Also, Zemo says he planned his revenge for "over a year" (meaning more than 365 days), and Charlie Spencer had decided to spend the summer in Sokovia, supporting that it is probably not earlier than May during Age of Ultron, therefore making sense with Civil War being in late June 2016, "more than a year" after Sokovia.
Knew I forgot something, thanks. Yeah, wasn't really trying to convince for a move to June, just explaining the reasoning we had behind that since it came up when talking about Inhumans.
Question though, which I've been meaning to ask. I have digital versions of all of the official canon comics, but the only hard copies I own at the moment are the TPbs for Iron Man: I Am Iron Man! and Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week, and in both of those there is a timeline correction. In Iron Man: I Am Iron Man!, at the beginning of #1, text shows the narration from the Apogee award ceremony and says, in the digital version, that Tony took over the company at age 20, despite the film itself saying he was 21. However, in the TPb, it says "21". Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week, also at the beginning, has the battle on the Valkyrie as "1943" in the digital version, but this was corrected to "1945" in the TPb.
I believe one or two people on here have some of the TPbs, and I wondered - Marvel's Captain America: The First Avenger Adaptation #1 labels the Stark Expo as "May 1942" and the final issue of Captain America: First Vengeance shows it as "1942" as well, both not matching the other evidence for it being 1943. Are these corrected in the TPbs? If anyone knows, I'd be grateful to find out.