Smallville (spoilers)

Most of the people who have are either dead or are other superheroes. As for the dozens of people Clark works with in the Daily Planet, I'm guessing when Superman finally shows up, there'll be some kind of hypnosis type deal, so that people don't automatically associate his face with Clark Kent's. They did something like this in the 70s comics.

Either that, or they just won't bother dealing with it at all (which I wouldn't be surprised by, sadly).

Eh, I think he's just another face in the Daily Planet and most people won't take notice. So I think that's good, but what about Smallville? He was king at the reunion everybody remembered him. The second Superman gets a face shot in the paper how could they not know?
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So, I'm halfway through season 8. As I'm sure I've mentioned before, it's MUCH better than the middle seasons (3-6).


Lana got superpowers grafted to her skin and then absorbed a kryptonite bomb so she and Clark could never be together again?!?!?!
what the crap is that about? I was absolutely astonished at how dumb it all was. And then I watched the credits and was even more astonished not to see Jeph Loeb's name.

Lana should have left the show after they broke up in season 5 (or at the VERY latest after she and Lex get divorced in season 6). Then she should not have been in it at all except to make a guest appearance for Chloe's wedding, meet the Legion who tell her that she has an important destiny and then she and Clark go their separate ways. Forever. That would have made everything about this show so much better.
I like it better this way, cuz now we know for a FACT that Lana isn't going to show up and be a "home wrecker" for a better lack of a term.
This pretty much makes up for everything Smallville has ever done wrong and makes me excited for the finale


I've watched that easily 20 times now.

I'm as excited now as when the show began. I'm holding on to the belief that this will be the greatest episode ever, just as I've always hoped it would be.
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Well, that's it. No more Smallville.

I enjoyed the episode. Even though there was a huge lack of Darksied vs Superman action, and the 'threat' of Apokolips was literally pushed away, it was good fun and a nice end to the series. The final moments, 7 years later with Clark flying off the roof of the DP, pulling his shirt open and off to save the day with the classic music in the background was a good way to close it.

The ending scene
Michael Rosenbaum returning
Clark getting smacked out by Darksied/Lionel and flying to his feet
Killing Tess finally...
Lex. Seriously, Michael Rosenbaum was always one of the greatest actors on this show. When he first left I felt the show took a huge dip and took a while to get back to its feet.

Not enough LEX!
Not enough Darksied
I generally agree, but I was a bit disappoint the first flight just didn't seem as great as it should be. Also I didn't like Lex getting a memory wipe, I get they were trying to make it as status quo as possible, but I find the other way a million times more interesting. And I'm am fairly pissed we didn't get one good look at Clark in the costume, just a bunch of tiny cgi character. Just one shot is all I'm asking, while I wished they made their own unique design I was really looking forward to a revamp, professionally done Returns suit. And what's with the villains here, one slightest hit and their dust?

Otherwise the finale was pretty good, the bad dialog, while there, wasn't as much of a distraction and as you said: Lex is Awesome.
This was never going to live up to the hope/expectations I had for it, but overall it was a bit of a disappointment. First off, the first half of the episode was tortuously long and boring and as usual, had more to do with teen drama angst than it had to do with Clark becoming Superman.

The second half really picked up the pace and yes, Rosenbaum was terrific. An excellent swansong for the character. But the amnesia thing was ****ing terrible. I can't believe they did that. They could have chalked it up to 'minor amnesia' so that he only forgets chunks of his experiences in Smallville (and that would have been bad enough), but they actually went so far as to completely delete the man's entire life. Why would he even be the way he is without all of those experiences?

I had no problem with the lack of a 'big fight', or whatever. I was never under any illusion that we were going to get anything like this. They could have made Clark's showdown with Darkseid a little bit more epic than just zombie Lionel in the barn, but it worked out okay. Clark learning to fly could have been done a bit better as well, I think.

The only truly ****ed-up, blasphemously terrible thing about the finale was its stubborn refusal to show Tom Welling actually, physically wearing the Superman costume or even a full body shot of him. It's depressing to think that all of those fanboy photoshopped images and trailers we've seen over the years are actually better than what we got in the show. It's a real pity too, because even though the wide shots of Superman had rather shabby CGI, they did look good from an animation and flying perspective. If there had been a few 'real' shots of Welling, it could have really tied the whole thing together a bit better. It just looks unfinished the way it is. I'd bet a steak dinner that the only reason it turned out like this is because of Tom Welling's douchetastic refusal to wear the Superman suit, even after ten years of wearing moronic red jackets. I will never understand that about the man. And I'd bet another steak dinner that if anyone asks him why he refused to wear the suit, he'll come out with some "No matter what you do you can't please everyone," crap.

It's hilarious to think that in the 90s, people complained about how in a few episodes of the later seasons of Lois & Clark, Superman wouldn't perform a proper takeoff when he flew away, he'd just move off camera, flapping his cape in front of it. But now in 2011 we have Superman appearing for the first time and you can't even see his full costume. Lois & Clark really was a hundred times better than Smallville, even if it had smaller plots and more of an emphasis on comedy.

I liked the music at the end, but I didn't like how the main chorus of the Superman theme started playing before Clark actually did the shirt rip reveal. Maybe that's just nit-picking though.
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Well, that's it. No more Smallville.

