Heroes Season 3 (Spoilers)

I knew that the loss of their powers was an inevitability. Remember my post about their powers? The writers have made certain characters too powerful - to the point where the audience will get annoyed that Hiro didn't go back in time to right this wrong or if Claire can hurt herself why is she missing a pinky toe. That kinda thing.
Damn. Sorry, Bass, but I can't find it.

Essentially, what I was saying was that the writers have made characters far too powerful for their own good. The audience is aware of and likened to how powerful someone is. For example, Hiro can teleport and travel through time, meaning he can (if he so chooses) skip around the plot and do his own time bending thing. Thing is, though, his powers are weakened or strengthened depending on what the writers want. Now, if they planned out limitations or found a way to make Hiro's powers work without contradicting the last time they showed his power, there would be no problem. I dunno... Maybe a better example would've been a character who can absorb power or heal because these characters A.) can't die B.) can do anything C.) create confusion as to what powers they have and so forth.

I hope I'm making sense...
Damn. Sorry, Bass, but I can't find it.

Essentially, what I was saying was that the writers have made characters far too powerful for their own good. The audience is aware of and likened to how powerful someone is. For example, Hiro can teleport and travel through time, meaning he can (if he so chooses) skip around the plot and do his own time bending thing. Thing is, though, his powers are weakened or strengthened depending on what the writers want. Now, if they planned out limitations or found a way to make Hiro's powers work without contradicting the last time they showed his power, there would be no problem. I dunno... Maybe a better example would've been a character who can absorb power or heal because these characters A.) can't die B.) can do anything C.) create confusion as to what powers they have and so forth.

I hope I'm making sense...

Yes. I completely agree. It's been a problem from day one, and I've said as much, and precisely why it was okay in the first season.

In season 1, everyone was a *******ed n00b. Every single character. Hiro made a living out of it. Isaac could paint the future only when high. Peter had to spend a whole episode with Doctor Who to learn how to turn invisible. And on and on. And you know what? That was great. It was the first season, the first time any of them were really displaying their powers, and it's fine if Parkman uses his mind control to just get a promotion. It made sense. And Sylar... Sylar knew how his powers worked and it's part of what made him so gorram scary. While Hiro is forced to getting on a plane to get to NY because he can't remember how to teleport, Sylar is already cutting people's heads open, eating their brains, and immediately learning how to use his new superpower of pain.

But, these characters are not only used to their powers, but we're meeting characters who've had powers for decades and have been using them all the time. And they act stupid with them. And that's the problem. The show's reaching. Depowering them isn't a solution, it's just a tactic to stall the series to keep it going. :noway:
I think the depowering of the characters is a blatant and outright retcon. I don't think it'll work (at least for me) on television. Everything is out in the open - they are essentially trying to cover up their mistakes by cleaning the slate... When the slate is actually a television screen with millions watching. I don't see this as a good thing at all. This show is dying.
Do you really think it will stick? I mean, Just because they are "House of NBC"ing doesn't mean these changes are going to last very long. I missed the preview but I feel like people will have their powers back by the end of the eclipse part 2. Most people at least. My only issue with the eclipse is, in season 1 didn't suresh say this event almost never happened. So why is it happening a year later?
I think (or maybe just hope) Claire is a red herring. I am really hoping there is a little depth there and it winds up being Ando (which is why Hiro was friends with him from such a young age and why Kaito hired him). There are too many storylines started that involve powers to have this eclipse take them out for very long though.
I also think that the Kaito thing being introduced makes for an interesting twist on the episode after Eclipse II, the half-season finale titled "Our Father" before it was a religious reference and a petrelli reference, now Hiro is in there too, maybe Claire can be included in the next two episodes?
Oh god! Think of how much *** HRG kicks when everyone has powers. Now think of how much *** he can kick when they don't! Maybe this will be his redeeming episode this season.
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I'm pretty sure you're right AnTwan. The depowering is temporary. I think the depowering is so that the big 'fight' can be cheaper and so that certain characters like Arthur Petrelli and Sylar, aren't so powerful in the fights that the writers can't write them properly (which is just silly).

I dunno. The big sticking point is that the eclipse didn't give them powers (half of them were already using their powers before the eclipse), so I don't see how the logic follows that a second eclipse robs them of their powers.

There's been loads of eclipses in the last 400 years - why didn't any of them switch off Adam's power and kill him then?

Doesn't make any kind of sense. Maybe it will. I hope it does.
I keep forgetting this plot hole:

9th Wonders.

Where the hell did the issue that Ando and Hiro see in the comic shop come from? Isaac is dead. If this is an old issue... why hasn't Hiro, he who is now a millionaire, just buy up every 9th Wonders comic, no matter how old, and read them all?

My guess this is a new comic made by another Isaac clone. The African draws like Tim Sale. Peter did too. I assume Sylar is so bad *** he draws differently. :roll:

I just remembered how much this irked me in the show and I got sidetracked by all the other stupid things in it. But this one is just weird. It's like they just copy and pasted an old season 1 episode in there.
I keep forgetting this plot hole:

9th Wonders.

