They didn't make a clown out of Ra's for the change. They did something clever without insulting fans of the characters.
It wasn't clever. It was pointless. And "insulting" the fans? Really?
So what if he was a terrible villain? The point is to bring these characters to life in a realistic and respectful way. Not give up on them and turn them into jokes.
The criticism is that they didn't 'respect' Mandarin. But he's a terrible villain. So he doesn't deserve respect. Secondly, they
did respect him. Before he turns out to be Trevor Slattery,
he was terrifying. He was an excellent villain. The portrayal of the Mandarin as the Mandarin in the movie is
better than any comic book has ever done it. And it was protrayed by
Sir Ben Kinglsey.
The Hulk's a loony toon? I, personally, don't care for Thanos but the fact that he showed up and "might" not be in the sequel just shows me how invested Marvel is in expanding the movie-verse while still connecting them through out.
I mistyped. It was meant to say "Loki gets pummeled
like a looney toon", not "by a looney toon".
Everyone knows that because production turned into a **** show once Singer dropped out. We could/would have gotten the Dark Phoenix we were supposed to if they were as dedicated to the finished product they were supposed to be. But why are you including this in your argument? No one thought X3 was good.
I was criticising X2, not X3. Everyone
loves X2 even though X2 is a 2-hour set-up for a film that never got made. Apparently, a 2-hour trailer is more tolerable than a 2-hour film that is self-contained and pays off its own set-ups. X2 sets up, for the whole film, the terror of... the Dark Phoenix. Who never shows up. Just like Thanos. Both
may show up in the next one. IRON MAN 3 sets up the terror of... the Mandarin! But, the Mandarin is a front for AIM, and the whole Mandarin story is set-up and resolved in a single movie. I'm saying, a pay-off to a set-up is better than a set-up with no pay-off at all. No matter what one may think of the Trevor reveal, at least IRON MAN 3 paid off its set ups. X2 and AVENGERS didn't bother.
It didn't make any sense. I get the whole "you have to believe in yourself" theme they were going for but it was a bit convenient.
Right. But no one was going, "man, that illness stuff was stupid" when it came out (except me). But Tony's panic attacks are fair game.
It just came out 2 days ago. This is when it gets nit-picked. And this film pulled off something that should be nit-picked especially in this community more than anything you mentioned.
Except other films, worse than it, weren't nitpicked in 2 days. There was, "I didn't really get this BUT I DON'T CARE BECAUSE HE'S ALWAYS ANGRY". I just cannot understand this bizarre disconnect where the judgment of people is so off, just because fans think they 'own' these characters and they need to be respected and that fans are "insulted" if they don't.
Mandarin was respected. He was a grotesquely racist villain with nonsense magical alien rings that has been overstated as Iron Man's archnemesis because
there has never been anyone to take his place and because Iron Man has never really been a particularly good hero in the first place. This film took that character, turned him into a brilliant, credible villain, then used the theatricality and trappings of the original character (
devoid of the racism – they only used the good parts) to turn the story in such a way as to create a sense of danger in the unexpected.
Yeah, this. The Mandarin twist wasn't a bad idea, it was just not done well. It was a gag, not a plot twist.
Gags and plot twists are not exclusive. Gags can twist the plots just as straight moments can. This gag twisted the plot.
Thank you. Though describing it as "witty, exciting, and flamboyant" equates it essentially to Dame Edna. Though come to think of it, that might be a comparison Black would accept welcomingly.
But it seems to all boil down to Mandarin. I can understand the disappointment of comic fans having the rug swept out from under them, but at the same time I think it's important to remember this is a separate universe from the comics continuity, and daring and shocking approaches like this should be taken occasionally.
You know what this whole argument reminds me of?
"They wasted Two-Face in THE DARK KNIGHT!"