Justice League: To the silver screen!


Teh Sexy Monkey Queen
Jul 24, 2004
The World of Icelandia.
From Newsarama:


Holy cow, Batman.

As comic book movies have proliferated over the past few years, comic fans have begun to wonder – when will we start seeing the team-based films? As Marvel's X-Men films have shown, putting more than one super-powered character into a film can work…but what about the icons joining up?

Possibly sooner than expected.

According to Variety Warner Bros. is looking to produce a Justice League movie, and has hired Kiernan and Michele Mulroney to pen the script. After rumors of a possible Batman vs. Superman film this is the first actual news that the studio is looking to make a feature based on more than one hero.

As the trade reported/speculated, such a film would certainly include some blend of DC Comics' iconic heroes, rather than wholly B-listers.
Click the link to read the rest.
Re: Justic League: To the silver screen!

It can't work.
Re: Justic League: To the silver screen!

So they either use Bale and Routh and derail those two franchises...or they don't use Bale and Routh and...

Nope. Can't work.
They could always try to make a Justice League WITHOUT Batman and Superman.

I know, I know, nightmares of the old TV movie are flashing in our heads, but still, by keeping Superman, Batman and possibly Wonder Woman away from this superteam it prevents them from 'diluting' the brand, a concept that is actually more important to multimedia companies than one would think.
Re: Justic League: To the silver screen!

Right now I agree it might not work However after the Batman sequel , Superman sequel , Wonder Woman and the rumoured/confirmed (not sure which) flash then great. Say they call out out around 2008-2009 then 2010 this film will work well.

I do think they need to cast the same actors as the solo movies. It could work out very well. Show them forming the League and introduce a few more like flash and green lantern

X-men worked very well and they did not have the build of already established backgrounds. Even if you may think it'll suck you have to admit just seeing them all on one film is incredible.

Now as you know I hate superman returns but I think having the actor who played superman in this is the only way to go and is a fairly genius move. Now people seem to think it is a bad idea or can't work sorry I disagree.

This is Why I think it will work. It could show an experienced League who have their differences but eventually put that behind them over come the odds plus it's a great way to introduce characters who they don't want to give a stand alone movie to and focus on THEIR back stories as the big ones have been covered.

Martian Manhunter , Plastic Man (we know that could work from fantastic 4 with Mr fantastic) , Green Lantern and Green Arrow. concentrate mostly on their backgrounds and introduce the solo film ones later.


If people think using the actors from solo films is bad idea how about not having them in it. I argued before you need the big 3 but It could work on it's own very successfully. If they need superman use Captain Marvel , Need wonder woman? use Supergirl.

I think it would work. Then later add people from other films.

but that is just my thoughts

Edit :
They could always try to make a Justice League WITHOUT Batman and Superman.

I know, I know, nightmares of the old TV movie are flashing in our heads, but still, by keeping Superman, Batman and possibly Wonder Woman away from this superteam it prevents them from 'diluting' the brand, a concept that is actually more important to multimedia companies than one would think.

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Re: Justic League: To the silver screen!

I'm gonna stop you right there.
I like how Justice League without Batman, Superman, et al. is viewed as the domain of crazy individual who is far removed from the property's rational orthodoxy. You know, like how people believe there should be no Avengers properties without Captain America.

Honestly, a FILM version of the Justice League with the Big Three in it would just look like a conflated version of World's Finest + That Bondage Amazon. Let the other characters have an opportunity to develop themselves without being crowded by the Big Guns. It's not like Ice and Fire or STRIPE and Stargirl will be getting any movies of their own anytime soon.
Re: Justic League: To the silver screen!

I gotta say - I'd be disappointed in a Justice League film without Superman and Batman. It would kinda defeat the point. Sure, I loved Justice League Unlimited, but to my mind, a big blockbuster Justice League film without Superman and Batman would kinda defeat the purpose.
Re: Justic League: To the silver screen!

