Fredrik Martinsson
Formerly known as Ultimate Warrior
I haven't either but it's just one of those things that fits his personality perfectly.Shihad said:I don't get the coin thing, i've never seen hawkeye (or clint) with a coin before?
I haven't either but it's just one of those things that fits his personality perfectly.Shihad said:I don't get the coin thing, i've never seen hawkeye (or clint) with a coin before?
TheManWithoutFear said:This is ****. As said, there's no prior relationship between Clint and Daredevil. If it is Hawkeye it's just to please a few and I mean a few Marvel fanboys. I'm pretty certain DD fans won't be pleased.
TheManWithoutFear said:This is ****. As said, there's no prior relationship between Clint and Daredevil. If it is Hawkeye it's just to please a few and I mean a few Marvel fanboys. I'm pretty certain DD fans won't be pleased.
Rhyo said:Why should DD fans give a **** about a character that has appeared in the title in an adversarial role, once, thirty-five years ago?
TheManWithoutFear said:Gettinga bit off topic...
I thought Hawkeye's miniseries tanked because the writer was forced to write him in a different direction because Bendis wanted him for HoM.
TheManWithoutFear said:Advanced Spoilers on #86
Wall to wall action and possibly the best issue of the arc. Some minor quibbles: Matt again let's Bullseye live... and there was no Ben Urich/Dakota North/fake Daredevil scenes -- only a mention from Becky that Dakota was busy.
The Overlord said:DD will never kill Bullseye, DD is not a murderer, he would never kill someone in cold blood. Its the same reason Batman hasn't killed the Joker or Spidey hasn't killed the Green Goblin.
The Overlord said:DD will never kill Bullseye, DD is not a murderer, he would never kill someone in cold blood. Its the same reason Batman hasn't killed the Joker or Spidey hasn't killed the Green Goblin.
TheManWithoutFear said:N-A-I-V-E. And it's been that way for how many years? It's ok to kill off supporting characters but I can't get my powerful moment of Mr. Johnny Superhero going over the edge and justifiably killing his arch enemy. I love Bullseye but the encounter has ended the same way about a dozen times.
And surprisingly this comes from you, Overlord, the man who begs for change and a chance for other villains to take the spotlight. It will never happen with Fisk and Bullseye running around. Never.
Victor Von Doom said:Dude....he's in prison and they killed his best friend. It's on like DOnkey Kong now!!!! Given the right circumstance....I think he'd kill a man.
The Overlord said:The whole point of this story, is DD overcomes the savagery of priuson to retain his status as a hero, DD should only kill if its the only only to stop innocent people from being salugthered. Plus DD still believes in the justice system, he wouldn't kill Bulls for that reason, the state should kill Bulls, not DD. DD has killed before, but only when there was no other option to prevent an innocent from being killed (Larks in MWoF, the pilot in Born again), but killing solely for revenge is out of character.
Rhyo said:As much as I complained about Captain America being out-of-character in New Avengers, I think in this case that while it might be out-of-character for Matt to kill, Matt has been SET UP for many issues now as being out of control and increasingly violent. So even though this might be something he wouldn't have done before, at this point he's lost pretty much everything and no longer cares, and I think he might well do something that he would never have before considered.
:twisted: The only thing I'm worried about is how future writer's interpret the relationship between DD and Punisher from here on out. Read Means and Ends. There's no love between these two prior to this. Hopefully they acknowledge what's happening here. It's a pretty big milestone between the two and I don't know how other heroes feel about Frank but possibly the first time anyone's showing this kind've respect for him.thee great one said::shock: :shock: :shock:
:shock: :shock: :shock: