Maybe while the timeline was overwritten, it was not literally erased. Meaning 10005's past still exists but is overtaken by the TRN414 one.Counterpoint: Earth-18315.
There is precedence to this idea in the comic Dead X-Men, where 616 characters visit an explicitly erased timeline. They travel to a point in time prior its endpoint. (It was one of those Moira or Sinister timelines).
Other non-Marvel stories also sometimes do stuff like that I think. For example, DC sometimes pulls characters from erased timelines (like Earth-Two Alfred in Zero Hour). Another example is in Convergence, where Flash, Supergirl etc. travelled back in time to the original COIE to save the original Multiverse even though COIE happened in an erased timeline.
Also, I know Bryan Singer said that the events of the original movie timeline still exists in the Multiverse (see the notes section of Marvel Wiki's 10005 page), it's a bit unclear what he meant by that. Did he mean that the timelines just diverged due to time travel and nothing was overwritten, or did he mean that the original events of the movies still exist in other realities where they were not overwritten with time travel? He was not clear. Going by what happens in the movie, I'd say it's probably the latter.
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