The only way this could possibly work is if it was J'onn J'onzz, Aqua Man, Plastic Man, the Atom, Fire and Ice, and Maxima and their all superhero college students at this university and the Justice League is the name of the debate team that they're all on, and Hawk Man, Mr. Miracle and Big Barda are all professors there, and like Enlongated Man and Metamorpho and maybe even The Phantom Stranger are their rivals from the other school who are also part of this like Injustice Gang, and there's lots of crazy shenanigans and telekinetic toplessness and Plastic Man and Martian Manhunter having a contest to see who can turn into the better bong and. . . .

Oh dear, I've gone on a tangent. Seriously though, that would work.
Re: Justic League: To the silver screen!

I can't see a two hour movie fit in both Superman and Batman, let alone those two and everyone else.

It would be most likely that the movie would focus on the other characters, led by J'Onn, with Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Atom, maybe Huntress.
Re: Justic League: To the silver screen!

The only way this could possibly work is if it was J'onn J'onzz, Aqua Man, Plastic Man, the Atom, Fire and Ice, and Maxima and their all superhero college students at this university and the Justice League is the name of the debate team that they're all on, and Hawk Man, Mr. Miracle and Big Barda are all professors there, and like Enlongated Man and Metamorpho and maybe even The Phantom Stranger are their rivals from the other school who are also part of this like Injustice Gang, and there's lots of crazy shenanigans and telekinetic toplessness and Plastic Man and Martian Manhunter having a contest to see who can turn into the better bong and. . . .

Oh dear, I've gone on a tangent. Seriously though, that would work.
That sounds like a mature audiences treatment mixed with X-Men: Evolution

Which means you're either completely ingenious, or absolutely stupid. Maybe both. :D
Re: Justic League: To the silver screen!

I would like it if they do 3 Batman movies, and 3 Superman movies, the Flash and Wonder woman before they make this. So you would have the core of the team already established so you can focus more on the new characters. I think the Justice League movie should have the main characters associated with it. But it would be very difficult to balance all of them, it would take some great writing and a great director to make this work well.

I have doubts this will get off the ground
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Re: Justic League: To the silver screen!

Now... lets look at the problems in putting this movie together as is... Christopher Nolan's Batman is getting started... He's cleaning up the corruption of Gotham, trying to make his city work... and Honestly I don't think he's going to have time to spare at least until after the third Batman Movie (which, following the formula prescribed after Batman Begins will be something like: Joker's trial and the Creation of Two-Face)... by then, and only then would it even be remotely plausible that flying men from outer space can coexist in Batman's world.

Superman works better because Supes is a bigger stretch of the imagination. The follow-up to the most recent movie will reintroduce General Zod most likely, or possibly Brainiac... Two villains who will be taken down by Superman alone, but only barely.

So we need escalation of some kind something Superman could not possibly handle on his own... and here's where I think the story would begin (my idea at least)...

Batman is working with Gordon to take down the newest mob lowlife in Gotham, a man called Bruno "Ugly" Mannheim, who's supplying high tech machinery that goes beyond what anyone's ever seen before. He learns about the organization Intergang and traces its roots back to Metropolis, catching the Attention of Superman. On top of this, I'd say that Clark Kent would meet Bruce Wayne through some connection between Thomas Wayne and Lois' father... Or maybe Wayne Industries owns The Daily Planet. Anyway, we get some of that going on... This would all happen in the first twenty minutes of course..

In the rest of the movie, the following would happen...

Bruno Mannheim is revealed to be supplied by the Alien Dictator Darkseid, in an attempt to infiltrate and weaken the world powers to make it easier to conquer in Darkseid's never-ending search for The Anti-Life Equation.

Soon after Batman and Superman meet up the two are approached by a man in a red costume who runs at superspeed who has found a spaceship crash landed outside of Central City... since it's common knowledge that Superman is an alien he thought he'd come find him... The crashed ship opens to reveal a orangey alien in a green uniform, battleworn. His name is Abin Sur, and he has. He tells them that the Apokolips is coming (its later revealed that he'd been critically injured while fighting the parademons). Abin Sur, dying, tells them that his ring will find a man born without fear, and that this man will be the key to defeating Darkseid.

