if they'd done that, we'd have this Bruce Wayne by now who'd fought the Joker, gotten his back broken by Bane, solved his parents' murder and turned in Joe Chill, saved Dick Grayson at a circus, had Dick Grayson grow up and go away, found a kid lifting tires off of his car and started hanging out with him, had him killed by the Joker, and then taken a dip in a Lazarus Pit before finally at the beginning of season ten someone goes "Hey, what if you dressed up as a bat?"

Chris: And in the final season, he'd meet the Bruce Wayne of Zur-En-Arrh.

This really was one of the best scenes in the history of the show.
So this was another really enjoyable episode. Not much in the way of plot, just moving the overall season arc along. Deadshot was fun and I was glad they had the balls to make Cat Grant different to the sex kitten of the comics (and Lois & Clark), because God knows, Smallville's had dozens of those kinds of characters already.

Hawkman's Nietzche speech was great at the end, culminating in Clark's (sadly bizarre-looking) new proto-Superman suit. On the one hand, it's good that he's no longer in black. On the other hand, he looks like Michael Jackson, the S is even harder to see than before, what the hell is up with his pants and why did they feel the need to break the S-logo in half? The suit has no momentum, unfortunately. Luckily, this is only going to be the suit for most of the season. :?



For the first time in the history of this show, I'm actually annoyed that Clark Kent isn't wearing blue jeans.
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It is pretty stupid looking but I'm just glad we're done with Neo-Clark. But still it's like "why not just have him in the suit already?"
It seems odd for them to ditch the "shadowy proto-Superman" in favour of a brighter, more optimistic look and-still-not-yet-Superman, I'll admit, but I still don't think they're ready to give him the actual suit yet.

There's a few questions that they still have to answer (like how and if they're going to even have a secret identity or will everyone just know who he is) and I like the idea of Clark's battle against Darkseid being the test which determines whether he's the hero Jor-El wants him to be. After he succeeds in that test (at least initially) he may become Superman.

Again, I don't think this should just become a Superman show for a bunch of episodes at the end. It'll just feel like they're needlessly pandering to the fans and it always hurts the show when they do that.
Again, I don't think this should just become a Superman show for a bunch of episodes at the end. It'll just feel like they're needlessly pandering to the fans and it always hurts the show when they do that.

The show has lasted 10 years because of the fans, the least they can do is pander to the fans.
It is pretty stupid looking but I'm just glad we're done with Neo-Clark. But still it's like "why not just have him in the suit already?"

because the show isn't about Superman, the show is about Clark Kent becoming Superman. He's not going to put on his blue and red superman suit until probably the last scene of the last episode. I'm just going to go on record as calling that now.
because the show isn't about Superman, the show is about Clark Kent becoming Superman. He's not going to put on his blue and red superman suit until probably the last scene of the last episode. I'm just going to go on record as calling that now.

Come on they're stretching that so thin "He's not ready to become Superman, he wheres the S on suit when he fights crime" It's like "really, your not ready to do tat cause it seems like the story already is" And it is the final season so why hp;d back at all?
Come on they're stretching that so thin "He's not ready to become Superman, he wheres the S on suit when he fights crime" It's like "really, your not ready to do tat cause it seems like the story already is" And it is the final season so why hp;d back at all?

I don't know, but i'm sure they will.
So, I don't watch this show, but Chris Sims' summary is hilarious so far.

because the show isn't about Superman, the show is about Clark Kent becoming Superman. He's not going to put on his blue and red superman suit until probably the last scene of the last episode. I'm just going to go on record as calling that now.

Fair enough, I guess.... But hasn't he already fought all of Superman's villains, teamed up with half the heroes in the DC universe, practically formed a Justice League, joined the Daily Planet, become recognized as a force for good in Metropolis, fly around and stop crooks.

Like, what else does he have to do as Superman?