Justice League: To the silver screen!

Why call him Happy feet director George Miller?

Wouldn't it make more sense to refer to him as Road Warrior director?

Happy feet is newer and so more teens and kids would of heard it
Which Green Lantern, is my question?

Most likely John Stewart, but I'd like to see Guy Gardner.

And they'll probably put Martian Manhunter in as well.

Also, who would be the villain? Brainiac? White Martians?
The problem I have with a JLA movie is that:
1) The budget will probably surpass any budget in the history of mankind.
2) They will have to be vague about the characters' ages, otherwise Batman Begins and Superman Returns take place during the same time (if they're played by Christian Bale and Brandon Routh).
3) I can't really see Bale's Batman in a team. Also, seeing his Batman in the team like this, it would kind of ruin his performance in BB for me. It's hard to explain.
4) The script will have to be spectacular for it to work.
5) The villain.

I think the first movie should revolve around J'onn J'onzz (don't know how to spell his name....) coming to Earth to form JLA to stop an alien invasion. I'm a little nervous about the first movie being about aliens, but hey, it's the only way you can have Martian Manhunter in the formation of the team. The villain for the first movie would be the White Martians, or whatever.

Also, shouldn't this be in the Comic Book Movie section?
You spelled the name right. Don't worry.

My only problem with the White Martians is...they just don't interest me.

I'd prefer a Legion of Doom ala Ross' Justice.

(I wonder what the odds are of Black Vulcan appearing?)
My only problem with the White Martians is...they just don't interest me.

Then wouldn't having them in the first film be better for you? 1st film most of the film will be about team been put together with very little villain screen time IMO.

then sequel if the do your Legion of Doom there is more time that can be spent building them up
(I wonder what the odds are of Black Vulcan appearing?)

By Black Vulcan, I hope you mean Supervolt.

Another problem I have is, how are they going to introduce characters like Green Lantern and Green Arrow? They have to set up some kind of backstory.
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Supervolt was a Harvey Birdman reference.

mine was name to "Black Vulcan" with a "Star trek" and a "Starsky and hutch " reference merged into one. What's your point?
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That you don't have a point, and that I was making a joke.

What? I was making a joke with "Spock-y Bear." and you were the one been an idiot about it. I didn't say I had a point just made a joke I was just asking the point of your
Supervolt was a Harvey Birdman reference.
What? I was making a joke with "Spock-y Bear." and you were the one been an idiot about it. I didn't say I had a point just made a joke I was just asking the point of your comment.

God, I am so sick of arguing with you. And before you say, "Then don't," you're the one who was egging me on with the Spock-y Bear comment.
you're the one who was egging me on with the Spock-y Bear comment.

No I wasn't I made a joke and you decided to argue again. :roll:

but back on topic , if they are saying this is high priority does that mean they are doing it Before they do the "wonder woman" movie?
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No I wasn't I made a joke and you decided to argue again. :roll:

You were insulting my intelligence with a joke, when I was making a joke. And you're the one who just continued the argument by posting again, after I said to stop arguing. Enough is enough; I'm done.

I think WW will come first, since it seems to be further in development.
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By Black Vulcan, I hope you mean Supervolt.

Another problem I have is, how are they going to introduce characters like Green Lantern and Green Arrow? They have to set up some kind of backstory.

Well Green Arrow's going to be in the new Supermax movie so he'll probably not need to much of an explanation. Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Flash don't need their movies first because it shouldn't be too hard to explain their appearances and they're pretty well known heroes so they should be known by most people who would see Justice League. I'm thinking do Darkseid in the first, White Martians in the second and the Legion of Doom in the third. And this should be in the comic movies section.
I didn't think it was possible, but Mole, your jokes have gotten far worse. I'm sorry. *places gun on table*

I'll be outside.
*grabs gun and follows her outside*

Bye bye Hibiki
