Justice League: To the silver screen!

Because everything is still in rumor phase, the only really important question is if Routh and Bale will be in this

Wasn't it stated that they were avoiding using both of them? Personally I don't care if it's cgi. So any questions on who the villain/s would be? With Cgi you could still go for a huge Darkseid Fourth World story. Or Starro. :wink:
No no no...please, no CGI. If you can't make it live action, just make it animated. There's nothing wrong with that.
Re: Justic League: To the silver screen!

The only way this could possibly work is if it was J'onn J'onzz, Aqua Man, Plastic Man, the Atom, Fire and Ice, and Maxima and their all superhero college students at this university and the Justice League is the name of the debate team that they're all on, and Hawk Man, Mr. Miracle and Big Barda are all professors there, and like Enlongated Man and Metamorpho and maybe even The Phantom Stranger are their rivals from the other school who are also part of this like Injustice Gang, and there's lots of crazy shenanigans and telekinetic toplessness and Plastic Man and Martian Manhunter having a contest to see who can turn into the better bong and. . . .

Oh dear, I've gone on a tangent. Seriously though, that would work.


How did I miss this? HOW?

This is the greatest idea in the history of the known universe.
Re: Justic League: To the silver screen!


How did I miss this? HOW?

This is the greatest idea in the history of the known universe.

:lol: I missed that too...nice.
The more I hear about this film, the more it sounds like an actual nightmare of a film. Here are the rumoured things I am particularly worried about:

- It's being rushed into production to avoid a labour strike.

- No Bale, no Routh, which will serve to cause more confusion in their franchises (if WB decides to continue them after this fiasco)

- CGI? What's the point of that? You're practically labeling it a kid's movie!

Please, WB. Don't make this film now! Wait another five years! Please!
- CGI? What's the point of that? You're practically labeling it a kid's movie!
Here's why I like cgi idea :

  • If they do it right it could be very cool. CGI or Animated would allow it to embrace more of the comic elements which could be fun.
  • If they announced a 2d Animated film called "Justice league" People would want/expect it to be like Timmverse and would also compare it to it. If it was like action like some people on here said it could reflect badly on the film franchises. So that only leaves cgi as a logical choice.
  • You can get people who don't "look right" to play charracters well. E.G Luke....I mean Mark Hamill as the Joker.
  • Because it is is animated it allows more less realistic things to happen , where as a film you need realism. This can come in handy for an alien , a giant space tower thingy.

  • Doing the effects on superman , green lantern , flash and more would put the budget too high , This allows our favourites to use all their powers at a lower budget.

of course that's just my thoughts
of course that's just my thoughts

Bottom line is that when people see CGI superheroes, they'll think it's a fun kid's movie. When they find out it's not, it'll bomb.

I really think WB's best option is to wait five, maybe ten years and make a huge JLA extravaganza and make it one of the best superhero films ever made (thus erasing my criticisms that Nolan's Batman shouldn't really exist in a world of fantastic superhero characters when he's supposed to live in a gritty realistic world). CGI's been done, animation's been done and crappy live-action without any noteworthy action has been done (twice). I want Bale, I want Routh, I want high-profile actors and sophisticated special effects and I want it in five-to-ten years time when the Batman and Superman sequels have established themselves successfully and told the story that they were trying to tell.

Beyond that, I want nothing.
That only depends on how the CGI is done.

Yep, its style, not technique that decides the mood of a film, it could be the Incredibles, light hearted comedy with a dose of seriousness in there, or the cutscenes in Marvel Ulitmate Alliance, definitely dark and more serious
Yep, its style, not technique that decides the mood of a film, it could be the Incredibles, light hearted comedy with a dose of seriousness in there, or the cutscenes in Marvel Ulitmate Alliance, definitely dark and more serious

I'll admit, it would be pretty sweet seeing a movie with animation as fine and crisp as that.
I agree with Gothamite, CGI wouldn't work well for the JLA. This is an oppurtunity to make they holy grail of all superhero adaptations. Anything less than the most epic live action superhero film ever would be kind of a disgrace to the creators who made the Justice League the most enduring and most popular superhero team of all time.

BTW, Gothamite mentioned it in the Superman Returns thread and I find it interesting since I've been thinking this for a while now, but Mathew McConahay should be Hal Jordan. Someone make a Justice League Dreamcast Round right now!
I agree with Gothamite, CGI wouldn't work well for the JLA. This is an oppurtunity to make they holy grail of all superhero adaptations. Anything less than the most epic live action superhero film ever would be kind of a disgrace to the creators who made the Justice League the most enduring and most popular superhero team of all time.

BTW, Gothamite mentioned it in the Superman Returns thread and I find it interesting since I've been thinking this for a while now, but Mathew McConahay should be Hal Jordan. Someone make a Justice League Dreamcast Round right now!

Thanks for the kudos my friend. :)
I'll try to get a link but Attack of the Show announced Tom Welling, of Smallville, was approached to play Superman in the JL film.
I totally missed the CGI rumors posted earlier.

The idea of a CGI Justice League movie is perfect. Why? Because I think that a live-action Justice League movie is IMPOSSIBLE. Think about the scale of it, the budget, and the various casting choices that have to be made. They'd have to wait for god knows how long for the current franchises to finish and then spend years making a movie that would probably net them a fraction of what they could've made if they had continued or restarted aforementioned franchises. A live-action Justice League just doesn't work. I'm sorry to say it, but it's true.

CGI is the perfect alternative. First of all, let me stop and point out that they're not talking about Pixar-style CGI. Before anyone else starts groaning about the animation, take a look at the trailer for Beowulf.

I imagine that that's the kind of thing that they're talking about. A photo-realistically animated, motion-captured, action movie. Not a kid's movie. This sort of approach would kind of fix everything. Without the budgetary restraints of live-action, they'd be able to pull of exactly the kind of superhero epic that people want. The characters could be modeled to look closer to their comic book counterparts than anyone's ever seen (I'm imagining an Alex Ross comic come to life, basically) and they'd only have to worry about casting good voice actors and motion capture people. This just sounds perfect to me.

I think I'm actually more excited about the idea of a CGI Justice League movie than a live-action one.
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