House of M series discussion (spoilers)

Rhyo said:
Also note the weaseling around about exactly what "no more mutants" means - the debate over the mutant gene being "deleted" or just "repressed" - oh, look, an out in case they decide they don't like this scenario somewhere down the road. How... foresightful.

This made me throw my hands up. Everybody, thanks to this "repressed gene" caveat, is recoverable. So nothing happened. Bendis just can't close the deal, can't take a stand as if his life depended on it, can't write a satisfying conclusion to a story. The Hawkeye totem? Well, Cap grinning knowingly seemed an indication he made it (putting aside the cheesy time-travel trick in the latest She-Hulk). But it's just more of Bendis trying to have it both ways, creating endless ambiguities and opening innumerable plot holes and then having the chutzpah to say "The End" at the end, when all he's doing is setting up the marketing for future books. What a whore.

OK. Now the good stuff. Like the Cage-Parker thing throughout this run; like brothers looking out for each other. Nice chemistry. And, um, sad to say, that's it. Sure, I like Magneto losing his powers, though that'll really last long.

My big disappointment was, in the "House of M" handbook, they set up Cap as a guy who was 89 but was in peak physical condition for a man half his age. Millar would have had Cap make a hero shot (ala Quicksilver in the big Thor throwdown in UltimatesII ) in issue #7. But Bendis doesn't understand that character (he should read some Brubaker). Who doesn't love the aged warrior (George Foreman knocking out the No. 1 contender when he was 44 years old?) rising to the occasion when the chips are down? This is beyond Bendis. He's more shill than writer. No guts.

This whole thing ranks a notch below "Disassembled." I stupidly bought every House of M and its tie-ins, even the ridiculously pompous Chris Claremont gobbledygook, and can say that Marvel succeeded in selling lots of copies of an utterly disappointing storytelling failure. My two-year return fling with comics is about coming to an end.
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Bass said:
Again - House of No Balls.

Astonishing is also the only Marvel comic allowed to reference the forbidden run by Grant Morrison, because the one thing Marvel has more than a severe lack of balls and telent, is the ability to whore itself to any other story telling medium's writers, because they're so desperate for money and legitamacy.

A way to get legitamacy is to produce readable, meaningful, insightful works of art that stand on their own as opposed to crappy fanfiction that ends with everyone waking up from a dream ex machina and not resolving anything.

Goddamn it, I am so ****ed off. I want Bendis fired.

For me the Morrison thing is more baffling than infuriating. It was a genius story, shook the X-books to the core and everything up to start new. It won tons of acclaim and respect for a book that was Claremonted out.

So they turn around and retcon everything in a matter of months and put out a bunch of books that you very correctly call fan fiction. New X-Men and Excaliber are/were unreadable.

It's sad.
John Q. Public said:
My two-year return fling with comics is about coming to an end.

This is why Bendis needs to be fired.

And why you need to take a look at DC's vertigo titles or Alan Moore's ABC stuff. I recommend 100 Bullets, Y the Last Man, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and Top 10.
Bass said:
This is why Bendis needs to be fired.

And why you need to take a look at DC's vertigo titles or Alan Moore's ABC stuff. I recommend 100 Bullets, Y the Last Man, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and Top 10.

And "Desolation Jones."
Well I definitely don't agree with anything Bass says on this.

I think one of the great things about this mini is the ending had an absolute beginning feel to it. The aftermath's what it's all about. I agree with E though, why are there more X-Titles. Cancel them all... except Cable/Deadpool. They already cancelled District X :x
TheManWithoutFear said:
I think one of the great things about this mini is the ending had an absolute beginning feel to it.

Yeah, it did. But I have 2 problems with that. First of all, it didn't finish the stories and subplots that should have been finished in order to do so, and second of all I have no faith that they will use it correctly. They sure didn't with New X-Men (the Morrison one). That was supposed to be a beginning too.
UltimateE said:
Yeah, it did. But I have 2 problems with that. First of all, it didn't finish the stories and subplots that should have been finished in order to do so, and second of all I have no faith that they will use it correctly. They sure didn't with New X-Men (the Morrison one). That was supposed to be a beginning too.
What substories?
Exactly. You say a "beginning" feel as if they're starting a new chapter in 616, but really what they've done is not end any previous stories and the beginning you mention is actually nothing more than plot holes to allow them to change their minds in a few months. It's a ****ing soap opera.

HACKS! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! Those muther ****ing ****ing pieces of ****ing **** eating donkey raping ****s.
TheManWithoutFear said:
What substories?

I mentioned them before - tell us where the missing people are instead of saying "Er....dunno....", and stop screwing around with Hawkeye.
UltimateE said:
Yeah, it did. But I have 2 problems with that. First of all, it didn't finish the stories and subplots that should have been finished in order to do so, and second of all I have no faith that they will use it correctly. They sure didn't with New X-Men (the Morrison one). That was supposed to be a beginning too.

YES!!!!!! It totally has the beginning feel........but they left so much unfinished. What exactly did happen to Professor X??? So I can only assume that only the minds who Layla freed remember what happened??? And I thought the world was gonna remember what happened when all this is done??? Now everyone is like "What happened to the muties???"

And what about all the tie-ins???? I thought Spiderman helped out in the main story...but in the tie-in he faked his own death...grew his hair back and retired into the wilderness with his family??? Well who the hell was that on Genosha??? And Doom and his family were at the big event fighting alongside Magneto........but in the tie-in his family was killed and he's all alone. What happened to the continuity???

Issue #7 jumped the shark. It was great!!!! And Wanda's last 3 words were the most prolific I've read in a while. But now Issue #8 was utter ****e. I would've been more satisfied if it ended with an autistoc boy shaking a snow globe with a upstate New York mansion. :wink:

Booooooooooo :x
You know what I find most interesting everyone's looking for Xavier and people accuse Bendis of forcing people to read his other titles. Would Xavier's story continue in another of Bendis' works or an X-Title?

I have no problem with open plot holes on this. Considering there were so many and they'll all be handled in different titles it gives it more of a reason to see the MU as a hole instead of different individual titles.
TheManWithoutFear said:
You know what I find most interesting everyone's looking for Xavier and people accuse Bendis of forcing people to read his other titles. Would Xavier's story continue in another of Bendis' works or an X-Title?

I have no problem with open plot holes on this. Considering there were so many and they'll all be handled in different titles it gives it more of a reason to see the MU as a hole instead of different individual titles.

Here's my problem with the ending: I'm not interested in the X-Men, so I'm not particularly interested in reading all the follow-ups to this - hence I can only judge House of M on what was presented to me in the main series and the tie-ins I read (all 8 House of M issues, FF, the horrible Iron Man thing, the first 2 Spider-Man issues, Captain America, Thunderbolts). I have no problem with the open ending of the swirly red thing, that's reasonable and fair game (though the misuse of physics concepts by an author who clearly doesn't know a quark from a hole in the ground ticks me off).

What does annoy me is that we have no idea how many mutants have been affected or why. The subsequent minis should be for expanding on the info we were given in House of M - NOT in giving us the info we didn't actually GET in the first place.
Victor Von Doom said:
I thought Spiderman helped out in the main story...but in the tie-in he faked his own death...grew his hair back and retired into the wilderness with his family???

You...have be...kidding me.

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