House of M series discussion (spoilers)

More spoilers regarding tomorrow.... Don't read if you don't wanna be spoiled.
Zero said:
Chuck's still MIA, along with Iceman and Magneto's powers. Or so I have been led to believe. I haven't read it, but these are the spoilers I've been given. Also: Peter begs Doc Strange to make him forget. Everyone who was on Genosha remembers their entire HoM lifetime, Wanda isn't dead and Wolverine knows his entire past.
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Well that was pretty good.

They were alll pretty panicked it looked like so the issue definitely had the mood right. Spider-Man's reaction was great, Strange actually looking vulnerable was insanely different, Iceman... too bad Ice. I just wonder how they're going to explain the surviving mutants in other countries.

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I thought the basic story idea of the miniseries was fairly solid, I liked the "cheesy horror movie organ music" ending of #8, and, cheap fangirl that I am, was pleased that two characters I cared about actually made it out alive.

Other than that, this mini and all the tie-ins convince me that there is a Marvel group in SERIOUS need of a power-up: Marvel's Editorial staff. The entire House of M need much firmer, stricter controls on how it was put together, paced and inter-related. We could have gotten a tightly-paced, focused, solid read out of this and instead what we got was a sticky, gooey mess that was all the more aggravating because it had potential. Have we seen a very similar story before? Yeah, but that doesn't mean it can't be done again with great effect.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Well that was pretty good.

They were alll pretty panicked it looked like so the issue definitely had the mood right. Spider-Man's reaction was great, Strange actually looking vulnerable was insanely different, Iceman... too bad Ice. I just wonder how they're going to explain the surviving mutants in other countries.


Wanda's magic isn't precise....

The preview of next week's Exiles show that Beak and Angel lost their powers, but a few of their kids did not.

I think it was pretty random.

Iceman though... that's interesting. And Magneto being human... that's the one thing that I find most interesting.

And I definitely called Charlie not coming back post-House of M.
Also note the weaseling around about exactly what "no more mutants" means - the debate over the mutant gene being "deleted" or just "repressed" - oh, look, an out in case they decide they don't like this scenario somewhere down the road. How... foresightful.
Rhyo said:
Also note the weaseling around about exactly what "no more mutants" means - the debate over the mutant gene being "deleted" or just "repressed" - oh, look, an out in case they decide they don't like this scenario somewhere down the road. How... foresightful.
I'm pretty sure it's more than just that. I mean if something like this did happen that's a pretty realistic assumption of what would be said. I don't think it's just getting ready to retcon the whole thing.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I'm pretty sure it's more than just that. I mean if something like this did happen that's a pretty realistic assumption of what would be said. I don't think it's just getting ready to retcon the whole thing.

Bet you a fiver than in 6 months they've figured out how to turn certain key characters who were not in Genosha "back on."

seriously though, that sucked. i thought at the end of issue seven that if someone was not in house of M at all, especially not the final battle, that they'd lose their powers. i was like, hmn, they don't use iceman at all, it'll probably be him (i'm a pessimist), and my friend was like NUT-UH!

so i'm right, anthony.

anyway, i was talking with a guy at the store, and he was into it, saying that since bobby was one of the few mutants into his powers (if not being a mutant), and this will create a good point for them to start characterizing him.

i think its just because no one uses him anyway, and now they can not worry about not using him.

hawkeye might be back though. and peter will be even more sad. wah. i like that magneto lost his powers.
he lost his powers, ice. he just walks out, human, and is like "uh... kay."

mwof, my friend and i were talking about how cool it would be if he had all of the depowered mutants powered. the ultimate sapien becomes the ultimate powerhouse, yet, for some reason, still uses a bow and arrow. the conversation went like this.
icemastertron said:
MWF, someone, spill the beans!!!!

Please... :please:

Iceman comes out of his rooms when The X-Men are taking care of all the scared kids who lost their powers. He's sweating and leaning up in the doorway and says something like is that what happened? I thought it was hott in here. Cyclops is like Oh no, Bobby. Not you too.
iceman said:
he lost his powers, ice. he just walks out, human, and is like "uh... kay."

But I wonder how this comes into contrast with New Excalibur and X-Men: Deadly Genesis.
For ICE: SPOILER House of M #8 summary

It's 800 words too long for a PM and I'm too lazy too shorten it. I wrote this for another site.


I won't summarize the pages which are previewed, on Buzzscope

It's quickly established who in the Stark Tower (present: Spider-Man, Iron Man, Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk, Falcon, Luke Cage - and MAYBE a glimpse of the corner of Wonder Man's head) remembers the Genosha events and who doesn't - Spider-Woman and Sentry don't. Oddly enough, Iron Man doesn't remember, either. Peter tells them MJ doesn't remember, but she's being awfully cold to him in his first scene. Peter does remember and is rather upset about it, taking it out on a large and defenseless table. Ms. Marvel comments, rather uncertainly, that everything is okay and back to normal, just as a very battered Doc Strange staggers in.

