Lost *spoilers*

I think the rumors that are saying and Walt actually get to leave the island are true. They might be back, but there is a lot of stuff against each of their characters that just can't be supported for much longer... Walt's age, Michael's mortality (Because, let's face it - he'd killed by the Lostaways if they found out what he did), and so on. You can't kill Michael, either, because he's got his son to take care of, you know? Walt with no parents is too much for a little kid... Let alone surviving a plane crash.
New name for Henry Gale (and kind of a really neat word play): FENRY. Like as in Faux Henry.

Just keeping up with the otherforums Joneses.

So . . .

Fenry's casting as a season 3 regular means one of three (or more or even a combination of) things:

1.) The LOSTaways and The Others join forces to face a common enemy (the disease we've heard so much about but not seen, possibly?).

2.) The LOSTaways capture the surviving Others (after Jin and Sayid have gone medival on them). Fenry being one of them the captives.

3.) Jack and co. are captured by the Others.

In all 3 cases, Michael has been blown in by the Others and has escaped in Desmond's boat . . . (I really can't stand his whiney a$$. He reminds of Brad Pitt in any movie he's been in. Whine Whine Whine Whine and whine some more. Shut the frak up!)

Any other possibilities?
Easy. "Fenry" defects to the Lostaways.

But seriously...

It's difficult to say these things until we've seen the finale (Tomorrow night ladies and gentlemen... Unfortunately, I've got work until 10. I won't be watching it until Thursday.) Things could go in any direction, as far as we know... If the rumors are true, and there is no humanity, Locke couldl attempt to take over entire continents in Season 3. Then again, if the characters are still confined to the island, sure... Your three theories may hold some water. I firmly believe that there will be somewhat of an alliance made between the Others and the Lostaways. After that, I'm sure there would be more of an emphasis on the characters' survival rather than what mysteries lie on the island... As fun as that has become to follow and to try and solve, it's going to get old without explaination. I really think the show's strong point is behind the character interaction... Adding the Others to the mix and making them more human will allow for more and better character moments. I think, anyway... Just think of the things Zeke's got to say. Or Ms. Klugh.

Speaking of rumors, though, I've heard "Fenry" is somehow related to Libby...
Henry Gale's balloon was a Widmore balloon. Libby is a Widmore. The Widmores are some how involved with Hanso and they are loaded. Whether she's the rich man's old lady or daughter, who knows. Yet.

We know that Libby is possibly in Desmond's backstory from the above "spoilers."
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A few things that I've heard...

To answer Maxwell's question - Michael will be returning next season... Only, as a guest star.

Also, I've heard that one of the big reveals in the finale is Henry's real name. I've heard that it is entirely relevant, too. Some people are saying that he is Alexander Widmore while others are saying that his name has more to do with Hanso and the scientists leading the experiments on the island.
HOLY ****!!!!!!!

the buttons is for real real

jack sawyer and kate is taking hostage by the others

AND desmond not pressing the button on the date the plane took off caused the plane crash!!!!!!!!!!

and whole bunch of other **** i cant think of right now!!!!!!!!!

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I was still more wowed by last year's finale but this one was extremely close.

Mysteries the finale solved:

- The Button is real.
- The big leader of the Others is Henry(obviously implied).
- What happened to Edmund.
- Michael got Walt back(but they forgot about Vincent!:cry: ).

Mysteries the finale started:

- The white sky magnet thingy.
- Is Mr. Eko dead?
- Is John dead?
- What was with that look Jack and Kate shared at the end? Do they have a plan or something?
- The statue of the foot. I got chills when Sayid pointed out that it only had four toes.
- Why was Desmond in prison?
- How did his girlfriend know to be looking for a gigantic magnetic pulse?
- WHAT was with that huge greenish bird? And so help me, I heard it say Hurley too.:scared:

And did anyone else notice just how much the glasses-wearing Russian guy in the arctic station looked like Jack? I honestly thought it was him or his twin or something for that whole scene.
Planet-man said:
I was still more wowed by last year's finale but this one was extremely close.

Mysteries the finale solved:

- The Button is real.
- The big leader of the Others is Henry(obviously implied).
- What happened to Edmund.
- Michael got Walt back(but they forgot about Vincent!:cry: ).

Who's Edmund? Do you mean Kelvin? The other guy in the Hatch with Desmond?

Mysteries the finale started:

- The white sky magnet thingy.
- Is Mr. Eko dead?
- Is John dead?
- What was with that look Jack and Kate shared at the end? Do they have a plan or something?
- The statue of the foot. I got chills when Sayid pointed out that it only had four toes.
- Why was Desmond in prison?
- How did his girlfriend know to be looking for a gigantic magnetic pulse?

