Darth Series Discussion: Ultimatum

You hope!!!

I don't know tho. While I do have faith in Millar, the UU has ben bastardized to such a degree over the last couple years that I think it will be difficult, if not impossible to get the cool back.

Every tool in Millars tool box has been broken or lost all together. I am sure it won't be as bad as what Loeb has done, but the UU won't ever go back to being what it was.

Maybe it doesn't have to. Maybe it can be good being something new and different again? I have faith, I just won't be reading New Ultimates or whatever Loeb/Adams are doing.
My little brother just read Ultimates 1 and 2. Which got me into rereading them, and then Ultimate X-Men.

...I got thinking about these characters again. Reading this thread hurt my soul.

The Ultimate Universe is like being in an abusive relationship. You remember the best parts and get hit with Blob eating Wasp all the while thinking it'll eventually get better again.

In the words of a random Maury viewer, "You leave that ******* and you don't look back!"

This thread keeps me from buying another issue.

That's it exactly. The sheer downfall in quality... its astounding.

You hope!!!

I don't know tho. While I do have faith in Millar, the UU has ben bastardized to such a degree over the last couple years that I think it will be difficult, if not impossible to get the cool back.

Every tool in Millars tool box has been broken or lost all together. I am sure it won't be as bad as what Loeb has done, but the UU won't ever go back to being what it was.

I don't have much hopes for it. I think Millar's writing has lost a lot of his insight.
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I don't have much hopes for it. I think Millar's writing has lost a lot of his insight.

Thing is, even if Millar comes back and writes a great arc, what then? I assume he won't be around long and Loeb will start writing Ult comics again so...

Bottom line is that, imo, the UU will never be as good as it used to be.
You hope!!!

I don't know tho. While I do have faith in Millar, the UU has ben bastardized to such a degree over the last couple years that I think it will be difficult, if not impossible to get the cool back.

Every tool in Millars tool box has been broken or lost all together. I am sure it won't be as bad as what Loeb has done, but the UU won't ever go back to being what it was.

Look, criticize Loeb all you want and I will agree with you and we will laugh and there will be much celebration over Loeb sucking. Criticize Millar and you're just out of your mind. His tool box has been broken? Lost? Is he an engineer? Does he fix pipes or wiring? No. He writes comics. Awesome comics. Doubting Millar is like doubting Warren Ellis or Alan Moore, or Stan Lee in the 60's. Go ahead and do it... and be wrong.

Me, I'm right. So I'm saying this: Millar's return to the UU will be triumphant. We'll all be praising his work, despite any books that get pushed back for a few months past the original solicit date. Just like U1 and U2. Because that's what Millar does. He takes turds and polishes them, the impossible task of taking crap and turning it into gold.

He puts his pants on just like the rest of us... one leg at a time. However, after he's got his pants on, he writes kick-*** comics, even if they're not titled "Kick-***".

So keep doubting. I'm just waiting. Waiting for awesome comics to return to the Ultimate Universe!
Look, criticize Loeb all you want and I will agree with you and we will laugh and there will be much celebration over Loeb sucking. Criticize Millar and you're just out of your mind. His tool box has been broken? Lost? Is he an engineer? Does he fix pipes or wiring? No. He writes comics. Awesome comics. Doubting Millar is like doubting Warren Ellis or Alan Moore, or Stan Lee in the 60's. Go ahead and do it... and be wrong.

Me, I'm right. So I'm saying this: Millar's return to the UU will be triumphant. We'll all be praising his work, despite any books that get pushed back for a few months past the original solicit date. Just like U1 and U2. Because that's what Millar does. He takes turds and polishes them, the impossible task of taking crap and turning it into gold.

He puts his pants on just like the rest of us... one leg at a time. However, after he's got his pants on, he writes kick-*** comics, even if they're not titled "Kick-***".

So keep doubting. I'm just waiting. Waiting for awesome comics to return to the Ultimate Universe!

Right on!!!

I'm with you, dude!
This has nothing to do with anything, but...Vegie Man...why don't you have an avatar of the Flaming Carrot? You screen name is practically begging for it.
This has nothing to do with anything, but...Vegie Man...why don't you have an avatar of the Flaming Carrot? You screen name is practically begging for it.

... flaming carrots... I want what your on!!!

But really, I don't know how to make/ have/ download/ upload/ or whatever an avatar.
I'm kinda computer illiterate.... i can type and use the mouse...thats about it.
Look, criticize Loeb all you want and I will agree with you and we will laugh and there will be much celebration over Loeb sucking. Criticize Millar and you're just out of your mind. His tool box has been broken? Lost? Is he an engineer? Does he fix pipes or wiring? No. He writes comics. Awesome comics. Doubting Millar is like doubting Warren Ellis or Alan Moore, or Stan Lee in the 60's. Go ahead and do it... and be wrong.

