Avengers New Avengers discussion (#1-20; spoilers)

Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

You know, I found out about the whole "Xorn" thing yesterday with a spoiler I was given (I asked to know). And right when I got to the name, I didn't read it. I stopped at the word before it and literally stared at the name for at least 30 seconds before I even responded in any way.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

Yeah I read a summary of it and soon as it hit the Xorn part I was confused. I didnt think Xorn would have any control over the collective
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

O man.....let me start off by saying one word. One word alone.......


Yeah....seriously....Xorn. :neutral:

Ok....summary time. Try to make as much sense of this as you can....because the comic don't make much more.

We open in Genosha with Magneto writing a letter. We don't know what it is exactly. Manifesto? Biography? Suicide note? Who knows....but all of a sudden his pen floats away from his hand as he writes. We see Michael/The Collective floating over the island dispursing energy all across the island.

Commander Hill is on the line with the President. They're arguing about how to neutralize the situation. He basically gives her permission to blow Genosha off the planet for good.

Avengers arrive at Genosha and basically run head first into trouble. Carol Danvers is sooooo on the team.

Magneto is being held in midair by the energy being dispursed. As this is happening....he hears a voice. The Collective is speaking to him. It basically says for him to not fight the gift he is being given. Be the Chosen One to make it all right. Magneto doesn't know who it is doing this him.....but the voice keeps telling him that Mags knows who this is.......and for him to say the name. Say his name Mags......save Fantasia and stop the Nothing!!! Oh wait---wrong story. :lol:

Magneto refuses to say the name but all of a sudden he goes from rags to wearing his costume and cape. Helmet and all. He finally gives in and says The Collective's name..................Xorn. Yeah....

The Avenger prepare to face Magneto when all of a sudden the Collective tells Magneto that he will need an army. So the collective gives Magneto an army. An army of zombies.

Lets pause it right there for a sec. Think about what you just read. In one comic you have Xorn and zombies. Just let that thought marinate for a bit......... :wink:

Avengers do battle with the zombies while Sentry goes after Magnto. Sentry goes down.....hard. But then he gets back up and tries again.

Meanwhile Hill and Presidnt are talking and he still wants Genosha gone. He's even willing to sacrifice the Avengers. Hill says they have another plan devised. S.H.I.E.L.D shows up and they have Agent Daisy Johnson. The plan is for her to do to Magneto, what she did to Wolverine...but only in the head. Basically she makes a small earthquake in Magneto's head. Then when all the energy is released....for Ms. Marvel to absorb as much as she can.

She does. All the energy is released and Carol grabs it while Iron Man holds it in some sort or energy field. They then instruct Sentry to fly the energy into the sun. He does. No more Xorn.

Agent Johnson then says she wants to be called "Quake". Cap is totally confused. She says she wants her Avenger name to be "Quake". Cap then says they weren't looking to add any new members. Color her embarassed.

In the aftermath---the Avengers confront Michael. They inform him that he's a mutant and his powers are obviously energy absorption. He realizes that he killed people. Wolverine gets all mad and say he killed heroes. Since when is Alpha Flight heroes? :wink: They are the Canadian equivelant to Ultimate Defenders. :lol:

Magneto is in a coma and being taken into custody of S.H.I.E.L.D. As the helicopter takes off it explodes in midair. No bodies found. Not even Mags just floating there or something. But SHIELD recovers his book and hand it over to Hill.

The End. Yes...seriously. It ends just like that.

Ugh.....the summary says it all.

Xorn and zombies.


And I still don't like Deodato's art.
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Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

I kinda liked it. Only problem is my knowledge of Xorn is basically --- E: Xorn :x

so I dunno.

Daisy Johnson though. Cool as ****. Too bad they didn't recruit her. And the whole Tony/Hill scene made sense considering Civil War.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

Deodato's art is the best this book has ever seen besides McNiven's.

The coloring is ruining his art. :sick:
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)


This was extremely hard to follow, and I get the feeling that it was because too much was being crammed into the pages.

Xorn...booo. Seriously. Let him rest in piece. How many more ways can they screw up a cool character? I don't know if this was Marvel finally putting the whole thing to rest after turning it into the biggest cluster**** since the Clone Saga, but I would have preferred if they would have treated it like Baby May and just dropped it and ignored it. Maybe their intentions were good, but it wasn't good enough. I hope I never read the name Xorn in a Marvel comic ever again unless it's a flashback story and has Xorn as he originally was - a disguise for Magneto.

And now Magneto is back. I think this has officially made House of M the most pointless story in recent comics history. Lasting ramifications indeed. Anyone who reads this and then thinks that Civil War won't be retconned is only fooling themselves.