Thats what I'm wondering. I assume its because of her father's association with the Hanso Foundation. He probably revealed to her that Desmond was on the island, maybe in an attempt for her to get over him and move on with her life (that is what he was trying to do by attempting to buy Desmond off). However, he either wouldn't, or couldn't reveal the island's location (think back to what Faux Henry said to Michael before they left on the boat, head along that specific compass direction and they'd get away...but they'd never be able to find it again). This probably ties into the island's "unique geological properties"...maybe like the Pacific Ocean's own version of the Bermuda Triangle. So, using her vast resources, she begins having people monitor for something that might indicate where the island is exactly...like a giant electromagnetic pulse.

- WHAT was with that huge greenish bird? And so help me, I heard it say Hurley too.:scared:

That was Toucan Pete...Toucan Sam's less successful older brother.

Personally, I'm most interested in the huge statue foot (with only four toes)...was that some CGI borrowed from Lord of the Rings? ;)

And did anyone else notice just how much the glasses-wearing Russian guy in the arctic station looked like Jack? I honestly thought it was him or his twin or something for that whole scene.

No, not really. I didn't think they looked that much alike besides both being caucasion and having brown/black hair...oh, I get it. So you think all us caucasians look alike, huh? ;)

And the scene at the end involving the two station monitors in Antartica and Penny Widmore is the first scene that takes place off the island which isn't a flashback to before the crash.

Another thing interesting about this episode was the date of the plane crash was specifically mentioned as occurring on September 22, 2004. It was also confirmed that 65 days have passed on the island meaning my timeline is still the only one correct...at least as far as I can tell online. Click here for the timeline.

Man...I can't wait until Season 3.
Allow me to present...


I suspect that I have a theory to explain what the DHARMA Initiative is all about.

However, my idea involves comparison with two comic books -- Marvel's Runaways and Wildstorm's Planetary. If you have not read Planetary #25 or the final arc of Runaways Vol. 1 ("The Good Die Young"), please be warned that there are SPOILERS for these stories.

In Planetary #25...
it is revealed that The Four (a corrupt analog of Marvel's Fantastic Four, the "first family of comics") -- and specifically, its leader Randall Dowling -- made a deal with an advanced race of alternate-reality human beings (analogous to the Inhumans or Eternals) to grant them power and resources to discover the secret history of their earth for 50 years (1961-2011), in exchange for the planet itself.

Similarly, in Runaways Vol.1, during the story arc titled "The Good Die Young"...
the secretive villain organization known as The Pride -- made up of six influential families -- are revealed to be given power and influence by a race of ancient, six-toed giants named the Gibborim for 25 years (1984-2009), in exhcnage for their loyalty in performing a rite that will lead to the Gibborim taking over the planet, at the end of their "lease".

In the same way, I believe that the revelation of the four-toed statue is the first hint that the DHARMA Initiative is in contact with some kind of four-toed higher intelligence (alien? future human? mutant?), and they have granted them access to advance technology and use of the island, to understand the full capacity of our planet's science, in preparation for some kind of invasion or take-over by their otherworldy partners -- possibly in 2012, which is popularly regarded as an end-of-the-world date, based on the ancient Mayan calendar (and used by writers like Grant Morrison, in The Invisibles).

Why do I suggest this? The DeGroots founded DHARMA in 1970... 1970 + 42 years = 2012

Furthermore, I believe that the DHARMA Initiative -- just like the Pride in Runaways, and the Trust in 100 Bullets -- is actually made up of influential families working together: the DeGroots, the Hansos, the Widmores, the Paiks, and possibly more. Over time, these families may have begun to plot against one another, just as they did in the comics I mentioned, which explains the upheavals within the Hanso Foundation (as depicted in the Lost Experience game) and the seemingly uncoordinated projects on the Island.

Am I making sense?
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Wow. What a season finale.

First off - I WAS RIGHT:

"3.) Jack and co. are captured by the Others.

In all 3 cases, Michael has been blown in by the Others and has escaped in Desmond's boat"

Well, mostly. I didn't think Michael would blow himself in. And I'm sure that Jack & Kate have another plan. Who else noticed we didn't see Sayid, Jin or Sun after they found the deserted camp. The Others aka The Hostiles are in for it. The "HOTHERS?" lol.

All we learned that has already been posted plus some things that I'm sure we have no clue about. Things people failed to point out:

1.) FACT: Kelvin was indeed Sayid's "handler" in Iraq (See "One of Them."). He wasn't a twin. Or was he?

