Darth Series Discussion: Ultimatum

Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."

Granted, it is selling(for some ungodly reason) Maybe that's what he means?Then again i've met one guy who said that this was the greatest thing ever, so who knows?
Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."

If by people Loeb means masochists then yes, "people" seem to "digging" Ultimatum.
Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."

"Fans always complain!"

Yeah. It's just us. We always hate what's put out just because it's there. Nothing we say could ever be of value.


Y'know - there are times when I read these comics and think to myself, "If someone 'in the know', like Loeb or such and such, were reading this, I should write this properly, lucidly, in the hopes that they'll not think it's just ranting, in the great hope that stories like this will be rewritten to a higher, more exacting standard because the flaws in this comic are so unbelievably obvious it's easy to notice and fix them. You have to work to be this bad." And then, at some point, probably when I read interviews by Loeb where he acts like everyone loves it but there's just some crappy fans bashing it because they always do, I want to smack him on the side of the head until he forgets all forms of language so he can never do this again. When I'm in that mood, I don't really want to make myself appear well-though out. Instead, I just want to scream and yell at the inability of people to see how rubbish they are.

So to hell with it all. I miss Ennis' The Punisher, and I want it back.
Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."

"Fans always complain!"

Yeah. It's just us. We always hate what's put out just because it's there. Nothing we say could ever be of value.


Y'know - there are times when I read these comics and think to myself, "If someone 'in the know', like Loeb or such and such, were reading this, I should write this properly, lucidly, in the hopes that they'll not think it's just ranting, in the great hope that stories like this will be rewritten to a higher, more exacting standard because the flaws in this comic are so unbelievably obvious it's easy to notice and fix them. You have to work to be this bad." And then, at some point, probably when I read interviews by Loeb where he acts like everyone loves it but there's just some crappy fans bashing it because they always do, I want to smack him on the side of the head until he forgets all forms of language so he can never do this again. When I'm in that mood, I don't really want to make myself appear well-though out. Instead, I just want to scream and yell at the inability of people to see how rubbish they are.

So to hell with it all. I miss Ennis' The Punisher, and I want it back.

The problem with this comic isn't that its just bad, but its insanely bad. Its like the Deuce Bigalow of comic books. If it were just sub-bar comic or comic that's so bad its funny, people would not be so offended, but this comic is both extremely campy, extremely mean spiritied and extremely stupid. Its not fun on any level.

If there was book similar to Ebert's books on bad movies (Your Movie Sucks) dealing with bad comics, then this comic would be in the first chapter.
Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."

That article is hilarious. First of all, any time anyone says something like "people are really digging this" it's a tell-tale sign that even they know that everybody hates it.

This is also a gem:

The Ultimate Universe was built around the idea to expect the unexpected.

A hilarious notion, since 99% of it is retelling classic stories in a modern setting and is, therefore, mostly predictable on some basic level.

From the very first meeting with myself, Bendis, Joe Q, Dan Buckley, Damon Lindelof and Allan Heinberg (whew! Talk about a Murderers' Row!)

Right, because (with the exception of Heinberg) a lot of comic fans would like to murder all of those guys.

Loeb's rockabilly band, Man Hole and the Hot Rod Gang?

That is the most homoerotic band name I've ever heard. I can't tell if it was a joke.
Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."

A hilarious notion, since 99% of it is retelling classic stories in a modern setting and is, therefore, mostly predictable on some basic level.


I think what Loeb meant is that people expect certain twists and turns in regards to the Ultimate Universe, example: the differences between the Ultimates and the classic Avengers.

The problem here is the twist is lame, Loeb is just dropping bridges on characters, like some bad crossover fromn the 90s, the only difference is you have grown to like most of the characters being killed off with no regards here.

Also the bad characterization is a bad twist as well, why does Magneto obsess over the whole Noah's Ark storyline, why has he engaged in actions that killed loyal followers like Longshot and Forge? I never thought Ultiamte Magneto was an interesting character, but now he makes no sense what so ever.
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Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."


Seriously though, Magneto's Noah's ark obession really makes no sense. It be like if Dr. Octopus read Hansel and Gretel one day and decided he liked that story so much, he was going to buy a house, use candy to lure children there and then bake them into pies. He completely changes his character and MO, just because he decided he really liked a certain story and was going to base his whole life around it, out of the blue, with no explaination. Also Dr. Octopus likes to cross dress, in order to truly be the witch. Makes about as sense Mageto basing his life on Noah's Ark.
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Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."


