Jack Bauer vs. Noah Bennet: Who's More Badass?

Who's more Bad ***?

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Re: Jack Bauer vs. Noah Bennet

To be fair though, the number of things Bauer has done is so high, for one thing because he has had SIX seasons of his show to fill up with stuff. Wait until Bennet has been rockin' for 6 seasons, then compare.
Then he's just a rookie bad *** and has no right to even be compared to the established bad ***. He's an newcomer with all the potential, but as it stand Bauer is much more bad as. Still, name all the bad *** thing he's done, I'll even stick to the first two seasons of 24 for comparison, even though that exempts a lot of the really great stuff. For the sake of fairness to the debate
Re: Jack Bauer vs. Noah Bennet

Then he's just a rookie bad *** and has no right to even be compared to the established bad ***. He's an newcomer with all the potential, but as it stand Bauer is much more bad as. Still, name all the bad *** thing he's done, I'll even stick to the first two seasons of 24 for comparison, even though that exempts a lot of the really great stuff. For the sake of fairness to the debate

but you could argue 6 seasons of 24 = 6 days , one season of heroes = lots of days
Re: Jack Bauer vs. Noah Bennet

but you could argue 6 seasons of 24 = 6 days , one season of heroes = lots of days
Not that I actually care about who is more bad ***, but this makes sense.

In 144 hours of real-time, Jack Bauer has committed more acts of bad-assery than Noah Bennet. The math is in his favor.

And remember 24, is about the 'worst day of his life'. That doesn't even count the bad-assery he does between seasons on 'good days'.
Re: Jack Bauer vs. Noah Bennet

In fact, what I find wildly unrealistic about 24 is the fact that characters travel from one side of Los Angeles to the other by car in less than ten minutes. I've been to L.A. and anyone who's been to L.A. will tell you that this is utter nonsense.

So true. Unless you have a helicopter or plane, it takes hours to make it from one side to the next. Traffic in LA is terrible. The average speed on the freeways there is about 15 mph due to the traffic.

No no I didn't , I thought "wait isn't that the guy from heroes" but did not want to make a complete *** of myself and get it wrong. So i copied and pasted name in to wikipidea , It came up with passions charracter and top of the page had heroes charracter name with one t



The ending scene of season 3 says it all: Jack goes to his car, starts sobbing and hyperventilating... visibly fighting with his own regrets and emotional compromises... and then gets a call, and goes back to work.

Jack Bauer crying like a little *****...no level of bad-assedness there.
Re: Jack Bauer vs. Noah Bennet

Jack Bauer crying like a little *****...no level of bad-assedness there.

That badass comes from the fact that all the **** he's done is leading to a nervous break down, but the second he gets the call, he goes right back to work
Re: Jack Bauer vs. Noah Bennet

Re: Jack Bauer vs. Noah Bennet

Not that I actually care about who is more bad ***, but this makes sense.

In 144 hours of real-time, Jack Bauer has committed more acts of bad-assery than Noah Bennet. The math is in his favor.

Quality over quantity.
Re: Jack Bauer vs. Noah Bennet

Also keep in mind Bauer's got a whole show to himself for 6 seasons. Bennet's had two seasons with a cast of ten main characters around him. The man's lucky he's had enough room to do anything. And he control's the Haitian, that's badass.
Re: Jack Bauer vs. Noah Bennet

You know what? **** this thread. Frank Castle would slaughter both of them and make you all watch.
Re: Jack Bauer vs. Noah Bennet

Don't make me bring Chuck into this.

Bennet would beat down Chuck, kick him in the head, get the Haitian to wipe the memory of his dear old mums' last moments on Earth from his mind, then put a bullet between his eyes for the fun of it.
Re: Jack Bauer vs. Noah Bennet

Also keep in mind Bauer's got a whole show to himself for 6 seasons. Bennet's had two seasons with a cast of ten main characters around him. The man's lucky he's had enough room to do anything. And he control's the Haitian, that's badass.

Oh boo hoo. You can't claim that someone is less bad *** cause he has a longer chance to prove it. And still know one has listed anything about Bennet being bad *** so i'll do it, even though I don't recall everything and I'm being really liberal with it.