2.) SPECULATION: Libby's "dead" husband's name was Dave. Refresh my sarcastic memory. Who was Hurley's imaginary friend? And who was institutionalized with Hurley?

3.) MYSTERY: Penny is apparently still looking for Desmond (?). Might we see a rescue attempt in the future which may bring more people to the island? I am speculating that she may not be looking for Desmond as much as she is looking for the island - did Dharma "lose" their island? And speaking of the guys at the Antartic research base: Tell me this isn't Matthew Fox in extra make up: http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/gal....html?photo=89

4.) MORE MYSTERY: Check this out on Walt's Comics: http://www.lostlinks.net/comic/comic1.htm
Seems that his comics may have some tie to the show itself - especially with the polar bear and the bird in his flashback. It seems Walt's preternatural abilties were enhanced on the island. I wonder if Belle/ Ms. Q is some how blood related to Walt's Mother.

5.) THE STATUE'S FOOT: Collossus of Rhodes was the first thing I thought of. Then my mind starting wandering to ancient Sumeria . . . and Lord help me if I wasn't reminded of "The 12th Planet."


leather_w0lf said:
5.) THE STATUE'S FOOT: Collossus of Rhodes was the first thing I thought of. Then my mind starting wandering to ancient Sumeria . . . and Lord help me if I wasn't reminded of "The 12th Planet."

Intriguing. I'm familiar with Sumeria and the "ancient astronaut" theories, and it actually doesn't go against my interpretation of what the statue may hint at.

However, for the benefit of those of us too lazy to Google, perhaps you'd like to share a link explaning what "The 12th Planet" is a reference to.

I just looked it up myself. I thought it was reference to a specific book. But it's actually a concept -- the idea of an "undiscovered" 12th planet in the Milky Way solar system, which the ancient Sumerians referred to as Nibiru. Here's where it gets interesting.

Nibiru, to the Babylonians, was the celestial body associated with the god Marduk. The name is Akkadian and means 'ferry boat', 'crossing place' or 'place of transition'. In most Babylonian texts it is identified with the planet Jupiter; in Tablet 5 of the Enûma Elish it may be the pole star1, which at the time was Thuban or possibly Kochab.

According to writers Zecharia Sitchin and Burak Eldem (q.v.), Nibiru in Sumerian records referred to an undiscovered planet, but these claims are not taken seriously by experts in archaeology or astronomy.​
(Thanks, Wikipedia)
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The Season Finale for Season 2 was far better than the first season's... In my opinion at least. This didn't seem to drag, although there were parts that really sort of irked me. Don't get me wrong - I'm a huge Lost fan - but I felt, by the end of the episode, too many things happened that I didn't much care for.

For instance, the mortality of the characters in the Hatch... Desmond, Eko, and John. We assume they are dead, but why kill off the three most promising characters? Desmond really stole the show last night, Eko has made me more fanatical for the show, and Locke is one of the driving forces of the show... If these guys are really dead, I'll be severely hurt. Charlie did imply that at least Eko and Locke were still alive, but we never saw them so I'm not certain.

The button... All of that for just the destruction of the Hatch and a signal being sent to Russia? I'm kind of at a loss with this. I was hoping for more of an obvious change.

Henry Gale as the Other leader? No. I really hope that he was only sent to collect these guys... What the hell was the point of Hurly coming, by the way? He wouldn't have had a role otherwise?

The four-toed statue was cool enough, I thought... We'll have to go deeper into that.

Yeah, I don't know what the hell to think anymore. This show better be as good as it has been during Season 3. I don't want them changing the formula of the show or introducing uninspiring characters... Love you guys.
Goodwill said:
The button... All of that for just the destruction of the Hatch and a signal being sent to Russia? I'm kind of at a loss with this. I was hoping for more of an obvious change.
It wasn't just any old signal -- it now means that there are people in the outside world (namely Penny and her associates, but maybe others) who can now search for the Island. I'd say that's a pretty signficant effect, wouldn't you?

It also confirms that the outside world still exists, effectively ending all the speculation about afterlife and purgatory, that still persists among Lost fans.

Plus, it gave us a decisive answer about the Button AND the cause of the crash.

Goodwill said:
What the hell was the point of Hurly coming, by the way? He wouldn't have had a role otherwise?
Maybe he wasn't the person the Others were expecting? What if "Hurley" is not really Hugo Reyes (which was the name on Ms. Klugh's paper)? Maybe "Dave" (Libby's husband or Hurley's friend) could be the real Hugo Reyes?

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