Six words:
Now this is more like it!
I thought this was a really good episode. No freaks and no Lana!!!
NO LANA!!!!!!!!
The only real problems I had were Clark actually being arrested and cuffed for being in a Strip Club whose owner was suspected of illegal activity.
Also, Lois and the taser. The whole point of a taser is that it paralyzes all your muscles, and yet she wakes up as strong and fast as ever. If they wanted this effect, they could've just had the goon hit her with a blackjack or something.
The directing was also lacking. In the first scene, it looked like the truck was headed right toward Chloe and Lois. Then it just went past them. And we didn't even get to see the super-jump! It just showed him running and then attaching the hook to the chopper.
But the rest of the episode was great. The Dukes of Hazzard stuff was actually funny(especially Jack's explination for why he got in through the car window), we got some classic Clark moments(nervously ordering a coke-on-the-rocks), a fair amount of focus on Chloe, and great special effects.
Everyone was totally in-character.
4.5 out of 5.
setta compared to last week.