Fables series discussion (spoilers)

I'm an Ultimate Universe completist who reads Fables.

What's the big deal?

Do you only read the Ultimate Universe? Is the Ultimate Universe the only thing you've read?
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I have to get the next trade, but the LCS was sold out.

Yes, this is the trade that was from a couple of weeks back. I should order things from the UC Store like a smart person.
I present to you a gift: the one-page Fables story from Comicon that will never be reprinted.



So Jack as the sword stuck in him for his title.

And the new Fables issues has Ghost sticking a sword though the jack Figure and than it happens.

Very curious.

And I do want Rose and Blue to become a couple. Because that would just rock.

And I loved the cub's dialog.
I liked Blue and Rose's total looks of horror during their discussion. The art was okay, but not what I prefer for this title. I like the cubs--they're not too cute or too smart or annoying. I'm glad Ghost gets to hang with his siblings. I wonder what's up with that Kevin guy? He seems to be some sort of Fable or immortal--it looks like we're about to learn more about the true nature of the Fables.
After reading the latest Jack of Fables, I think Bill Willingham is the real Adversary. And Gary and Frau Totenkinder and Mr. Revise and that guy who writes books about Fables and maybe Gepetto are in some kind of group that know that Fables is just a comic or something.

I don't know. I don't like Jack of Fables.
Its REALLY ****ing close... USM is beating Fables by FOUR votes. You should all register ASAP and vote for Fables!
I really wish Jack of Fables had just been a mini series or the odd back up in Fables or something. I'd even prefer if he disappeared and then came back in #75 or #100 or something, a big important issue, and reveal some huge secret.

Jack of Fables is just bland and weird.
I really wish Jack of Fables had just been a mini series or the odd back up in Fables or something. I'd even prefer if he disappeared and then came back in #75 or #100 or something, a big important issue, and reveal some huge secret.

Jack of Fables is just bland and weird.

Agreed. 100%.