Heroes Season 3 (Spoilers)

I agree with ultimatedjf; let's cross our fingers and hope and pray that Pushing Daisies gets renewed. It's absolutely one of the most perfect shows on TV right now, and I'd hate to see it die and the mediocre Heroes survive. Not that the two are related at all, I would just rather see PD than Heroes around, if given the choice.

Anyway, on to the episode. It was a great episode, for once, because it went back to the past, and reminded us of how fresh this show was in the beginning, when the characters were still, I don't know, mildly interesting.

After this episode, I'd almost rather have Linderman suddenly come back from the dead than Adam Monroe. It really was a waste when DL killed him, especially when you consider than the latter died before the beginning of the second season anyway. And Linderman was awesome here. I really want him to stick around, but of course I know it's not to be.

The storylines were all interesting. I liked how manipulative Angela was. I really do hope she's the one who brings Arthur down for good, but we shall see. Oh, and the Haitian rocks. Easily the most badass character on the show.

Meredith being related to the other flame guy was a little out of left field, but the way they tied her to Claire's story was pretty cool, so I forgive them. And I did like their interaction -- "Because you're dumb!" :lol:

Sylar and Elle actually had good chemistry, I thought, and HRG was totally wicked cool with how heartless he was. All in all, I thought that was actually the most interesting storyline of the night.

Usutu (how ironic that I finally remember his name after the episode where he's killed) was actually starting to grow on me, which makes it kind of a shame that Arthur spliced his head off. On a side note, Hiro losing his powers will hopefully be a good thing for him. Maybe it'll force him to grow up, and at the very least, he can prove he's a hero without having to use them.

So yeah, all in all a good episode. Of course, it was also an awful episode, in that it reminded me of just how dynamic Heroes was back in the day. HRG hasn't been that awesome in a long time, Linderman was a fantastic character, Angela was a badass before she was put in a freakin' coma, we haven't seen the Haitian doing anything in ages, and Sylar used to be a great character before he was neutered into an "I want my mommy!" good guy. Such a shame.
Yeah, this was one of the best episodes so far this season. Interesting that the African guy didn't see Arthur coming...

One thing I didn't get is the sudden change in heart of Linderman. Why would he suddenly turn from needing/wanting Nathan dead to turning on Arthur and restoring Angela's memory?
I don't like some of the directions and inconsistencies in this episode:

- Noah's a hypocrite.
- Elle is a bleeding heart here even though she is depicted as a sociopath and a villain in Season 2 and this takes place before that.
- Thompson is way too nice here and he's the one who disobeys the Company. I think the screenplay made a mix-up with Noah and Thompson's roles here. Yeah I know they're trying to drive a point that Noah is at fault for what happened to Claire but it only created inconsistencies.
- The events here that transforms Sylar into a bona fide killer but it ends with us realizing this is the first meet-up for Noah and Mohinder. Where the hell was Chandra during this time?
- The events here that transforms Sylar into a bona fide killer but it ends with us realizing this is the first meet-up for Noah and Mohinder. Where the hell was Chandra during this time?

Sylar was a killer before this. He was trying to fight it.

And I thought Chandra died when she was a child. Did I miss something?
The first two episodes of this were on TV here last night. I decided to watch them since everyone said it was great. There were a few interesting bits but I still think it falls flat. There were scenes that looked like a crappy made for TV movie like the bits where it goes all blurry when someone is doing something, for some reason. I didn't understand what that was or if it was supposed to be some new technique but it annoyed me.

This show just doesn't seem very thought out to me.
One thing I didn't get is the sudden change in heart of Linderman. Why would he suddenly turn from needing/wanting Nathan dead to turning on Arthur and restoring Angela's memory?

Because characters in HEROES turn on a sixpence because they haven't thought it through.

Watch THE WIRE instead.

I don't like some of the directions and inconsistencies in this episode:

- Noah's a hypocrite.
- Elle is a bleeding heart here even though she is depicted as a sociopath and a villain in Season 2 and this takes place before that.
- Thompson is way too nice here and he's the one who disobeys the Company. I think the screenplay made a mix-up with Noah and Thompson's roles here. Yeah I know they're trying to drive a point that Noah is at fault for what happened to Claire but it only created inconsistencies.
- The events here that transforms Sylar into a bona fide killer but it ends with us realizing this is the first meet-up for Noah and Mohinder. Where the hell was Chandra during this time?

You sir, are correct. HRG and Thompson should've been the other way round. That makes **** loads of sense. HRG WOULD let her free when she points out that "Hey, the Company killed my daughter" because he's looking after her.

