Justice League: To the silver screen!

Re: Justic League: To the silver screen!

They could always try to make a Justice League WITHOUT Batman and Superman.

I know, I know, nightmares of the old TV movie are flashing in our heads, but still, by keeping Superman, Batman and possibly Wonder Woman away from this superteam it prevents them from 'diluting' the brand, a concept that is actually more important to multimedia companies than one would think.


The problem with a JLA film right now is always going to be the conflicting styles of the existing DC franchises. Bale's Batman is based nearly entirely on realism, or the concept that being Batman is completely possible. Routh's Superman is on the entire other side of the spectrum. Its completely glossy, timeless Metropolis suggests that it doesn't take place in anything that resembles real life.

Bale's Batman can't and shouldn't exist in an environment full of super-characters. But you can't have a Justice League without Batman. It wouldn't be right.

Superman's in a sticky situation right now with his film franchise and how the fans reacted to it. Side-stepping all of his own personal turmoils and dumping him in a team movie could torpedo his franchise and his credibility. You could just leave out Superman. But again, it just wouldn't be right.

So, right now, I'm hoping that this film doesn't get made. Maybe in ten years time, when Bale and Routh have made two sequels (or possibly more) each and have done their respective characters more than enough justice; maybe then they could team up and just go for an all-out fun superhero team-up film, where neither of the franchises are on the line anymore, but right now, it's a crucial point in time. Batman's sequel is controversial to some and Superman may not even have a sequel if the studio should suddenly decide to change their minds (which could conceivably, still happen). A kid-friendly, fun filled, completely unnecessary 'team-up' film wouldn't do anyone any good.
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At the press day for 3:10 to Yuma in Los Angeles today, Superhero Hype! asked Christian Bale if he is signed to play Batman in the proposed Justice League of America movie at Warner Bros. Bale, who plays Batman again in The Dark Knight, said he is not, and we don't really expect him to. He'll probably stick with his current franchise with director Christopher Nolan.

Hmmmm , What do you think , diffrent batman or batman-less JL or Bale was lying or they'll sign him later?
Hmmmm , What do you think , diffrent batman or batman-less JL or Bale was lying or they'll sign him later?

I'd almost prefer a different Batman or no Batman at all.

Although it would be cool to see him and Routh in the same movie together.

But I'd prefer to see a less realistic Batman with a more comic-like costume and all that.
I'd almost prefer a different Batman or no Batman at all.

Although it would be cool to see him and Routh in the same movie together.

But I'd prefer to see a less realistic Batman with a more comic-like costume and all that.

Ditto. Recast or leave out.

Having Bale reprise the role for JL to tie-in the movie DC universe takes away from the seriousness and realistic credibilty of his Batman movies.
Hmmmm , What do you think , diffrent batman or batman-less JL or Bale was lying or they'll sign him later?
I recall hearing though that he and Routh
Ditto. Recast or leave out.

Having Bale reprise the role for JL to tie-in the movie DC universe takes away from the seriousness and realistic credibilty of his Batman movies.

Actually I disagree, it would just mean that JLu would have to be more credible. I can totally see Batman taking on a meta human for the first time and him having to re adjust, I can picture a scene where he and Lucas Fox makes exploding batarangs, now I know that sounds stupid but the way I picture it, it would work pretty well. But I do see how it can ruin everything, but I dont think its a as big of a possiblity
Actually I disagree, it would just mean that JLu would have to be more credible. I can totally see Batman taking on a meta human for the first time and him having to re adjust, I can picture a scene where he and Lucas Fox makes exploding batarangs, now I know that sounds stupid but the way I picture it, it would work pretty well. But I do see how it can ruin everything, but I dont think its a as big of a possiblity

I agree with that , I would like begins batman in league
If we get Batman I want the ultra superstitous Tower of Babel type Batman. He's got to make up for not having powers. I was arguing with my friend over who should be in it and I think a roster of about 9 or 10 would be good. Have the main seven (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman) and maybe add a couple like the Atom, Green Arrow, Plastic Man, Zatanna or Hawkman.
If we get Batman I want the ultra superstitous Tower of Babel type Batman. He's got to make up for not having powers. I was arguing with my friend over who should be in it and I think a roster of about 9 or 10 would be good. Have the main seven (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman) and maybe add a couple like the Atom, Green Arrow, Plastic Man, Zatanna or Hawkman.

more than seven would be asking too much, juggling characters would get really difficult
more than seven would be asking too much, juggling characters would get really difficult

Well probably you could have eight and add one or two in a sequel. I'm more excited for Avengers.
Well probably you could have eight and add one or two in a sequel. I'm more excited for Avengers.

They should only have Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Martian Manhunter. Any more and you run the chance of over crowding
They should only have Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Martian Manhunter. Any more and you run the chance of over crowding

Well they're pretty adamant about adding Aquaman so you're gonna get him. I think they could have Green Arrow or the Atom without crowding. Atom doesn't take up too much space any way. :wink:
I don't even know why they're making a JLA movie. It seems too hard to make, and even if they do figure out how to do it, it will probably be too corny and terrible anyway.
2 things.

1st = shouldn't this be in comic book movie?

Justice League to be a CGI/Motion Capture Film!?
Source: IESB.net
August 22, 2007

One of the most talked-about topics online these days is Warner Bros.' Justice League of America adaptation, which Happy Feet director George Miller is reportedly attached to.

Reports have said that the superhero team-up movie would include Batman, Superman, The Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and the Green Lantern, that casting would start next week, and that Christian Bale (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight) and Brandon Routh (Superman, Superman: Man of Steel) would not be involved.

It didn't quite make sense how Warner Bros. would be able to pull it off, but perhaps now we know how they can. IESB.net says that the movie might be a CGI/performance capture project, much like The Polar Express, and the upcoming Beowulf and Avatar. Here's a bit of the scoop the site received:

However, and take this with a grain of salt, Imageworks are apparently in the running to provide services on the JLA film, competing with R&H and possibly WETA (the latter being unconfirmed).

But the real interesting thing about this is that the contract is for an all-cgi "photo-real" motion capture movie, much like the upcoming Beowulf.

If the reports hold up, expect Justice League of America to go into production early 2008.

That could be pretty cool if it is CGI , then no one needs to worry about film universes been ****ed up
It was always there.

Crazy Brit...

No it wasn't!

I looked to post it wasn't it was under general , Don't try and make out i'm crazy , I'm sane you here me SANE!!!!!!!!!
Mm. Cgi couls be good. I'd still like a live-action movie but it could turn out to be even more epic in animated form. One question, Why isn't Martian Manhunter ever reported to be in this?!? He's probably one of the three most important members of the League's history and he has the most story potential out of all of them. That's what I feel. J'onn shouldn't be left out.
Mm. Cgi couls be good. I'd still like a live-action movie but it could turn out to be even more epic in animated form. One question, Why isn't Martian Manhunter ever reported to be in this?!? He's probably one of the three most important members of the League's history and he has the most story potential out of all of them. That's what I feel. J'onn shouldn't be left out.

Because everything is still in rumor phase, the only really important question is if Routh and Bale will be in this