Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

Counterpoint: Earth-18315.
Maybe while the timeline was overwritten, it was not literally erased. Meaning 10005's past still exists but is overtaken by the TRN414 one.

There is precedence to this idea in the comic Dead X-Men, where 616 characters visit an explicitly erased timeline. They travel to a point in time prior its endpoint. (It was one of those Moira or Sinister timelines).

Other non-Marvel stories also sometimes do stuff like that I think. For example, DC sometimes pulls characters from erased timelines (like Earth-Two Alfred in Zero Hour). Another example is in Convergence, where Flash, Supergirl etc. travelled back in time to the original COIE to save the original Multiverse even though COIE happened in an erased timeline.

Also, I know Bryan Singer said that the events of the original movie timeline still exists in the Multiverse (see the notes section of Marvel Wiki's 10005 page), it's a bit unclear what he meant by that. Did he mean that the timelines just diverged due to time travel and nothing was overwritten, or did he mean that the original events of the movies still exist in other realities where they were not overwritten with time travel? He was not clear. Going by what happens in the movie, I'd say it's probably the latter.
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What If...? 1x08: "What If... Ultron Won?" (0:01:39 - 0:04:12) [Earth-29929]
What If...? 1x08: "What If... Ultron Won?" (0:04:59 - 0:09:52) [Earth-29929]
Can you explain the placement of these timestamps for me. 1:39 - 4:12 is after ultron destroyed the planet and 4:59 - 9:52 is before he destroyed it.
Can you explain the placement of these timestamps for me. 1:39 - 4:12 is after ultron destroyed the planet and 4:59 - 9:52 is before he destroyed it.
I'm not sure. I'm not home currently so I can't watch the episode to check. What If S01 was also before I took over editing. If you think a change needs to happen tho just let me know what you'd like it to be and if no one disagrees I'll be happy to make it!
"In the final episode, Miss Minutes declares the mysterious figure played by Jonathan Majors as He Who Remains. "The idea with He Who Remains is that he's a variant of Kang the Conqueror. Basically, he tells them in his story that he managed to close himself off and isolate the timeline that we all know from the other timelines. It's almost like they're an island that's completely hidden from everyone. He's been doing that to protect himself because he's afraid of the other variants of himself, which is Kang the Conqueror and many other variants of him as well, there's so many different versions of that character. In our story, it's He Who Remains, and he's a variant of Kang, but drawing inspiration from a mortal," the director enlightened."

The Loki director says that there are other universes beyond the Sacred Timeline cluster, and that He Who Remains only isolated a set of realities from the others. There are statements by the Loki and Doctor Strange 2 writer too on the same vein.

This also means that it is not necessarily the case that the non-MCU movie timelines were created after Loki Season 1.
Also, the Sacred Timeline is actually a set of realities that all lead to He Who Remains. However, there is only one He Who Remains in the Sacred Timeline cluster. This implies that realities with similiar endpoints will merge in the far enough future.

I think there was a similiar concept in comics as well in a story that featured the comic version of He Who Remains, but I didn't read that comic. Also, there is a future version of Eddie Brock that I saw in Marvel Wiki and the Venomverse Reborn comoc that is apparently an amalgamation of multiple different Eddie Brocks simply because their paths led to them becoming him. I think he is called King in Black.
"In the final episode, Miss Minutes declares the mysterious figure played by Jonathan Majors as He Who Remains. "The idea with He Who Remains is that he's a variant of Kang the Conqueror. Basically, he tells them in his story that he managed to close himself off and isolate the timeline that we all know from the other timelines. It's almost like they're an island that's completely hidden from everyone. He's been doing that to protect himself because he's afraid of the other variants of himself, which is Kang the Conqueror and many other variants of him as well, there's so many different versions of that character. In our story, it's He Who Remains, and he's a variant of Kang, but drawing inspiration from a mortal," the director enlightened."

The Loki director says that there are other universes beyond the Sacred Timeline cluster, and that He Who Remains only isolated a set of realities from the others. There are statements by the Loki and Doctor Strange 2 writer too on the same vein.

This also means that it is not necessarily the case that the non-MCU movie timelines were created after Loki Season 1.
Also, the Sacred Timeline is actually a set of realities that all lead to He Who Remains. However, there is only one He Who Remains in the Sacred Timeline cluster. This implies that realities with similiar endpoints will merge in the far enough future.

I think there was a similiar concept in comics as well in a story that featured the comic version of He Who Remains, but I didn't read that comic. Also, there is a future version of Eddie Brock that I saw in Marvel Wiki and the Venomverse Reborn comoc that is apparently an amalgamation of multiple different Eddie Brocks simply because their paths led to them becoming him. I think he is called King in Black.
So we are to take continuities like the Blade universe or the Raimiverse, etc as 'nearby' timelines roped into a single Sacred Timeline cluster by HWR?

For what it's worth, according to the user Copeinator here, the reason why Logan was given a different designation is because its premise of no mutants having been born in 19 years condradicts DOFP's ending. But with DP3's stance that Logan is indeed canon, that can simply be considered a continuity error and nothing more now.
It's not even a continuity error. Xavier said he wanted to open the school to humans in X-Men: Apocalypse.
So we are to take continuities like the Blade universe or the Raimiverse, etc as 'nearby' timelines roped into a single Sacred Timeline cluster by HWR?
I think the Sacred Timeline (the realities once under He Who Remains' supervision) is now simply open to other realities outside that supervision, while before it was isolated.
As for why those non-MCU realities were under TVA supervision in DP3, it could mean that TVA has widened its scope now that other realities are open to them.

From an Out-of-universe perspective, I doubt any of DP3's writers gave that much of a damn about the technicalities. None of the DP3 writers had a hand in Loki or Doctor Strange 2 (which was also written by a Loki writer, who said that DS2 was exploring realities outside the Sacred Timeline realities seen in Loki in a documentary).

But yeah, the TVA widening its scope could be a possible in-universe explanation.

Thoughts on this deleted scene? I guess Marvel Studios at some point thought that they might be able to do a crossover with the other studios. This scene would be canon somewhere in the Multiverse, as cancelled projects have been given reality designations before.

Albeit Nick Fury says Radioactive bugbite even though the Raimi spider was mutated IIRC, but I am guessing that's just an offhand remark.
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Thoughts on this deleted scene? I guess Marvel Studios at some point thought that they might be able to do a crossover with the other studios. This scene would be canon somewhere in the Multiverse, as cancelled projects have been given reality designations before.

Well, not necessarily, but let's say it is though, probably a reality where some version of Spider-Man 1-3, X-Men 1-3 and Iron Man (2008) happened.
Real talk, but that costume... IDK why, but I just... IT JUST LOOKS SO DAMN LAME!!

It's like they just looked at one of Deku's costumes in My Hero Academia (particularly his first one), went "Hey, why don't we have an outfit that kinda looks like a mish-mash of Spider-Man and Deku?", drew said outfit for the design artists to create and then just called it a day.
Tell me I'm not wrong!!
Well, not necessarily, but let's say it is though, probably a reality where some version of Spider-Man 1-3, X-Men 1-3 and Iron Man (2008) happened.
I thought Fury was referencing the 2003 Hulk, but I forgot that the Incredible Hulk movie was about to come out back then.

I am assuming that they wouldn't have turned TIH into a true sequel to the 2003 film instead of a spiritual one months before it got released had this scene been canon (I think taking out the TIH intro might be enough? I don't remember the details of the movie).