And you know what? The current episode makes no ****ing sense. HRG is actually encouraging Sylar to kill people when he spent season 1 trying to save Claire from him. What's more, he hides Claire from the company yet is FINE with Elle - Elle being a girl raised by the Company, and according to this episode, Elle has more morals than HRG. So why isn't HRG okay with Claire signing up? According to this episode, Elle is absolutely FINE. Season 2 said she was dangerously psychotic. But season 2 apparently never happened. As far as I can tell, the only reason Elle is still in the show is because she's a hot blonde. And that rule trumps the "season 2 never happened" rule.

I was thinking of ways to fix the Elle/HRG bull**** but I never realised your fix. It is the absolute perfect fix. I commend you.

The first two episodes of this were on TV here last night. I decided to watch them since everyone said it was great. There were a few interesting bits but I still think it falls flat. There were scenes that looked like a crappy made for TV movie like the bits where it goes all blurry when someone is doing something, for some reason. I didn't understand what that was or if it was supposed to be some new technique but it annoyed me.

This show just doesn't seem very thought out to me.

Season 1 was. It really was.

Season 2 was also very thought out. Then the writer's strike f-ed it in the a.

Season 3 is not thought out at all. They've retconned season 2 entirely (except for Elle) and because of the fan backlash for season 2, they've begun second-guessing everything and it's resulting in bizarre inconsistences throughout the entire 3rd season. It feels like they're winging it.

For example - I remember in season 1 in the episode "Six Months Ago", where Sylar killed the telekinetic to 'be special'. He killed him out of this monstrous jealousy.

And you know what I remember? I remember pointing out to my friends the terrible irony of Sylar killing him. The reason was that Sylar blatantly DID have a power - he could find other people with powers and understand how their powers worked. He was PRECISELY what Chandra Suresh needed to do his research, but how on Earth can you prove a power like that? Sylar had a beautiful, much valued power, but HE DIDN'T KNOW IT. This is what makes it a tragedy. He killed out of jealousy because he didn't realise he was actually special.

Now, Sylar (and everyone else) is walking around pointing out that Sylar's ability to digest other people's powers is a power and is coupled with the evil gene. So I have a question:

At what point did Sylar realise he always had the power to work out how things work?

You know what? If you wanted Sylar to 'turn good', someone pointing out to him he never needed to kill anyone because he actually has his own unique power would be a good way to point out how he's WASTED his power all this time.

I was wondering when he realised he had this power, and now, according to this episode, he's always known it, and as such, subtracted from the original episode.

Understand, the writers KNEW Sylar had this power all along, and deliberately wrote in the subtle hints that he had a power which no one knew he had (including himself). They did it brilliantly. They did it by adding a ticking clock sound in the background and being subtle. It is a terrific nuance. And they put it in their to create the ironic tragedy.

And now, that's been eradicated, replaced with this bull**** of the 'hunger' so Sylar can be a good guy and appear in more episodes.

Considering this volume is called "Villains", it's been pretty **** so far. They kill off Adam Munroe (remember how scary he was? Remember that scene where Mama Petrelli doesn't tell Parkman who Munroe is because she's so scared of him?) and bring in another *******ed Petrelli. Elle used to be an unstable, gleeful sociopath. Now it turns out, all she wants to do is have dinner with Sylar, who is also now, a good guy. Sylar, Elle, Munroe - three villains all of whom are now not villains. In the mean time, we get Knox, who was Marlo in THE WIRE and thus, gets a pass for being awesome. We get Flint, who is perhaps, the most rubbish villain ever. Remember when those villains broke out of level 5 and they were supposed to be Sylar-level badasses? Flint has, so far robbed a convenient store, a petrol station, and a bank. He also burned someone alive. Sylar killed more people before his first appearance. And was scary because OMG WHAT DID HE DO TO THEIR BRAINS?!?!?! Jesse is dead after doing nothing. Vortex guy was Bubbles in THE WIRE and was awesome, but not a villain. The Puppeteer was interesting, but there's four people who can mindcontrol so he's a bit repetitive. Nightmare Man is dead because, he too, came from season 2, the season that never happened. As did Bob "Alchemy" Ryerson. Suresh is a villain, but a rubbish one. And Papa Petrelli isn't a villain; he's a plot device.

I'd like some real villains please.

And also - why do Meredith and Flint share the same powers if they're related? While this makes sense, it doesn't in HEROES since they are the only sibling couple to share powers. Peter, Sylar, and Nathan share no powers. You could argue since Nathan is synthetic, Peter and Sylar kinda have similar powers. But then, Maya and Alejandro didn't. Oops, there I go again, bringing up that season that never happened. And this related people have related powers thing doesn't work up and down the family tree. The Petrellis all have different powers, including Claire, who can't fly, copy powers, nor shoot fire. My point is - the powers seem to be arbitrarily assigned based on 'what's cool' and as such, Meredith and Flint being related seems contrived (like the rest of the show). Why is everyone related?

This whole show seems to be falling completely off the rails.

