Underboss (#26-31)
Oh my sweet heavens. This rocked on so many levels. Bendis starts it with a bang with Fisk getting stabbed. Then Nicro. Damn. But I thought Foggy's mom was a small lawyer chick, not the one that barged into the hostipal. The part with Vaneesa and Fisk Jr. was a nice touch. The ending was speechless.
Yeah, very cool. Sammy Silke is a great edition. And I would love to see more of Vanessa. I would go even as far to say that I wouldn't mind if Wilson died and Vanessa took the reigns.
thee great one said:
Out (#32-37)
This was even better than the first. I loved how everyone reacted to his problem. The appearances of Spider-Man, Ben, Black Widow, Hyde, and most importanty Elektra was great. I love what Widow did to Matt by calling Elektra. That moment was the best part. I loved him double guessing himself when he was talking to her. Beautiful. That's all I can say.
Wait 'til you see Widow's interaction with Elektra next time they meet up. Then you'll see how hard it was for Widow to actually do something like that.
thee great one said:
Trial Of The Century (#38-40)
That was so sad. This arc was great. I loved the appearances of Dr.Strange and Reed. Great arc. How could of I been missing this. It's top notch stuff. Probaly the best I ever read from Bendis.
One of my favorite stories. Complete tragedy. I loved how Hector reacted through the entire thing. So desperate and it also mimicks a lot of what Matt is going through. Hector was supposed to give up the superhero lifestyle but not only was he addicted to the power of the amulets but was hooked up the lifestyle just like Matt is unable to give it up when the media and FBI are after him when he's outed.
You got a Bullseye appearance coming up and a pretty cool Golden Age story.. It obviously can't get any better but it won't get worse.