Michael is a weak character. I hope he isn't trained and put on the team. What is the point? We got nothing out of this character. His whole schtick was that he was "possessed" by mutant powers...why even bother having him around?

Magneto should be dead. Or permanently incapacitated. Nobody should be able to survive a collapsed brain.

So yeah, I was disappointed with this arc, and even moreso with the ending. Lots of wasted potential.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

I think I'm the only one around here who understands the whole "Xorn" mess. :lol:
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

This sounds like the worst comic in the history of ever.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

WHy would Magneto need an army? He could just man handle wolvie and fly him into everyone killing them all. He could take caps shield and knock him the **** out. WHy does he even have to fight in the first place? ALl he had to do was get his powers back and that's it, fly away. What beef does he have with the New Avengers?
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

Man, you guys suck. This issue was not bad at all. I know Xorn was big enough a mess to actually be used as the scapegoat to pull all of this off. And you guys just thinks this sucks for what? It didn't lack any of the action or whatever was needed to lead up to Civil War that was supposed to be there. Daisy Johnson... 'nuff said. Get over it. I give it a 4/5 Good characterization, decent art (coloring as Ice said lacked), good story, good useage of other marvel related titles (as Bendis always!!! does) Stop *****in'.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

TheManWithoutFear said:
Man, you guys suck. This issue was not bad at all. I know Xorn was big enough a mess to actually be used as the scapegoat to pull all of this off. And you guys just thinks this sucks for what? It didn't lack any of the action or whatever was needed to lead up to Civil War that was supposed to be there. Daisy Johnson... 'nuff said. Get over it. I give it a 4/5 Good characterization, decent art (coloring as Ice said lacked), good story, good useage of other marvel related titles (as Bendis always!!! does) Stop *****in'.

Why? I can't even be bothered reading it because it sounds like crap.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

I mean who thinks up **** like, "I'll have Iron Man trap a blob of mutant energy inside an energy field and have the Sentry throw it into the sun, never to be heard from again or until I've run out of idea for why the New Avengers should exist. Then Sentry really threw the energy into a fake sun that the Micheal created at the last minute because he was still being controlled by the Collective?" I can't confirm the second half but I'm pretty sure it's gone through his mind.

I'm happy that Magneto is back. I'm going to have to train myself to forget everything else that happened. I recommend you do the same or I won't be responsible for the homicidal rage that will inevitably ensue.

E said:
How many more ways can they screw up a cool character?
Seven and Bendis knows them all!!!:scared:
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

MaxwellSmart said:
Seven and Bendis knows them all!!!:scared:

He's inventing the 8th now. But like Zoolander's "Magnum"......you gotta tame the beast before you let him outta the cage. :lol:

The thing is....New Avengers isn't a ****ty title. I've been completely entertained since its start. My only gripe has been with this arc. Its like Bendis had several ideas for this arc and didn't know what to do....so he just threw 'em all in.

Now I knew Mags wasn't gonna be repowered in this title. I expect that to take place in X-Men, as it should.

I will admit it......I'm a fan of Bendis. He makes-a da cheese.....but I likes-a da cheese. Da cheese makes-a me giddy. But this one was just weak. I knew there wasn't gonna be any lasting ramifications from this arc....but I was kinda expecting more.

I'd prefer more issues with character focus like #17 when they were in the ghetto or some arcs like Sentry or Ronin. But that's just me....
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

I agree. New Avengers is still a solid book that I still consider to be one of the best out there, but I just feel that there were such better ways to acheive the end game of Mags getting his powers back and generally dealing with the Collective.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

Hibiki said:
WHy would Magneto need an army?

Seriously? When has Magneto ever NOT tried to recruit an army. Planet X in New X-Men comes to mind...he was training his army from right inside Xavier's school while in disguise.

He's not about ruling the world as much as he is empowering mutants.

Victor Von Doom said:
The thing is....New Avengers isn't a ****ty title. I've been completely entertained since its start. My only gripe has been with this arc. Its like Bendis had several ideas for this arc and didn't know what to do....so he just threw 'em all in.

Victor Von Doom said:
I will admit it......I'm a fan of Bendis. He makes-a da cheese.....but I likes-a da cheese. Da cheese makes-a me giddy. But this one was just weak. I knew there wasn't gonna be any lasting ramifications from this arc....but I was kinda expecting more.

Agreed and agreed.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

E said:
Seriously? When has Magneto ever NOT tried to recruit an army. Planet X in New X-Men comes to mind...he was training his army from right inside Xavier's school while in disguise.

He's not about ruling the world as much as he is empowering mutants.

Wasn't that a clone of Magneto at the school?????