There was three good things in this show: Linderman was cool, manipulating Mama Petrelli into killing Papa Petrelli. I remembered how Linderman was a cool villain in that his power was so intriguing - a villain who's only power was healing others. The second thing was Hiro's face becoming a door that Meredith walked through. I liked that. And I liked the title sequence being VILLAINS. That was neat.

But, let's end this with talk about the cliffhanger. First off, the African being dead was ****ing stupid. It was established by Daphne and later by Hiro that you cannot get this guy because he knows you're coming after him. It was a plot point repeated twice. I liked that. But, they decided that actually, he can be killed off when the writers want him to be. So now he's dead. Fantastic. In the next volume we can have ANOTHER Isaac clone show up. Season 1 had Isaac. Season 2 had Isaac's paintings. Season 3 had the African. So we'll just get another white-eyed Isaac clone thing in the next volume. It's a shame because the African was cool. But then, so was Isaac.

And secondly - Papa Petrelli has his hands around Hiro. You will note, the 'stealing power' glow isn't up. Therefore, he is not stealing Hiro's powers. Maybe he'll burst his head. The problem I have with this cliffhanger is this:
1) If Hiro dies it will suck because they've effectively killed the two best characters in the show (Ando will become redundant without Hiro) - only Nathan and Parkman will remain. (Bennet's stupid now he's back with the Company. Once again: Season 2 - didn't happen.) It will suck doubly-so because Hiro has PLENTY of time to teleport himself and Ando away. He's done it before. Remember how he stopped Sylar from killing Ando? He can do it. So if he dies - bull****.
2) If Hiro doesn't die, Papa Petrelli becomes more and more of a capricious, lame, "does what the writers need him to do" plot device instead of a villain. Petrelli either steals his powers then kills both Hiro and Ando, or he tries to and fails, which makes him lame. OR! He does something else to Hiro (like mind-boggle him or something so he can't hurt Papa Petrelli) and walks away, making him a 'plot device' and not a villain.

See the problem? No matter how it resolves, it's still ****. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Anyone can write a kick-*** doomsday cliffhanger if the next episode is "they get out of it easily" or they hit a big "reset" button.

I think I'm going to give this show until the next 'volume' (Fugitives). The reason being that I'm thinking season 3 is them trying to undo season 2 (why?) and I don't think Loeb's influence will be gone for at least a month (how far ahead are the show's filmed?)

We're on episode 8, and there's 12/13 episodes in the volume. So about a month. If the fourth volume isn't better, good bye Heroes. I will remember you for two really good volumes.
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I agree that Season 2 was better than this, but I think you are glorifying it into something it simply isn't... And I watched the season straight through prior to the beginning of Season 3...

I'll agree on the giving it through the end of Volume 4, though. They need to fix this show. Hopefully they find someone to do it.
One thing I was happy with... Sylar being remorseful about what he had done finally explained why the walls of his apartment, when Mohinder and Eve broke in in the pilot episode, were covered with the words "Forgive me".
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I agree that Season 2 was better than this, but I think you are glorifying it into something it simply isn't... And I watched the season straight through prior to the beginning of Season 3...

I'll agree on the giving it through the end of Volume 4, though. They need to fix this show. Hopefully they find someone to do it.

I'm not glorifying it, I'm just acknowledging that it existed and stuff happened, whereas the show has this continuous need to act like it never happened. Seriously, characters that developed through season 2 have regressed to their pre-season 2 era.

If I were to rank it, I'd say the last half of season 1 is the best, then season 2, then the first half of season 1. And then this season 3 nonsense.
One thing I was happy with... Sylar being remorseful about what he had done finally explained why the walls of his apartment, when Mohinder and Eve broke in in the pilot episode, were covered with the words "Forgive me".

REALLY? That IS good continuity. I'll have to check that.
I remember it being something that always bugged me, because he never seemed that remorseful....

I saw it as, he was remorseful in his cravings for power but eventually accepts it as a part of nature and survival of the fittest. He does have a sense of right and wrong, like when he calls Mohinder after realizing his going to destroy the city
Yeah. The first season just had this thing where Sylar was a monster, but when he was suddenly just going to kill loads of people for no reason, he showed remorse.

Then he killed his mother, and started liking it.

Do you remember when he got Ted's powers and went "Boom"? Do you remember when he goads Peter into going nova and then laughing in his face EVEN THOUGH HE WAS GOING TO DIE IN THE BLAST?

Sylar was a terrific villain. Man the end of season 1 was wonderful.
Sylar was one my favorite villains ever and they just ruined him forever.

The best Heroes episode ever was "Homecoming"

I had chills when Sylar first appears and fights Peter.

Peter saves the cheerleader. Insane.

Every Peter-Sylar showdown after that seem to led to something epic that never happened.

"You're like me, I wonder how that works."


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