I am too tired to think the rest of this out properly... I think Barda and Mr. Miracle of New Genesis will show up... And perhaps Wonder Woman or the Martian Manhunter... With J'onn it wouldn't be farfetched to make him the last survivor of Darkseid's last reign of terror in our solar system, who had stood waiting in the ruins of the Martian civilization for sign of Darkseid to come again.

Obviously this would tie the Batman, Superman, and possibly Flash and Wonder Woman movies. It would allow for a GL spin-off that doesn't have to be an Origin Movie... It would let Darkseid potentially become a great movie villain without having to depower him to let Superman beat him alone.

Im guessing it'd be three movies:

- Batman, Superman, Flash team up... Hal Jordan becomes the new GL of our sector to protect Earth from the armies of apokolips. J'onn J'onnz of Mars comes to party, and they five defeat Kalibak (thinking him to be the leader of Apokolips' forces). After defeating him, Darkseid appears and uses the Omega Effect on his own son for his failure. Superman tries to attack him, but Darkseid toss him aside like he was a rag doll. Darkseid disapears in a boom tube. All of a sudden Mr. Miracle and Barda appear to tell him that his name was Darkseid and he will be back and the fury of Hell will be at his feel. TBC

- Start with the origin of the conflict between New Genesis and Apokolips... Then we get some conflict between the Army and the Justice League. The Defense Dept wants the GL Ring... we later find out that the general who's looking for it is really working with Apokolips. We also find out about the secret arms race between Atlantis and the US. Superman makes everyone realize that they need... This movie would introduce Granny Goodness (particular in her relationship to Barda and Mr. Miracle) and the Female Furies.

- Big battle movie. JLA with the Army and Atlantis against the Parademons of Apokolips. Superman, Batman and GL vs. Darkseid. Lots of cameos from international heroes during the big fight... Green Lantern gives the big message that by through the power of the human will anything is possible... And while that means dominating humanity could lead to the discovery of the Anti-Life Equation, great good is also possible. Formal formation of the Justice League with funding from Wayne Industries, appointing Maxwell Lord...

yeah... that probably became progressively less coherent. and im probably just crazy... yeaah.

(and could a mod PLEASE fix the spelling in the thread title?)
Re: Justic League: To the silver screen!

Now... lets look at the problems in putting this movie together as is... Christopher Nolan's Batman is getting started... He's cleaning up the corruption of Gotham, trying to make his city work... and Honestly I don't think he's going to have time to spare at least until after the third Batman Movie (which, following the formula prescribed after Batman Begins will be something like: Joker's trial and the Creation of Two-Face)... by then, and only then would it even be remotely plausible that flying men from outer space can coexist in Batman's world.

Yeah the JL movie should take place way after the Batman movies where he is more experienced and have really done a lot to Gotham

As for your movie idea I like it but it feels like your adding to much, I think instead of Brada and Miracle man you have the GL corp leaders tell the league the origin of Apokalips and their goals and mention New Genesis. That the GL corp wants have been trying to stop Darksied.
I agree that the Justice League should have to fight Darkseid in the movie but I'd do it a little differently. It would have to be after Batman's third movie and Superman 2, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Lantern and the Flash would be made.