I enjoyed the episode. Even though there was a huge lack of Darksied vs Superman action, and the 'threat' of Apokolips was literally pushed away, it was good fun and a nice end to the series. The final moments, 7 years later with Clark flying off the roof of the DP, pulling his shirt open and off to save the day with the classic music in the background was a good way to close it.

The ending scene
Michael Rosenbaum returning
Clark getting smacked out by Darksied/Lionel and flying to his feet
Killing Tess finally...
Lex. Seriously, Michael Rosenbaum was always one of the greatest actors on this show. When he first left I felt the show took a huge dip and took a while to get back to its feet.

Not enough LEX!
Not enough Darksied

I also agree with you on this nice way to end it. Although I thought for sure they would have ended it like the movies. You know Superman flies just out side of the earth's atmosphere smiles and flies off.
This was never going to live up to the hope/expectations I had for it, but overall it was a bit of a disappointment. First off, the first half of the episode was tortuously long and boring and as usual, had more to do with teen drama angst than it had to do with Clark becoming Superman.
I feel the opposite, which is funny because I generally hate the drama aspect but I felt everything about the wedding (minus the unbelievably stupid reasons that "they can't do this") was absolutely perfect the wedding scene itself was great.
The second half really picked up the pace and yes, Rosenbaum was terrific. An excellent swansong for the character. But the amnesia thing was ****ing terrible. I can't believe they did that. They could have chalked it up to 'minor amnesia' so that he only forgets chunks of his experiences in Smallville (and that would have been bad enough), but they actually went so far as to completely delete the man's entire life. Why would he even be the way he is without all of those experiences?
Yep, the only reason I don't mind the erasing was the scene itself played out great which again is because of Rosenbaum.
The only truly ****ed-up, blasphemously terrible thing about the finale was its stubborn refusal to show Tom Welling actually, physically wearing the Superman costume or even a full body shot of him. It's depressing to think that all of those fanboy photoshopped images and trailers we've seen over the years are actually better than what we got in the show. It's a real pity too, because even though the wide shots of Superman had rather shabby CGI, they did look good from an animation and flying perspective. If there had been a few 'real' shots of Welling, it could have really tied the whole thing together a bit better. It just looks unfinished the way it is. I'd bet a steak dinner that the only reason it turned out like this is because of Tom Welling's douchetastic refusal to wear the Superman suit, even after ten years of wearing moronic red jackets. I will never understand that about the man. And I'd bet another steak dinner that if anyone asks him why he refused to wear the suit, he'll come out with some "No matter what you do you can't please everyone," crap.
I couldn't agree more, I don't mind how it all showed just glimpses of it but you needed One shot, just one shot of him doing a Superman pose in full costume. It would have been perfect either in space or in front of a cheering crowd after he moved the planet. But no. And what annoys me most is how many actors, fans, or a person in general would love to play Superman and wear the suit but this douche is somehow too good for it? I hate how every time I hear talk about it or the glasses he acts they're too silly when really their not and his job is to make it work. Plus the neo look and red leather jacket were a million times more lame. Man up and wear the damn tights!
It's hilarious to think that in the 90s, people complained about how in a few episodes of the later seasons of Lois & Clark, Superman wouldn't perform a proper takeoff when he flew away, he'd just move off camera, flapping his cape in front of it. But now in 2011 we have Superman appearing for the first time and you can't even see his full costume. Lois & Clark really was a hundred times better than Smallville, even if it had smaller plots and more of an emphasis on comedy.
Smallville had so much more potential and really the series had great ideas and even the finale hit all the right plot point and closure that suited the series perfectly but so many little things that were so easy to avoid keeps it from being something better.
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A lot of people are making the point that it might not have been Welling's decision not to wear the suit, but that it could have been down to WB not wanting there to be one specific, iconic image of Tom Welling in the Superman costume in the run up to their new Superman movie.

There's also the possibility that the expensive Superman Returns costume that they used as a prop didn't actually fit Tom Welling and they couldn't afford to make a new one.

And then there's the nonsensical "The show was never about seeing Clark in the suit, it was about his journey, blah, blah, blah never been about Superman, it was about Clark's journey, blah, blah, blah." My BALLS.

If they hadn't shown Clark wearing the suit at all, that would have been one thing. If they had have just had the shirt rip at all, I could have dealt with that. That would have seemed like a specific, artistic or creative decision. What they did was a ridiculous mishmash of showing the suit while not showing the suit. The biggest, most disgraceful cocktease in the history of the biggest cocktease of a show in television history.
Did anyone else notice when Lex looks out of the window just after having his mind wiped, the lightning hits the Luthorcorp sign and basically changed it so it read Lexcorp?
CGI Bomb Buzzes Metropolis: My Thoughts on the Smallville Finale

As much as I've complained about it though, I did really enjoy myself watching this; especially the second half. And the shirt rip really was outstanding, even if the rest of the Superman parts of the episode were not.

I love that somebody made this:


It's a small pity that they didn't include any of the shirt rips from the Superboy series (some of which were very good) and they have Welling and Routh in the wrong order, but it's still really cool. The shirt rip might be the one thing that Smallville did that was unquestionably better and more iconic than Superman Returns.