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Do you read Daredevil?/Do you want Daredevil in the Ultimate Universe?

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It's got Black Widow and what looks like Echo on the cover.

A little confused about that but if that is Echo than more power to you Bendis. ****in' awesome.
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TheManWithoutFear said:
This is Lark's Daredevil
Maybe I won't miss Maleev so much after all.... :drooling: :rockon:

Wow - that looks really good.

I like that better than anything I've ever seen by Maleev.
TheManWithoutFear said:
This is Lark's Daredevil
Maybe I won't miss Maleev so much after all.... :drooling: :rockon:
Suddenly I get a Sin City feel, but it also makes me think:

"Hmm....Daredevil....should I?"
icemastertron said:
Suddenly I get a Sin City feel, but it also makes me think:

"Hmm....Daredevil....should I?"

*CoughCough DO IT!!!!! COUGH* *Ahem*



UltimateE said:
Wow - that looks really good.

I like that better than anything I've ever seen by Maleev.
I concur
TheManWithoutFear said:
Not yet. Who do you want to see him do? Bendis did a lot of the more popular ones.

Ah, Bendis treated most of the old rogues like jokes. Mr. Hyde got beaten by a mail box and Owl was turned into a moron who can't control himself and is defeated by one punch from DD. I want to see Bushwacker, Mr. Fear, Owl and Mr. Hyde come back as real threats (no I don't like the fact tht Bushwacker has been retconned into a mutant, but I guess I will live with it.) Also I want to see the preverted, psychopath version of Purple Man become a DD rogue again. Perhaps have a storyline where DD is fighting his entire rogues gallery at the same time.
The Overlord said:
Ah, Bendis treated most of the old rogues like jokes. Mr. Hyde got beaten by a mail box and Owl was turned into a moron who can't control himself and is defeated by one punch from DD. I want to see Bushwacker, Mr. Fear, Owl and Mr. Hyde come back as real threats (no I don't like the fact tht Bushwacker has been retconned into a mutant, but I guess I will live with it.) Also I want to see the preverted, psychopath version of Purple Man become a DD rogue again. Perhaps have a storyline where DD is fighting his entire rogues gallery at the same time.

I thought Hyde was sorta used well. I loved the Stilt-Man bit. I think if Brubaker's gonna use any DD rogues it will be Mr. Fear and Purple Man. A lot of fans have been asking Bendis to utilize these two and usually a writer needs big names for some of his arcs so besides Kingpin, I'd imagine these two making a reappearance.

Somewhat off topic... I was watching the animated X-Men last night (90's) and Zebediah Killgrave was the main villain. Kind of irked me.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I thought Hyde was sorta used well. I loved the Stilt-Man bit. I think if Brubaker's gonna use any DD rogues it will be Mr. Fear and Purple Man. A lot of fans have been asking Bendis to utilize these two and usually a writer needs big names for some of his arcs so besides Kingpin, I'd imagine these two making a reappearance.

Somewhat off topic... I was watching the animated X-Men last night (90's) and Zebediah Killgrave was the main villain. Kind of irked me.

Bendis wrote Mr. Hyde as a big stupid loser who can be beaten by a mail box, a total waste of one of few the poteniallly threatening DD rogues. If Bendis had used Man-Bull instead of Mr. Hyde in DD# 35 I would have been okay with it, Man-Bull as a big stupid loser villain who is defeated in a throw away manner would have been good because all there is to his character is him being a big stupid thug. Mr. Hyde still has a lot of potenial and deserves more respect. Likewise I didn't like how Bendis made Owl a moron and loser, Millar's Owl in MK: Spidey was far more impressive.

I will agree that Bendis used stilt-Man well, but that was a one shot deal, the only way to make Wilbur Day interesting is to have him quit, there is no reason to ever see him again in DD's pages.

However if Brubaker was willing to use MODOK in Captain America, I see no reason why he wouldn't use Mr. Fear or Purple Man.
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The Overlord said:
Bendis wrote Mr. Hyde as a big stupid loser who can be beaten by a mail box, a total waste of one of few the poteniallly threatening DD rogues. If Bendis had used Man-Bull instead of Mr. Hyde in DD# 35 I would have been okay with it, Man-Bull as a big stupid loser villain who is defeated in a throw away manner would have been good because all there is to his character is him being a big stupid thug. Mr. Hyde still has a lot of potenial and deserves more respect. Likewise I didn't like how Bendis made Owl a moron and loser, Millar's Owl in MK: Spidey was far more impressive.

I think Mr. Hyde parallels a lot to how I used him in my little ultimization of him. He wasn't defeated by a mailbox. He was defeated by a double team-up of Spider-Man and Daredevil. I thought the scene was awesome. Afterall, it did create a whole new scenerio in my own imagination.

But some villains have to be reckless and stupid and respectable. I think that's why Hyde was used. I mean if it was a character like Man-Bull we'd be saying how lame it was to just throw him in as an excuse to have Spider-Man and Daredevil show up.

Liked Owl too. It made him on the same page as Kingpin but a few steps down, where he should be.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I think Mr. Hyde parallels a lot to how I used him in my little ultimization of him. He wasn't defeated by a mailbox. He was defeated by a double team-up of Spider-Man and Daredevil. I thought the scene was awesome. Afterall, it did create a whole new scenerio in my own imagination.

But some villains have to be reckless and stupid and respectable. I think that's why Hyde was used. I mean if it was a character like Man-Bull we'd be saying how lame it was to just throw him in as an excuse to have Spider-Man and Daredevil show up.

Liked Owl too. It made him on the same page as Kingpin but a few steps down, where he should be.

Perhaps, but I think Mr. Hyde should be cunning, he is supposed to be evil incarnate and I think he should be far more dangerous than the goofball in DD# 35. I would like it if Brubaker wrote story where Zabo found a retain his cunning as Mr. Hyde, that would make him a real dangerous villain.

As for the Owl Bendis wrote him as a total moron, with Mr. Anad doing all the thinking for him, he was a total joke. Millar's Owl seemed far intelligent and dangerous, a far better foe for DD. I hop Brubaker revamps both these rogues.

Also if Bendis doesn't do it, I hope Brubaker deals with the Gladiator's fate. It would be interesting to see Potter tryingh to maintain his sanity in the raft, surrounded by some of DD's psychopath rogues like Bullseye, Mr. Fear, Bushwacker, Owl and Purple Man trying to hurt Potter to get at DD.
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