Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 2)


The only thing that had me going with Spring was the weather, but I think August could work too. Either way, I doubt it matters much whether the movie is in Spring or Summer 2026. Just as long as it's in between the Holiday Special and Secret Invasion.

The only thing that had me going with Spring was the weather, but I think August could work too. Either way, I doubt it matters much whether the movie is in Spring or Summer 2026. Just as long as it's in between the Holiday Special and Secret Invasion.

Doesn't Kevin Bacon get brought up in Vol 3 via newspaper?
Are we taking bets as to if the MCU timeline book will include ABC/ Netflix/ Freeform/ Hulu shows or not? I can say with 95% certainty that it will not. Probably won't include comics or commercials or anything either. My guess is it will only include what's on the D+ timeline.
Are we taking bets as to if the MCU timeline book will include ABC/ Netflix/ Freeform/ Hulu shows or not? I can say with 95% certainty that it will not. Probably won't include comics or commercials or anything either. My guess is it will only include what's on the D+ timeline.
At this point I would take just about 2 sentences of an obscure reference to any of those materials and would call myself satisfied.
I got bored and made some calculations for MCU Timeline book (again).

At first I counted everything in Star Wars book. If my calculations are correct then:

Photos at beginning and end of the book - 6
Index at beginning and end of the book - 6
How to use - 2
Timeline content - 286
Things like light saber history, evolution of Star Destroyer etc - 30

Assuming that MCU book will be similar we will get about 300 pages of pure content. I took Iron Man, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain AMerica: First Avenger and GoTG 1 and 2 numbers from amazon pages. The rest is just assumption. And I believe that the last movie in the book will be GotG 3 and the last D+ show will be Secrter Invasion.


im1 - 4
tih - 4
im2 - 4
t1 - 6
ca1 - 6
a1 - 6
im3 - 4
t2 - 4
ca2 - 4
gotg1 - 4
a2 - 6
am1 - 4
ca3 - 6
ds1 - 6
gotg2 - 4
sm1 - 4
t3 - 6
bp1 - 6
a3 - 6
am2 - 4
cm1 - 4
a4 - 6
sm2 - 4
bw1 - 4
sc1 - 6
e1 - 6
sm3 - 6
ds2 - 6
t4 - 4
bp2 - 4
am3 - 4
gotg3 - 6

wv1 - 6
fws1 - 4
l1 - 6
h1 - 4
mk1 - 4
mm1 - 4
sh1 - 4
si1 - 6

It gives us 190 pages + let's say 30 pages of Iron Man suits, Infinity Stones, Hulk's history (seen on amazon page) etc. = 220 pages of Marvel Studios content. + about 14 pages of artwork, index and how to use = 232 pages :) .

This is a pretty good breakdown by JohnTitor of the Timeline book. Of course this was before it was revealed to be 344 pages instead. So in theory they would have PLENTY of pages to cover the non-D+ shows as well. Here is hoping! I think covering the Netflix shows would be pretty important for them to incorporate Fisk and Matt to Hawkeye/Spider-Man/She-Hulk in the book, but Marvel Studios often like to disappoint these days, so I would not hold my hopes up too much anyway.
More precisely, it was because of the likelihood of the Thor and Jane flashback being after Age of Ultron and before Civil War, since in Civil War Thor is implied to not be on Earth. A magazine cover in this scene is dated September-October, and 8 years and 7 months after October 2015 would be May 2024. The placement of Moon Knight came after because people voted for it to be in 2024.
About this, I think Moon Knight should be in an earlier month. The banner at the museum says the Egyptian exhibit is from April 22-July 29.

In episode 1x01, Steven tells his boss there is a mistake with the number of Ennead gods in the posters. I think he'd be more likely to do that in the first few days of the exhibit, not in the mid-late portion of it if it was in June. So, in late April-early May.

