Avengers New Avengers discussion (#1-20; spoilers)

Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

i'm glad i dont have NA in paper 'cause it would be my dog's toilet.
Seriously, Xorn? So, MAgneto is back, almost all the important mutants have their powers, what was the meaning of HoM?
I could understand if those two were written by two different guys, but Bendis just made it himself, he made HoM totally useless.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

Shihad said:
Wasn't that a clone of Magneto at the school?????

I'm in denial.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

At this point, I don't think about HoM as a way to depower important mutants. It point seems to be that there's no way to create a mutant army anymore. Before there was always this threat that mutants could rise up and go to war with humans. Now that threat is gone and the mutants of this planet are at the mercy of humans, as a species.

It's a big deal, but it didn't have to be a major event and it could have been done better. As a comic read I know has said, "If I see one more white panel, I'm giving up on Marvel."
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

TheManWithoutFear said:
Am I the only one?
What the hell are you trying to say? I'm half sure you're trying to be weird.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

Well, I've heard two different reviews

One is like MAgento craved for his powers and became diabolical again

The other review says Mags fought the COllective because he didn't want his powers back.

SO I am unsure, seeing as I have not read the issue
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

Ultimate Houde said:
Well, I've heard two different reviews

One is like MAgento craved for his powers and became diabolical again

The other review says Mags fought the COllective because he didn't want his powers back.

SO I am unsure, seeing as I have not read the issue
Magneto was not mad, it was Xorn trying to dominate him. He wanted to die, he said to the Sentry to kill him before it was too late.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

So I'm reading the New Joe Friday and they address NA #20. Here's what Joe Quesada had to say about the Xorn reference.
JQ said:
Kuan-Yen Xorn and Shen Xorn were twin brothers from China, both mutants, one with the power of a star in his head, one the power of a black hole. Kuan-Yen Xorn came under the influence of as-yet-to-be-revealed entity that forced him to assume the identity of Magneto, battle the X-Men and destroy Manhattan. He was subsequently killed by Wolverine near the end of that battle, in the Planet X storyline.

Soon thereafter, his twin brother Shen surfaced and briefly joined the X-Men. This Xorn brother was de-powered during M-Day.

Because Xorn's powers were psychokinetic, and his personality was so strong, it basically remained an almost disembodied sentient thing among the big ball of mutant energy. When that energy got sucked down to Earth by Michael and all absorbed by him, Xorn was the dominant personality in the mix, and that's what drove him towards Genosha and Magneto.
I'm almost satisfied by this explaination.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

MaxwellSmart said:
Originally Posted by JQ
Kuan-Yen Xorn and Shen Xorn were twin brothers from China, both mutants, one with the power of a star in his head, one the power of a black hole. Kuan-Yen Xorn came under the influence of as-yet-to-be-revealed entity that forced him to assume the identity of Magneto, battle the X-Men and destroy Manhattan. He was subsequently killed by Wolverine near the end of that battle, in the Planet X storyline.

Soon thereafter, his twin brother Shen surfaced and briefly joined the X-Men. This Xorn brother was de-powered during M-Day.

Because Xorn's powers were psychokinetic, and his personality was so strong, it basically remained an almost disembodied sentient thing among the big ball of mutant energy. When that energy got sucked down to Earth by Michael and all absorbed by him, Xorn was the dominant personality in the mix, and that's what drove him towards Genosha and Magneto.

I like that explantion...... i hope thats right, and how it was meant to be all along
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Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

Whereas now I'm just more confused then ever. New Avengers was the first time I ever heard of Xorn, besides on this site.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

ultimatedjf said:
Whereas now I'm just more confused then ever. New Avengers was the first time I ever heard of Xorn, besides on this site.

And ditto. Look up Wikipedia. I don't know if it will help you but it help me a lil. I thought the whole thing was brilliant.... I SAID BRILLIANT!!! Useing Xorn was perfect. He's like the most powerful (not most fan popular) mutant ever. And it worked for me.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

Grant Morrison in rolling in his grave (that's where he sleeps, ya know).
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

Well the same could be said of morrison for creating the whole Xorn mishap anyway.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

Hibiki said:
Well the same could be said of morrison for creating the whole Xorn mishap anyway.

What Xorn mishap? Morrison's Xorn was very straightforward - it was Magneto in disguise. Then Austen made some crap about Xorn being someone's brother... gah. I can't even talk about it.

It was Austen that made the mishap.
Re: New Avengers series discussion (spoilers)

Okay my bad, I knew someone had effed it up. So is this the brother we're seeing or the first Xorn.