Lost *spoilers*


All the shots of people looking at unseen things has got me interested...

And Desmond. :rockon:

EDIT: And... the Other's camp:

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First things first...

I recorded Jimmy Kimmel Live last night so that I could see Taking Back Sunday preform. That said, they didn't do a good job, at least compared to seeing them live myself, BUT the show did not go without surprise. Why am I telling you about this in the Lost thread, you ask? Well, there is a method, you see... JJ Abrams guest directed last night and Dom Monogan was the guest. They gave a little away about Lost... First, they showed a clip of the next episode where Eko and Charlie are sitting in the Hatch. Eko asks Charlie if he can retrieve his things for him from their camp next to the church. Charlie asks why, is he making the Hatch into a 'sick bachelor pad'? Eko replies that he is now moving into the Hatch. Next, JJ said that Charlie has played a very minor role in the season, but will be there throughout the finale. LASTLY, and possibly most cryptically, was that Mr. Friendly was in the audience... He was actually dressed up in his Others costume and looking very irritated. There was a point in the show where they panned to him and he said something backwards. Yes, on the Jimmy Kimmel show. I would like to find out what he was saying... Oh, yeah, a few cool things to look out for... Next week, Walt will be on the show (Hmmm...) and on the episode, Taking Back Sunday showed how much they like the show. On the drum set, the Dharma logo was printed on the front of it... For the current Hatch the lostaways were found in. :)

Yeah, so this episode was great... I'm really hoping they keep Eko around. I think if he does stick around the other characters being introduced and killed is better and more relevant. All of those trials and tribulations the back end of the plane went through was to bring Eko to the Hatch. Since I like his character, I can totally buy that. It should be interesting to see Eko and Locke as their opinions change about the island... Especially after what they found in the Pearl Hatch. A God damn watch tower? What? Jesus, it's getting interesting... I can't wait for the next episode... I think Walt is coming back!
Walt is supposed to be in one of the tents.
I hope we're all still poking around for what Mr. Friendly actually said on Jimmy Kimmel... It's wracking my brains, I tell you!

Also, rumor has it that Desmond will join the full-time cast for Season 3. I'd be really pleased if they did that.
There are some spoilers going round that in the finale we learn what caused the plane crash... and Desmond may have affected it.

The first Henry Gale episode is on tonight in NZ. I consider this the turning point in the series, when it went from good to great, so hopefully it will keep people hooked.
The show went from good to GREAT with NUMBERS last year.

So Orson Scott Card has edited a collection of LOST theories and back ground material on the show's mythology. It's called "Getting LOST." The book is listed on Amazon:


I hear that Hurley is actually one giant stomach, Walt left for a year cos he has blue skin and Sawyer regenerates his penis after Ana Lucia uses infected monkeys to chomp it off.

Just kidding, but the man did it once, what's to stop him from doing it again?

There are a lot of things circling the internet... Like, the Others stop at nothing to capture Locke in the finale, another character may die, and the Season finale will open a lot of doors for the third season.

Also, Taking Back Sunday, while on Kimmel, thanked Drive Shaft for taking them on tour and said something about their lost bassist. :-D Cool, huh?

Love you.
I'm so excited about Season 3's scheduling plans!!! Not sure if this was posted already, but basically, ABC will have 7 new episodes in a row, starting in September (no repeats), then, there will be a 13 week hiatus, and then...... the rest of the season, all in a row (NO REPEATS!!). This is great, because LOST's way of storytelling does not mesh with the 35-week Sept.-May schedule, which is why we're usually more pissed when there's a repeat w/ this show as opposed to most other shows.
leather_w0lf said:
Oh, that was a good one Hardy-har-har! lol.

Jesus, don't cry or anything...

I don't know how I feel about that... That seventh episode better give us something to chew on for that long or I will probably try and hunt and kill Lindelof and Abrams. :twisted:
Goodness... I'm the unofficial Lost thread Moderator, ok? Get back on topic. NOW. ;-)

Let's solve the Jimmy Kimmel mystery, alright?
I'm calling desmond is driving the boat! And the finale looks ****ing awesome.
Who cares what he said backwards on Jimmy Kimmel. Tonight's episode kicked!

Sayid is gonna whoop some tushy next week.

And James Ford finally gets to kill someone.

I hope Hurly kills Michael.
The Hurley moments were heartbreaking.

I love Sawyer even more with that moment with him and Jack.

I'm glad that Charile and Clarie are making up. I loved that he threw the drugs into the sea and that Locke seen him.

The finale is going to rule. I'm curious as to why they want Jack, Hurley, Sawyer, and Kate.


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