Where the hell did the issue that Ando and Hiro see in the comic shop come from? Isaac is dead. If this is an old issue... why hasn't Hiro, he who is now a millionaire, just buy up every 9th Wonders comic, no matter how old, and read them all?

My guess this is a new comic made by another Isaac clone. The African draws like Tim Sale. Peter did too. I assume Sylar is so bad *** he draws differently. :roll:

I just remembered how much this irked me in the show and I got sidetracked by all the other stupid things in it. But this one is just weird. It's like they just copy and pasted an old season 1 episode in there.

I just assumed it was an as-before unseen Isaac comic.
I watched the last episode and it was slightly a little better.

Tracy's character annoys me. If they wanted to keep the actress around, they shouldn't of kill Nikki-Jessica off.

I do really like the Sylar-Elle relationship, but it irks me that it had no set-up and was pure random plot twist. But the dark room scene was the best one this season.

Sylar gaining powers now by connecting with someone is complete balls. This is worse than than turning him into a good guy or making him a Petrelli. How much can they butcher his original character? Is he even the same character anymore?

I am enjoying the Daphne & Matt storyline, and I thought the end grouping of Heroes and Villains was kinda neat.
You're right Great One - Sylar's not the same character anymore. Pisses me off, but what else could they do with him this time around? Obviously, they don't want definitive heroes or villains.
He should be a more recurring character.

He shouldn't of even been in Season 2 very much.

So when he does appear he is even scarier.
His role in season one was the reason I kept watching. He was, at that point, my favorite character. Then, when he wasn't around so much I found that HRG was actually the best. Now, both of these characters aren't prominent or as prominent as before and they lack the originality that they did. HRG might as well not even be in the show anymore... He's what he was in season one all over again but only because they need to have him somewhere... I don't know. Characters on this show don't exist anymore.
ok anyone else notice
a red thing fall out with Suresh when he fell out of his cocoon?

my roommate saw it too and we were like "&$#@!!!
he just had a spider baby!!!"
So, tonight's episode wasn't all bad, except for the fact that the entire premise of the episode makes not sense.

By that, of course, I mean the eclipse. I've already talked about my problems with it, but I guess it's best to just move on. It's happening - and it's just another aspect of the Heroes world. Okay. Got it. Accept it and move on.

The actual episode, even with all of the logical inconsistencies ... was actually kinda good. Hiro was still incredibly annoying, almost to the point of making me want to turn the channel; his conversation with Matt was also headache inducing. If Ando is just going to repeat everything Hiro says, why put up the subtitles at all? And while we're on the subject of Matt - he's had these powers for how long now, and he's calling it his "head-thingy"? TELEPATHY, Matt. With a smattering of mind control. It's not hard. Grab a dictionary if you must. But you sound like a moron, and you're not.

Also, you have to feel sorry for Arthur. I mean, how many eclipses has the poor guy drawn at this point? If I were him, I'd be getting pretty frustrated right now ("Another eclipse? Oh, that's useful! 'Hey, everyone, we're getting an eclipse! Definitely didn't know THAT already!' ****ing useless power.").

I have to appreciate Elle, even though her character is making less and less sense. But at least she's whipping Sylar back into shape. I'd grown tired of the watered-down, I Have To Please My Daddy Sylar they've been forcing upon us, and it's good to see some of the old, great villain in him back.

Although ... Sylar would NEVER be happy his powers were gone. His entire motivation throughout the whole show has been "I'm special, but I want to be more special!" Now, he's not special ... and he's happy about it? No. Forget this ridiculous "hunger" which hasn't been mentioned for several episodes until now (I thought he was over that anyway? Oh, who can tell. His story arc is like a bad soap opera, where the person the MC is in love with changes depending on the writer; only here, it's whether or not Sylar is evil, or has the hunger, or is in love with Elle, or just wants to be loved). This is Sylar we're talking about here. He would never be happy with just being "normal."

HRG was amazing. It's good to finally have him back. He's easily the most badass character in the show (him or maybe the Haitian). And that sniper at the end? Even though we pretty much know nothing's going to happen (in the same way we know nothing's going to happen to Claire), it's still awesome on a level we've been sorely missing on the show lately.

On a side note, it's pretty interesting that two badass characters returned this week, and were properly awesome (I'm talking of course of HRG and Jack "
I will kill you and this time you will stay dead
" Bauer). What we need now: HRG and Bauer teaming up. To do what? Does it matter? They could be attempting to fend off Kim's cougar and it would still be totally wicked cool. And totally, in case you missed the adjective before, badass.

That is all I have to say. It should be interesting to see where this all leads. I do hope that Villains manages to have a great ending. But we shall see.
ok anyone else notice
a red thing fall out with Suresh when he fell out of his cocoon?

my roommate saw it too and we were like "&$#@!!!
he just had a spider baby!!!"

I totally saw that, and I totally said the same thing.
Get over it, Jeph Loeb, nobody cares about your stupid Red Hulk comics.

Also: Daphne was really irritating in tonight's episode, when she's typically been one of my favorite newcomers.

And where did Claire's biological mom go?

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