Me, I'm right. So I'm saying this: Millar's return to the UU will be triumphant. We'll all be praising his work, despite any books that get pushed back for a few months past the original solicit date. Just like U1 and U2. Because that's what Millar does. He takes turds and polishes them, the impossible task of taking crap and turning it into gold.

He puts his pants on just like the rest of us... one leg at a time. However, after he's got his pants on, he writes kick-*** comics, even if they're not titled "Kick-***".

So keep doubting. I'm just waiting. Waiting for awesome comics to return to the Ultimate Universe!

The only problem i have with this is that when we were waiting for Ultimates 2 issues 8 through 13, we still had other decent UU comics between the 4 month delays on Ultimates. now everything is crap. Even if his Ultimate Avengers is good and back on par, will any of us care enough to hope the universe gets revived or will this just be one last chance to end the universe on it's original status quo?
I'm hoping that Millars UA is so bad *** that Loeb will look and feel so retarded he will stop writing comics and run and hide under a rock someplace, never to come out. Meanwhile Millars work is so inspiring to the other writers of the UU that they try harder to provide great comics on par with Millar and we can all live happily ever after...
The only problem i have with this is that when we were waiting for Ultimates 2 issues 8 through 13, we still had other decent UU comics between the 4 month delays on Ultimates. now everything is crap. Even if his Ultimate Avengers is good and back on par, will any of us care enough to hope the universe gets revived or will this just be one last chance to end the universe on it's original status quo?

You still had decent UU comics between those 4 month delays? Sure... they were decent. But were they Ultimates 2 decent? No. Prove me wrong though... name me by issue which Ultimate series books were better than Ultimates. BETTER! Not decent enough to pass the time but BETTER.

Ultimate Spider-Man 100? Was that better than Ultimates 8-13? NO!

Ultimate X-Men whatever numbers came out at that time? Better? NO!

Ultimate Fantastic Four whatever numbers came out at that time? Better? NO!

Ultimates was, is, and will be the be-all, end-all of the Ultimates line of comics as written by Millar and it shall be until I am proven wrong. Even the better parts of other UU comics were written by (guess who?) Mark Millar. His UXM and UFF runs were pure gold.

So WHY would anyone doubt him? Why HAS anyone doubted him since Superman: Red Son? Is it some kind of mental affliction that doesn't allow these people to see the genius? Name me something Millar has done in the last 10 years that hasn't been worth at least one read-over. I'd be hard-pressed to believe you. Let's name some titles: Red Son, Authority, Ultimates, Ultimate X-Men, Ultimate Fantastic Four, Wolverine: Old Man Logan, Wolverine: Enemy of the State, Fantastic Four, Kick-***, 1985, Wanted...

Seriously, you want to tell me Millar's no better than a Warren Ellis or Alan Moore? The only writer who might be better is Garth Ennis, and I put him on a different level than any of those aforementioned writers because Ennis just doesn't do superhero books. You ALL read Millar's books at one point or another. He's awesome. Get used to it. Just that good? Yes, and probably better... at the superhero genre.

Keep reading. It will only get better. Turds into gold. That's what it all boils down to.
As the days go by, I fail to find any motivation to further review this crap. Even when it's free. Ultiamtum #3 just made me want to burn every Ultimate book I've ever read. Seriously, what the hell is this? It's a collection of one-liners and garbage that would be better suited for 616 readers circa 1993. Hell, I probably would've continued to buy this crap in 1993.

Thank the maker I'm a little more intelligent than my 1993 self. I totally PERUSED this issue of Ultiamtum because it was such garbage. I couldn't bring myself to read it all. All I know is the last page was just horrible. My grandfather would've liked it, probably, but my grandfather's been dead for 10 years. He loved the story where the good guys inexplicably came together at the end to declare war on all that is evil.

What's really evil is Loeb's half-assed writing.


I hate this crap.
Ultimates 2 8-13 pretty much blew.

Vaughan's UXM, the Ultimate Knights arc(s?) in USM, and Millar's UFF were all better.

Gah-Lak-Tus, Ultimate Vision. . .
Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."

*just head shakes* Loeb... what an idiot.

And seriously, Finch... he kinda reminds me of Uncle Fester.
Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."

Lol he does look like Fester.

Talk about denial. This is as funny as ign's review on #4
Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."

I'm starting to think that Jeph Loeb is some variation on Haruhi Suzumiya, and Marvel has this conspiracy to keep him locked out of the loop or he'll destroy the world because he's not that good a writer.
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Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."

I like how Finch talks about Millar pouring Whiskey in his own eye......... I wanna party with that dude!!
Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."

I wonder if it's important that Lindelof and Heinberg were at the meeting to discuss what happens after Ultimatum?
Re: "People seem to be digging Ultimatum.."

I wonder if it's important that Lindelof and Heinberg were at the meeting to discuss what happens after Ultimatum?

They were only there to make sure that the Ultimate books stick to the schedule of never being on schedule.