* = Moderately awesome
** = Very awesome


Season 1
Showing up in places like Suesh's apartment, Mohinder's cab.
Having the Haitian abduct Parkmen.
Having the Haitian remove Brody's memory
You know what, Having the Haitian do anything
Telling Eden to force Isaac to take Heroin.
*Utilizing Parkman to stop Ted
*Attempting to tranquilize Ted
**Shooting Claude
Trying to tazer Claude
**Having the Haitian take his memory and shoot him
*Utilizing Parkmen and Ted to escape from Primatech
*Willing to kill the Tracking system
**Killing of Thompson

Season 2
**Threatening his Copy World supervisor
**Removing the memory of his mentor, then killing him
*Distracting Mohinder and bring Elle out for West to knock her out
**Throwing water on Elle
Shooting Elle
Attempting to kill Bob

Tranquilizing the District Director to get evidence to black mail him with
**Cuts off the finger of a dead man to ID him
**Getting a man to talk simple by describing how he'll force a wet towel down his throat to rip the stomach lining
**Single handedly taking out the remaining member of the Drazen crew
**Shooting Victor Drazen 11 times in a fit of revenge

Season 2
**Murders a man in the witness protective custody in cold blood, than cutting the man's head off in order to regain trust for an undercover assignment
*Jack has soldier holding a terrorist's family at gun point and stages the children being killed
Willingly to sacrifice himself to save the city from a nuclear explosion.
*Tortured by electorcution, slicing and beating until his heart stopped, with out giving up anything
**Being revived and proceeding to kill everyone in the room
*Having to break his best friend's ankle to go find evidence
**Taking out an entire team of special agents only a few hour after having his heart stopped
**In said scene where he run up the wall breaking a man's neck at the same time. (it was ****ing sweet)

And this is very generous, seeing how I haven't seen the first and second season of 24 for at least a year. Having seen all of season 1 just last month and seeing all of season 2 so far. So I have everything remotely bad *** with Bennet and keep in mind, with Bauer, its only the major bad assery. It does not include the constant killing, gun fights, and interrogations that are littered in the show.

So lets do direct comparison of all the Very Awesome things

N: Shooting Claude
J: **Cuts off the finger of a dead man to ID him

N: **Having the Haitian take his memory and shoot him
J: **Getting a man to talk simple by describing how he'll force a wet towel down his throat to rip the stomach lining

N: *Attempting to tranquilize Ted
J: **Single handedly taking out the remaining member of the Drazen crew

N: *Utilizing Parkmen and Ted to escape from Primatech
J: **Shooting Victor Drazen 11 times in a fit of revenge

N: **Threatening his Copy World supervisor
J: **Murders a man in the witness protective custody in cold blood, than cutting the man's head off in order to regain trust for an undercover assignment

N: **Removing the memory of his mentor, then killing him
J: **Being revived and proceeding to kill everyone in the room

N: **Throwing water on Elle
J: **Taking out an entire team of special agents only a few hour after having his heart stopped

Really, there's no argument.

*buzzz* wrong

Noah, hands down.

Unless Brock shows up.

You know what? **** this thread. Frank Castle would slaughter both of them and make you all watch.

Don't make me bring Chuck into this.

Wolverine and Vegeta are more bad *** than those

... *sigh*
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Re: Jack Bauer vs. Noah Bennet

Yes, Random, I understand what you're talking about. However, you must realize that most of the people voting aren't necessarily voting for who is the most badass, they're voting for which one they prefer, who is their favourite, which show is their favourite etc.
Re: Jack Bauer vs. Noah Bennet

Bennet would beat down Chuck, kick him in the head, get the Haitian to wipe the memory of his dear old mums' last moments on Earth from his mind, then put a bullet between his eyes for the fun of it.

It was to show how pointless it would be to bring in another person. The poll is clear: Bauer vs. Bennet.

Really, there's no argument.

There is an argument, otherwise Bauer would have a clear 27 to zip lead on Bennet.

You're arguing using opinions, which don't exactly win arguments.
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