Smallville (spoilers)

Fair enough, I guess.... But hasn't he already fought all of Superman's villains, teamed up with half the heroes in the DC universe, practically formed a Justice League, joined the Daily Planet, become recognized as a force for good in Metropolis, fly around and stop crooks.

Like, what else does he have to do as Superman?

He's become recognised as a force for good, hidden in the shadows. This season is about him emerging into the light where people can actually see the good he's doing and be inspired by him as an actual person and not just an invisible force.

What's annoying though is with this weird Michael Jackson suit he's wearing, he's pretty much doing that now, so yeah, he pretty much is Superman, except Jor-El won't let him wear his suit. :?
Laura Vandervoort returns as Kara aka SuperGirl, and Lois Lane is back from Africa....other than it was an O.K. episode.

expected the ending, its about time.
The first two episodes of this season were a big step up and showed actual progression and then this one was just horse****, with all the classic elements of a crap Smallville episode:

- Erica Durance in a 'sexy' outfit.
- Someone telling Clark that heroes shouldn't step out into the light. (This time it's Lois)
- Godawful acting (Godfrey and his publicist)
- Ripping off another show (the black smoke and demonic black eyes blatantly ripped off from Supernatural)
- A climactic battle where the villain is defeated thanks to a plot device (Kara's Bracelet).
- An awful use of an element from the comics (So...Darkseid is some kind of smoke demon who just individually possesses all of his followers one by one?)

A terrible episode. Kara showing Clark how to fly was okay, though.
The first two episodes of this season were a big step up and showed actual progression and then this one was just horse****, with all the classic elements of a crap Smallville episode:

- Erica Durance in a 'sexy' outfit.
- Someone telling Clark that heroes shouldn't step out into the light. (This time it's Lois)
- Godawful acting (Godfrey and his publicist)
- Ripping off another show (the black smoke and demonic black eyes blatantly ripped off from Supernatural)
- A climactic battle where the villain is defeated thanks to a plot device (Kara's Bracelet).
- An awful use of an element from the comics (So...Darkseid is some kind of smoke demon who just individually possesses all of his followers one by one?)

A terrible episode. Kara showing Clark how to fly was okay, though.

Agreed except for:
- Erica Durance in a 'sexy' outfit.
The more that happens the better.

The flying part was done pretty well except for Clark's whining about it.

"Homecoming" is not only one of the best episodes of Smallville ever, it's probably also one of my favourite Superman stories, ever.

Everything about this episode was good. A lot of it was very good. And some of it was perfect.
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"Homecoming" is not only one of the best episodes of Smallville ever, it's probably also one of my favourite Superman stories, ever.

Everything about this episode was good. A lot of it was very good. And some of it was perfect.
It was good, but reminded me of one of the things I hate this show. The dialog is so stiff, There's no subtly in the lines and half the time they are just so out of place to "remind" the audience what the theme is. This episode had a lot of brilliant ideas and stories, but its how the dialog written and sometimes preformed that keep this series from being a truly great show.
its wasn't a GREAT episode, but it surly was a GOOD one. enjoyed the future stuff.

There was very little about the episode I didn't like and there was even less that seemed like a typical episode of Smallville. Sure there were bits of dialogue here and there that were maudlin, but the execution of concept was truly sound and the chemistry between Durance and Welling is beginning to feel truly on a par with Kidder/Reeve and Hatcher/Cain.

My favourite thing about the past two seasons is that they're not running away from the fact that this is a Superman show, anymore. For the first time since the first couple of seasons, they're acknowledging their responsibility to the mythos, while still making radical "Ultimisations" (the Blur and the Black costume; Lois knowing Clark's identity before he ever becomes Superman) but at the same time it really feels like they're going somewhere again. I feel like I'm really going to buy Welling as Superman at the end of this show.

Chris Sims and David Uzumeri said:

A volcanic eruption of 1000% agreement.
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David: Very true, but it's also possibly a more mature take. One thing I've noticed in basically every recent Superman retelling is that they've dropped the love triangle completely. Not just "Smallville," but also Secret Origin and Birthright. It's gotten to the point where Lois and Clark getting together seems like an inevitable part of the character's history that's been around forever.

yeah, until Clark makes a deal with the devil to save ma Kent and sacrifices his relationship with Lois to do that...

i think i might be a bit bitter

hey, i'm in your sig!
every once in a while I go on a smallville kick and watch about a season's worth of episodes in a couple of weeks. Usually by the end I've had about all I can take of the trashy teen angst and have to stop for 6 months to a year.

I'm really dreading rewatching season 5 though. I watched most of it on TV when it was airing several years ago and it was so depressing.

so i'm back into trying to watch Smallville. I'm two episodes into season 6 and they just introduced Oliver Queen. As soon as Clark and Lana broke up the show became so much better. The Zod story-line at the end of season 5/beginning of season 6 was pretty good. I'm looking forward to seeing Clark battle the other escaped Kryptonians from the Phantom Zone.

That's all.
if i remember right Lana does come back, but they bring her back in a good way. and not as a love interest per say. (after she goes through "training")

during Black Friday, I picked up season 8 and 9 and have now started watching that again.

edit: and what the hell happened to Chloe? she tuned herself over to the to free Oliver.....and thats it? i know they had to make her disappear for the time line to make sense and stuff but after 9 seasons you get attached.
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This show's finally interesting again but they totally wasted Slade Wilson as a character. Really suedo John McCane?
that was a beautiful episode. never been a fan of Hawkman, but Michael Shanks really made me believe.
that was a beautiful episode. never been a fan of Hawkman, but Michael Shanks really made me believe.

Really cause I couldn't stand it, the proposal was the worst bit of acting I've ever seen on this show and that's saying something. And just the over dramatics of the anti vigilante thing is just so stupid. Thank god this show went on brake because I was prepared to give up on it for a third time.
all that early stuff did suck, i just really liked the fight between Slade and Hall. it wasn't about trying to beat him up, they were both trying to kill each other.
If everyone on this show has seen Clark without glasses, then doesn't everyone know Superman's identity?
yeah, i've wondered that same thing.

maybe they'll switch it up and have Superman be a bumbling nerd with glasses.

- "Don't you think Superman kind of looks like Clark?"
- "No way, Clark Kent's too cool to be Superman!"
If everyone on this show has seen Clark without glasses, then doesn't everyone know Superman's identity?

Most of the people who have are either dead or are other superheroes. As for the dozens of people Clark works with in the Daily Planet, I'm guessing when Superman finally shows up, there'll be some kind of hypnosis type deal, so that people don't automatically associate his face with Clark Kent's. They did something like this in the 70s comics.

Either that, or they just won't bother dealing with it at all (which I wouldn't be surprised by, sadly).