Daredevil News

Do you read Daredevil?/Do you want Daredevil in the Ultimate Universe?

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From the news section of the manwithoutfear site, Brubaker reveals some of his plans for his DD run:

""My first two storylines are really about Matt's chance to figure out what's going on and who's been manipulating his life. The third story will be about a deal he makes and lives to regret."

So who do you think is messing with DD's life? If Brubaker is going the obvious routeit will likely be Kingpin again, but if he is going to play this as mystery, it could be Purple Man or Mr. Fear, they both have a talent for mind games and haven't used in DD for awhile. Also what kind of deal do you think DD is going to make in the third arc?
TheManWithoutFear said:
I'd love to see it be Purple or Fear. But they've been locked up. I dunno I think Bru will make it work with anyone. I'm curious as to how they've been messing with his life. Maybe it was Fury. Everyone hates him now anyway. Foggy?

I hope its not Nick Fury, I'm getting sick of government conspiracies, plus I don't want Fury to be a villain. As for Purple Man or Mr. Fear, what's to stop them from running an operation against Murdock while locked up?
icemastertron said:

For everyone. Thanks Ice.

I'm not delving into this miniseries yet because I'm waiting for the trade... since I missed the last two. I did flip through it today but didn't contribute to the discussion thread because I'm waiting for the TPB to come out. Quesada seems to be doing a great job and the Santerians and Nero are excellent characters. Joe Q. Loves Daredevil and is always welcome to writing the character.

Joe Q. said:
"Daredevil is the most human of super heroes, the most Shakespearean"
icemastertron said:
I agree with the quote. It's really true. Arana has ended, so I *MAY* (not a definite) have DD in place of that. *MAYBE*.

Daredevil? DAREDEVIL?!

Supreme Power.
DAREDEVIL, by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev (Marvel): If one could imagine flawlessness in comic production, Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev have given us a taste of perfection. "Decalogue" kicked off the year with a memorable nod to Polish filmmaker, Krzysztof Kieslowski, and their final story arc has had the entire Hell's Kitchen sink thrown in with Kingpin, Elektra, Black Widow, and Bullseye. A 55-issue run climaxes with the "Murdock Papers," and it's fitting that Ben Urich plays such an important role after becoming as much of a fixture of this series as Matt Murdock himself. Thank you Brian and Alex for making Daredevil great again. – Ernie Estrella

Buzzscope reviews some of the better ongoings of 2005

I love it. Check out the other titles. But if you're not reading Daredevil, you're missing out.
One of the best articles on Bendis' Daredevil. Salon.com has it.

Secrets, lies -- and lawyers!
"Daredevil" suffered for years under Frank Miller's shadow, but Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev made it one of the most engrossing comics of the last decade.​

Douglas Wolk said:
Jan. 5, 2006 | When the final issue of Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev's four-year run on "Daredevil" appears later this month, it'll conclude one of the most engrossing stories that's appeared in mainstream comics this decade, an ornately zig-zagging narrative about moral blindness and double lives, with a hero sinking irreparably into a pit he's dug for himself. (The first three-quarters of their collaboration have been collected in six paperbacks or three hardcovers, all published by Marvel.) Bendis is the most prolific writer in comics right now -- he writes four other monthly series and then some -- but his work with Bulgarian-born artist Maleev has a distinct tone and look, an intimate, understated security-camera perspective on the demimonde of crime, law and the press. They've managed to make "Daredevil" their own -- a doubly impressive feat, considering that almost everyone who's worked on the series for the past 20 years has struggled and failed to get out from under Frank Miller's shadow.

For the rest of the article click Here
On the change to #79's Cover (From Echo to Elektra)

Alex "Sadly" Maleev said:
No speculations. I paint these covers way in advance. Then we decided not to have Echo in the book. I had to repaint it. I like the original better myself, but as it was done, I had no time to paint an entirely new cover. I apologize to those hurt by the switch. You will be compensated by a kiss and a great interior finish.(don't think of a cream pie you dirty little...)

And the cover to #82 by Michael Lark...


Written by ED BRUBAKER
Penciled by MICHAEL LARK

We've all seen Daredevil pushed too far, seen what happens when he pushes back, and we know it always ends in tears. Now, with the death of Foggy Nelson plaguing his every waking moment, Matt, blaming himself, runs wild in Rykers, determined to find out who put his best friend at the end of a knife. This is Daredevil as you've never seen him before, unplugged from his own sense of right and wrong, alone in the cold walls of the system he's spent his life defending, and the only thing on his mind is vengeance! From award-winning creators Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark.

Do I have to say anything?

Overlord, you must be extremely pleased about this :twisted:
TheManWithoutFear said:
Do I have to say anything?

Overlord, you must be extremely pleased about this :twisted:

That's cool. I wonder who killed Foggy, soon the title will have to be changed to Daredevil: Man Without a Supporting Cast. Also I think that this is the first time a super hero has been put in prison with his ID revealed (Punisher doesn't count.)

Also if Matt is going to be in prison for a while a lot of his rogues would have a chance to try and take him out. You could have DD villains fill the roles of prison characters:

Owl would be the guy who runs things on the inside, building a criminal empire within the prison , controlling the prison by smuggling in drugs and bribing the staff.

Bullet would would be Owl's bodyguard who serves the Owl because he is paying for his son's care.

Bushwacker could be the psycho preacher.

Purple Man could be the psycho rapist who is disliked due to the nature of his crimes and his insanity.

Mr. Fear is disliked becaused he is seen as a poseur and because he ratted on Crossfire. He is always trying to find a way to get some respect.

Bullseye would be the badass that looks down on everyone. Even with two legs broken and in a wheelchiar he is still feared.

Mr. Hyde is the junkie who would do anything to get his fix.

Gladiator would Matt's resentful ally in prison.
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