Well-Known Member
In Soviet Russia, the Jimmy Kimmel mystery solves you.Goodwill said:Let's solve the Jimmy Kimmel mystery, alright?
In Soviet Russia, the Jimmy Kimmel mystery solves you.Goodwill said:Let's solve the Jimmy Kimmel mystery, alright?
thee great one said:The finale is going to rule. I'm curious as to why they want Jack, Hurley, Sawyer, and Kate.
MaxwellSmart said:One thing has been bugging me for a while. Micheal says he left looking for the others. He observed them and left to bring back help. He left with a rifle and pistol. The one question I can't believe hasn't been asked by the castaways is WHERE ARE THE F***ING GUNS?
Of course, the answer is they were taken when he was captured, but he can't tell his friends that.
:roll: who didn't think thatmoonmaster said:Great episode last night.
So, I was half right. Michael is working for the Others, but he's doing it to get his son back.
Can't wait for the finale next week.
Ultimate Houde said:What? Are you serious?
The point of his flashbacks has shown us that he'll do anything for his son, now that he found him again, he never wants to lose him ever. In the first season he made the raft so that he and his son can get off the island.
Makes perfect sense to me.
moonmaster said:Great episode last night.
So, I was half right. Michael is working for the Others, but he's doing it to get his son back.
Can't wait for the finale next week.
ultimatedjf said:Wow. Yet another superb episode.
BTW, has anyone else seen the official cover art and menus to the Season 2 DVD that are online? They're very cool.
Goodwill said:Well, I think Michael should be pissed because the Others wronged him... They took his son without explanation and attempted to kill him. His desperation for his son's safety should not have convinced him otherwise. Getting Walt back should be his first priority, sure, but to become self-destructive in the process? I thought Michael was characterized as better than that. It's just my opinion... I like the fact that it sheds light on the Others but this whole turn seems a smidgen forced.
I know I'll be the only person who thinks that so we'll drop it, if you don't mind...
The season finale should be interesting... It's the Others vs. Lostaways vs. Michael it looks like. I'm interested in seeing who comes out on top. I'm playing out situations in my head and I could see the Others and the Lostaways combining their forces or something and the third season could be them trying to deal with each other. It could add a lot more depth to the show... You've gotta realize the Others may not understand the island any more than the Lostaways do... Together, they could solve what's been happening.
Goodwill said:There are most likely things that are out of their control, for example the Cloud Monster, that I am referring to. Sure, they've been on the island longer than the Lostaways, but how much do they understand? I doubt if they are the people running the island... There has to be more to it than that.
ProjectX2 said:I've read the spoiler summary for the finale... wow. It's incredible.
I don't want to spoil too much, you can find them yourself if you look, so I'll just give a brief summary.
Jack swims out to the boat, and finds Desmond in the bunker with a lot of alcohol. They return to the island. Jack, Kate, Michael, Sawyer and Hurley set off to find The Others, with Sayid and Jin taking the boat around the coastline for a suprise attack.
While this is all happening, Locke enters The Hatch and laughs at Eko for still pushing the button. Eko tells Locke that he is the man of faith. Desmond comes in, and gets angry. Locke tells him he pressed the button but Desmond doesn't believe him. The blastdoors come down again, sealing Locke and Desmond in with the computer, and sealing Eko out.
Desmond tells Locke that he thinks the incident happened because Locke didn't press the button. He fixed his boat and sailed off the island, trying to help the survivors. But when he got to land... there was no humanity left.
I'll leave the rest, since it's pretty exciting...
leather_w0lf said:OK, here is what old reliable Leather has found: is a wealth of information!
The episode opens with Desmond arriving in the sailboat, completely drunk. In flashback he is being let out of jail and being picked up by his fiancee/wife's father Charles Widmore. Widmore thinks Desmond is useless and tries to talk him into leaving his daughter. Desmond refuses.
His backstory is all about Desmond's battle with alcohol. He is desperate to free himself from the bottle and be taken seriously. He sees his "race" as an opportunity for renewal but nobody believes in him. You find out his problems with alcohol are what prevented him from becoming a doctor. When he is "training" at the collesium he doesn't even have a clue how he is going to enter the race. There is talk of faith and redemption all through this part of his backstory.
I think that Widmore was somehow responsible for Libby being in the institution because she is very contemptuous towards him and is working behind his back to help Desmond because she knows it will piss Widmore off. Don't know if she is his wife like some people say, or daughter. Little bit fuzzy here.
In the island scenes Desmond and Locke find themselves kindred spirits. When Locke tells Desmond that there was someone watching him, and shows him the printouts and explains the orientation for the Pearl station, Desmond flips out. He can't believe he was set up. Locke explains the situation with Eko and Desmond decides to show him something he thinks can help Locke with his quest to stop the button from being pushed.
Meanwhile, Sayid convinces Jin to join him off shore to make sure things are kosher with the Walt rescue. Jin absolutely does not believe that Michael is "compromised" and comes along more to keep an eye on Sayid. "
Also -
leather_w0lf said:Here is another site I found yesterday:
We have to be careful with what we accept as a spoiler and what could be actually a foiler.
For example, that one a plot summary I got a couple weeks ago was about 70% accurate. I'm not buying the end of the world crap, for example. I do believe in X2 statement that we get to see what happens on the island when the button is not pushed through Michael & Walt's eyes - that is right up there in the way Lindoff writes. The most absurd notions (like Sawyer banging, well rather AnaL banging Sawyer!) were mocked on other LOST forums as being ridiculous then it happened.
The LOSTaways are in for it some drama and action Wednesday, that's for sure!
And most importantly: Sawyer finally gets to kill someone!