If it's after Thor: LaT, then that might place MK in 2025. So, on late April-early May, 2025 as MCU Wikia has it.
About this, I think Moon Knight should be in an earlier month. The banner at the museum says the Egyptian exhibit is from April 22-July 29.

In episode 1x01, Steven tells his boss there is a mistake with the number of Ennead gods in the posters. I think he'd be more likely to do that in the first few days of the exhibit, not in the mid-late portion of it if it was in June. So, in late April-early May.

If it's after Thor: LaT, then that might place MK in 2025. So, on late April-early May, 2025 as MCU Wikia has it.
I do actually agree with that logic and personally I'm actually coming around to the idea that Moon Knight is 2025 myself. While I think the intention was for it to be in 2024 I'm thinking going forward Marvel will consider it 2025. However I'm good with waiting until something happens to actually point to 2025 over 2024 be that another project or potentially the upcoming timeline book

TL;DR basically says there isn't enough to go on for sound placement. The 30 years since CM references suggest 2025 but that could be rounded down (worth noting he does mention Fury says he's been cleaning up Skrull messes for "30 something years"). The references to Fury being gone for a few years suggests 2026 but again not super concrete. He goes with 2026 until further notice do to the Disney+ placement. Pretty much what everyone here agreed with
Currently rewatching Wakanda Forever and I'm curious why T'Challa's death is placed on May 5th. In the movie, Shuri says the anniversary falls on a Tuesday, so it would actually be May 6th. I personally go with Greekitique in that it's April 29th. The wiki goes with May 3rd since they're considering the deleted scene to hold more evidence than Shuri saying it's Tuesday, but since that scene was deleted, I think Shuri's Tuesday line holds more weight. Honestly, I think you're fine with either the 29th or the 6th.
Currently rewatching Wakanda Forever and I'm curious why T'Challa's death is placed on May 5th. In the movie, Shuri says the anniversary falls on a Tuesday, so it would actually be May 6th. I personally go with Greekitique in that it's April 29th. The wiki goes with May 3rd since they're considering the deleted scene to hold more evidence than Shuri saying it's Tuesday, but since that scene was deleted, I think Shuri's Tuesday line holds more weight. Honestly, I think you're fine with either the 29th or the 6th.
Yes, I went with the assumption that the weekdays didn't line up with the real May 2025 calendar, but I hadn't noticed the 2025-05-07 date in the deleted scene specifically said Wednesday, which is accurate to the real calendar. I have now changed the movie to a general early May placement.
So am I crazy or was there no hospital scene in Civil War? I've seen people say that Rhodey was in a hospital gown somewhere in the movie. I just skimmed thru the movie and didn't see it. Unless I'm blind I guess.
So am I crazy or was there no hospital scene in Civil War? I've seen people say that Rhodey was in a hospital gown somewhere in the movie. I just skimmed thru the movie and didn't see it. Unless I'm blind I guess.
If memory serves there's a scene where Vision and Tony are talking while Rhodey is getting like an MRI. They're talking about how Vision was distracted and hit Rhodey and that Tony didn't think Vision could get distracted. Rhodey is in a hospital gown during that scene
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If memory serves there's a scene where Vision and Tony are talking while Rhodey is getting like an MRI. They're talking about how Vision was distracted and hit Rhodey and that Tony didn't think Vision could get distracted. Rhodey is in a hospital gown during that scene
Thanks. Watched again and I found that scene. Was a short scene and I guess I missed it when I was quickly fast forwarding.
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Yes, I went with the assumption that the weekdays didn't line up with the real May 2025 calendar, but I hadn't noticed the 2025-05-07 date in the deleted scene specifically said Wednesday, which is accurate to the real calendar. I have now changed the movie to a general early May placement.
Most of the time (not always) when Marvel gives dates it usually matches up. So, I always assume the days of the week are accurate with the real calendar. I feel like if you assume one day is accurate then the rest should be too given the MCU calendar shouldn't just randomly go from being accurate to inaccurate or vice versa.

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