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Henry Gale has been added as a Season 3 regular. ;-)
Goodwill said:Henry Gale has been added as a Season 3 regular. ;-)
leather_w0lf said:He could very well be Widmore.
Hmmmmmmm . . . interesting.
I'm so excited for tonight.
Goodwill said:I've got work. :-(
Planet-man said:I was still more wowed by last year's finale but this one was extremely close.
Mysteries the finale solved:
- The Button is real.
- The big leader of the Others is Henry(obviously implied).
- What happened to Edmund.
- Michael got Walt back(but they forgot about Vincent!:cry: ).
Mysteries the finale started:
- The white sky magnet thingy.
- Is Mr. Eko dead?
- Is John dead?
- What was with that look Jack and Kate shared at the end? Do they have a plan or something?
- The statue of the foot. I got chills when Sayid pointed out that it only had four toes.
- Why was Desmond in prison?
- How did his girlfriend know to be looking for a gigantic magnetic pulse?
- WHAT was with that huge greenish bird? And so help me, I heard it say Hurley too.:scared:
And did anyone else notice just how much the glasses-wearing Russian guy in the arctic station looked like Jack? I honestly thought it was him or his twin or something for that whole scene.
Intriguing. I'm familiar with Sumeria and the "ancient astronaut" theories, and it actually doesn't go against my interpretation of what the statue may hint at.leather_w0lf said:5.) THE STATUE'S FOOT: Collossus of Rhodes was the first thing I thought of. Then my mind starting wandering to ancient Sumeria . . . and Lord help me if I wasn't reminded of "The 12th Planet."
It wasn't just any old signal -- it now means that there are people in the outside world (namely Penny and her associates, but maybe others) who can now search for the Island. I'd say that's a pretty signficant effect, wouldn't you?Goodwill said:The button... All of that for just the destruction of the Hatch and a signal being sent to Russia? I'm kind of at a loss with this. I was hoping for more of an obvious change.
Maybe he wasn't the person the Others were expecting? What if "Hurley" is not really Hugo Reyes (which was the name on Ms. Klugh's paper)? Maybe "Dave" (Libby's husband or Hurley's friend) could be the real Hugo Reyes?Goodwill said:What the hell was the point of Hurly coming, by the way? He wouldn't have had a role otherwise?