Seriously though, Magneto's Noah's ark obession really makes no sense. It be like if Dr. Octopus read Hansel and Gretel one day and decided he liked that story so much, he was going to buy a house, use candy to lure children there and then bake them into pies. He completely changes his character and MO, just because he decided he really liked a certain story and was going to base his whole life around it, out of the blue, with no explaination. Also Dr. Octopus likes to cross dress, in order to truly be the witch. Makes about as sense Mageto basing his life on Noah's Ark.

Let's be fair here. While this is an atrocious read and yuou've made very good points so far, Ultimate Magneto has always been a guy with a serious god complex. Remember back during Millar's run when he started gathering mankind's treasures in preparation for his apocalypse, including a man and a woman so mankind could repopulate when he was done destroying civilization?

Still, I think this story (heavily edited for quality, of course) might be more appropriate for 616 Magneto. Like he gets up one morning and decides, "Me and Charles have been at this so long that it's possible this war will go on forever. For goodness sake, I've lost count of how many times I've been seduced to his side. I think I'll go round up as many mutants as I can find, put them all on Asteroid M, and go join/conquer the Shiar Empire or something to that effect."
Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."

Let's be fair here. While this is an atrocious read and yuou've made very good points so far, Ultimate Magneto has always been a guy with a serious god complex. Remember back during Millar's run when he started gathering mankind's treasures in preparation for his apocalypse, including a man and a woman so mankind could repopulate when he was done destroying civilization?

Still, I think this story (heavily edited for quality, of course) might be more appropriate for 616 Magneto. Like he gets up one morning and decides, "Me and Charles have been at this so long that it's possible this war will go on forever. For goodness sake, I've lost count of how many times I've been seduced to his side. I think I'll go round up as many mutants as I can find, put them all on Asteroid M, and go join/conquer the Shiar Empire or something to that effect."

Again I never liked Ultimate Magneto, I think he is a one dimensionial, lame Dick Dastardly type villain, with very little in the way of a good motive or personality. He came off as a villain who is just evil for the sake of it and lacks many of the complex elemets that made the revamped Magneto of the 70s so interesting. I always thought Ultimate Magneto was a crap villain. Loeb made a villain I didn't like, even dumber. Congrats Loeb.

But this story takes the cake, Magneto never liked his kids, he blew off Quicksilver's knee caps, so him being set off by the death of his kids makes little sense. Exactly what does this plan achieve? His actions have resulted in the deaths of some of his loyal followers, like Forge and Longshot and has even turned some his followers, like Madrox, against him. He said after he is done flooding the Earth, the world will be a better place, but he has never explained how that works. This plan makes no sense, its like Magneto got really high one day, was reading the Bible and decided this was a great idea.
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Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."


Seriously though, Magneto's Noah's ark obession really makes no sense. It be like if Dr. Octopus read Hansel and Gretel one day and decided he liked that story so much, he was going to buy a house, use candy to lure children there and then bake them into pies.

I'd totally buy the hell out of this. :lol:
Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."


Seriously though, Magneto's Noah's ark obession really makes no sense. It be like if Dr. Octopus read Hansel and Gretel one day and decided he liked that story so much, he was going to buy a house, use candy to lure children there and then bake them into pies.

actually there was an episode of the Teen Titan cartoon that was a lot like this.
Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."

actually there was an episode of the Teen Titan cartoon that was a lot like this.

Yes, but that was a joke episode, Loeb is being completely serious here. They introduced a new villain to fit the silly concept, its not like they took an existing villain and tried to rewrite him to fit this role.
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Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."

Yes, but that was a joke episode, Loeb is being completely serious here. They introduced a new villain to fit the silly concept, its not like they took an existing villain and tried to rewrite him to fit this role.

yeah i know, that was my point
Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."

That article is hilarious. First of all, any time anyone says something like "people are really digging this" it's a tell-tale sign that even they know that everybody hates it.

This is also a gem:

A hilarious notion, since 99% of it is retelling classic stories in a modern setting and is, therefore, mostly predictable on some basic level.

Right, because (with the exception of Heinberg) a lot of comic fans would like to murder all of those guys.
People don't like Heinberg either actually . Murder is a strong word though. Who kills over comics?