Cut to Westchester, where an untidy Emma Frost wakes up on the grass, out with the cows (insert your own snark here. Okay, there aren't actually cows. There SHOULD be). There is a ruckus going on inside the X-Whatever-it's-called, and we discover that of all the X-Persons assembled, only Emma, Cyclops, Peter, Kitty and Kurt seem to have powers. They realize the short hairy guy is missing and become concerned - if he's lost his powers, the adamantium in his body is killing him. What they are going to DO about that, I have no idea. Kurt goes bamfing off, looking for him, and finally finds him in a field by the Bat-Plane (whatever that thing's called.) Kurt leans down to touch him and Logan suddenly rears up, saying: "I remember. My whole life... I remember all of it." By the expression on his face, one presumes this isn't good. Inside the mansion, a stunned and almost confused Emma goes into Cerebra (didn't this used to be CereBRO? No, don't tell me), looking for Charles. The huge image of the world (isn't that the Gulf of Oman and Saudia Arabia and the UAE? What happened to the rest of Africa? Is geography different in the 616?) pops up and instead of 1,000s of points of twinkly mutant light, there is - nada. No mutants. They can't find Wanda, Charles or Magneto. They go back into Confusion Central, aka the main hallway, and you get a glimpse of the now non-mutants - and you might actually know who they are. I don't. Amongst the non-mutant-y is Iceman, who was kind enough to say his name, or I wouldn't have known who HE was, either.

Back to Stark Tower, where the wall-o-news is on and the talking heads are blathering on, speculating at what has happened to cause mutants to lose their powers. Luke Cage looks like he has a steel stock pot on his head. Cap, one of the "don't remember" people, turns up the sound and listens to someone blathering about how this is all fore-ordained, abominations, yada yada (I assume this will be significant later). Cap and Iron Man repeat, for those of us not previously paying attention, that they don't remember House of M. How they KNOW what they don't remember escapes me. Dr. Strange is in a serious funk, as he believes he failed in his role as magical protector of the universe (umm, yeah, actually). Spider-Man, flipping out, demands that Strange take away all of his House of M memories, and Strange says he can't. Shouting ensues. Jarvis breaks in to get Tony's attention, and Tony tells them that there is someone at the mansion. They drop the entire important discussion of what is happening in the world, presumably to all take on what - a burglar at the mansion? It's one of those head-scratching moments.

At the mansion - a panel of the ruined gate with ravens perched on it (yes, yesterday was Halloween, we get the symbolism), a panel of the feet of the heroes (?), a panel of them all standing around looking confused - and look, there's Wonder Man, who hasn't previously been seen this issue! Huh. Tony leads them off towards a wall, and there, pinned to the wall with multiple arrows, is Hawkeye's House of M costume, more ravens, a bunch of arrows stuck into things, his mostly empty quiver. Cap moves closer and sees a piece of paper pinned to the wall - it's Kat Farrell's article, headline "...AVENGER HAWKEYE DEAD", with an arrow through the middle of the word "Hawkeye." Cap gets the goofiest little grin on his face - his buddy isn't dead. Awwww. Carol says "What does this mean?" and because no one answers, repeats the question. No one answers again.

Cut to Genosha, where Magneto is shuffling around in the dust, trying to bend forks - or even get them to twitch. No such luck. Wolverine uses the opportunity to demonstrate that he still has sharp metal bits. The X-Persons want to know where Wanda and Pietro are; Mags has no idea. Wolverine REALLY likes the idea of letting non-powered homo sapiens sapiens Magnus wander around in the dust. Exeunt X-Persons.

Cut to an idyllic looking market-town, which looks like it might be full of peasants from about the year 1400 except for the soccer ball in the foreground. A happy, auburn-haired, green-eyed woman in a red cloak is doing her shopping in the market stalls. The voice-over for the scene is Hank Pym, being interviewed, talking about the complete extinction of a species and the ramifications for ALL life on earth. Hank brings up something that makes my "comics physics BS meter" ring rather loudly when he talks about Newton's Third Law and the extinction of the ability of mutants to wield power - he claims that that power can't dissipate (what?) and that "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (again, what?) and askes where that power went, and what the reaction will be.

Cut back to a view of the earth from space, with some more really questionable geography shown. Earth looks pretty and peaceful and blue-green. Turn the page - same peaceful-looking earth, only now with a strange, swilring, glowing red ball of energy forming....

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