Because of the recent surge of costumed metahumans in the world, Batman has developed a satellite through Wayne Corp to keep track of them all. Meanwhile Superman is flying around in Metropolis and hears a loud thunderous noise. He flies to it and finds a man dressed in high tech weaponry covered in battle scars, Mr. Miracle. He tells Superman that a great evil is coming to Earth, Darkseid. Miracle tells Superman how Darkseid has an army with the potential to destroy the Earth as he's searching for the Anti-Life equation. Superman tells Lois Lane to print Miracle's story and the world goes into panic. As Darkseid's forces first arrive Superman, Mr. Miracle and the military try to fight him back but he's beaten down by his forces and captured. Meanwhile Batman has been viewing the conflict in Gotham and decides to put his plan into action. It goes through a sequence where Batman recruits Wonder Woman, Flash and GL who are all public heroes. He also recruits Waynetech scientist Ray Palmer, Carter Hall, who has been outfitted with Waynetech anti-gravity wings, former criminal Eel O'Brien, vigilante Oliver Queen and Zatanna Zatara, who was the daughter of one of Bruce's teachers. Batman takes his team and storms Darkseid's facilities. They fight back Darkseid's generals Granny Goodness, the Female Furies and Kalibak. They release Superman and Miracle and go to Darkseid's main control room only to find a green alien in a stasis tube. They release him and he tells them he's J'onn J'onzz, the last Martian. J'onzz tells them that millennia ago Darkseid captured him and forced him to find the Anti-Life equation with his uniquely telepathic mind or else he would destroy Mars. J'onnz knew that the Anti-Life equation was on Earth so he steered him across the universe for years. When Darkseid revealed he had killed all of the Martians, J'onnz was so overcome with grief that Desaad could finally get the information from his head. J'onzz tells them that it's located in Atlantis and that's where Darkseid is. They go to the Bermuda Triangle and see Aquaman trapped in some moisture draining containment field. Aquaman agrees to help them take down Darkseid in order to save Atlantis. They fight Darkseid in Atlantis where he finds that Aquaman's ancestors had moved the Anti-Life Equation to the Source Wall, where Darkseid could never find it. Angered, Darkseid boom tubes the team to Metropolis so the world can see him murder their greatest heroes. As the Parademons attack Metropolis, the heroes fight Darkseid to a standstill. As it looks like he's about to kill Mr. Miracle, he tells him he's finally gotten his Mother Box to work and has informed New Genesis to attack. Hundreds of New Gods attack the Parademons while Superman, J'onn J'onzz and Green Lantern shoot Darkseid into outer space where they have a huge battle. With his ring, GL tells Darkseid that he's gathered too many enemies in his time, and the entire Green Lantern Corps come and stop Darkseid. The Corps then take him back to Oa to be jailed. Back on Earth, Highfather tells Superman and the rest of the league that New Genesis couldn't interfere until they were certain Darkseid had attacked a New Genisian. Since Miracle let himself be punished by Darkseid, the pact was broken. Six months later, Superman tells the other heroes that none of them could have defeated Darkseid on their own. In the new satellite that Bruce Wayne is financing, Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Green Lantern, Zatanna, Green Arrow, Plastic Man, the Atom, and Hawkman form the Justice League. They ask Mr. Miracle to join but he says that his work on Earth is done and he just wants to spend time with his wife Barda. Aquaman and Batman tell them that they will provide help if the League needs it. Superman asks J'onn if he wants to join the team. He tells Superman that he's all alone in the universe and that his family is dead. Superman tells him that he can have a new family on Earth with the JLA. J'onn agrees and the Justice League is formed. It shows at the end Oa, where Darkseid is being held. It shows him in a huge containment field where he says, "I've been in worse than this, and I've gotten out." Just like in Infinite Crisis, but with Superboy saying it. After the credits as a teaser, it would show Lex Luthor sitting in jail when someone tells him about Superman forming a super team. Luthor just says to himself, "Well if Superman has one, I'll just have to get one for myself."

The second movie could predominantly involve the White Martians and Starro trying to conquer the Earth and the third one would be Luthor's Secret Society and Darkseid retuning. It has a lot of problems in it but that would be the ideal Justice League movie for me.
i hope it happens in about 20 years when DC realizes Superman Returns sucks and they reboot it. actually reboot it. not of this 2 and a half junk.

i wish they would plan all of their movies to fit together and have the same general feeling. and i could believe they might actually happen in the same world.