Smallville (spoilers)

Planet-man said:
Six words:

Now this is more like it!

I thought this was a really good episode. No freaks and no Lana!!!

NO LANA!!!!!!!!:D

The only real problems I had were Clark actually being arrested and cuffed for being in a Strip Club whose owner was suspected of illegal activity.

Also, Lois and the taser. The whole point of a taser is that it paralyzes all your muscles, and yet she wakes up as strong and fast as ever. If they wanted this effect, they could've just had the goon hit her with a blackjack or something.

The directing was also lacking. In the first scene, it looked like the truck was headed right toward Chloe and Lois. Then it just went past them. And we didn't even get to see the super-jump! It just showed him running and then attaching the hook to the chopper.

But the rest of the episode was great. The Dukes of Hazzard stuff was actually funny(especially Jack's explination for why he got in through the car window), we got some classic Clark moments(nervously ordering a coke-on-the-rocks), a fair amount of focus on Chloe, and great special effects.

Everyone was totally in-character.

4.5 out of 5.

Ro-freaking-setta compared to last week.
I think you're being generous
I liked it. Most people missed that this episode progressed the mythology in a small way: Clark realized that the world, notably Metropolis, is full of corruption and normal police officers have strict boundaries. The whole thing, especially Sawyer's words, planted the idea in Clark that in order to save people, he needs to work outside of the system.

At least, that's what I saw.

Who needs plot when you have Lois stripping. I need a clod shower now.

Next weeks episode looks weird but good.
Doc Comic said:
I liked it. Most people missed that this episode progressed the mythology in a small way: Clark realized that the world, notably Metropolis, is full of corruption and normal police officers have strict boundaries. The whole thing, especially Sawyer's words, planted the idea in Clark that in order to save people, he needs to work outside of the system.

At least, that's what I saw.
You've got good eyesight.
It was a lot better than I thought it would be. I liked the fact they showed the hit and run, the way they did. Most movies don't even do that. Next week's episode look like it will be good.
Not a bad episode......clearly not their best...but no evil sorority vampires anywhere to be seen or referrenced is always a step up.

This week's "Splinter" episode looks to be pretty good.

And what's the deal with Clark's powers??? Did he get stronger and faster or is it just me??? And does he know that he can fly yet or is he just guessing he can jump real good??? I've seen 2 episodes now that make it seem as if he can fly---but they edit them to make it seem like he's just a good jumper.
Victor Von Doom said:
Now if only he'd use his superpowers to rob a clothing store that doesn't sell plaid/flannel.

What a hick.......
I think that the flannel defines him. It gives him that unique farmboy look.
Good Episode! This episode makes up for all the bad ones this season. Silver Kryptonite makes him see and hear things that arn't real. And Dr. Fine saves him and tells Clark he's From Krypton. And he's here to help him.
To all of you who didn't watch because of the lame-looking previews: joke's on you, suckers.

This episode was AWESOME. It wasn't actually silver kryptonite at all - it was a portion of Brainiac, which he put on a piece of his ship that he chunked out to look like a meteor rock. It was actually Brainiac playing with his mind from the inside in order to try and get Clark to stop trusting humans and trust him more. Brainiac is also apparently posing as a Kryptonian, although I think the powers he showed were just a part of playing with Clark's head. I went in expecting a bomb but it was an amazing episode.
Definitely a better episode. This one should've been the "Halloween" themed one. Tom Welling would make a great Jack Torrance. Lana was stupid for running to Lex and telling him everything. I mean the ignorance of these children is unbelieveable. I guess that's why it's television. Love Brainiac and everything this episode did with him.

Next week's episode is gonna be crazy. Brainiac in the fortress? :shock:

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TheManWithoutFear said:
Next week's episode is gonna be crazy. Brainiac in the fortress? :shock:
I didn't see the preview for next week, but from what I've heard, the **** is going to hit the fan between Clark, Brainiac, and Jor-El.
Awesome, awesome episode. Much better than the Halloween one.

And if anyone turned on the show half way through and didn't know what was going on, they would have that that Clark was a crackhead. I could totally see paranoid Clark hanging out with Tyrone Biggums. :D

TheManWithoutFear said:
I mean the ignorance of these children is unbelieveable.
*watches MWoF slap small catholic school student's hands with a ruler*
Doc Comic said:
I didn't see the preview for next week, but from what I've heard, the **** is going to hit the fan between Clark, Brainiac, and Jor-El.

I'll toss in some previews that I have heard too.

The preview showed...

Martha Kent getting hit by red lightning and coming down with a serious virus that they think is caused by Jor-El to fulfill his promise of killing someone Clark loves. This opens the door for Braniac to have Clark take him to the fortress of Solitude to confront Jor-El.

What's Brainiac's real intention?

Free Zod
Saw it. Loved it. Can't wait 'til next week.

...what? You can't expect all my reviews to be semi-detailed.

But actually, MWOF, you're wrong about Braniac's intention.

His real goal is to:
bring the show better ratings. And it's working.

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