I agree with you. Redemption was all deadly and the ongoing, well, we know what that's all about. This did just start though and the first issue was all basics mostly just the retelling of Daredevil's past and an introduction to Nero(?) Anyway, Daredevil Vs. Punisher, although the second issue did give it some credibility might be the weakest of the these 4 Daredevil titles.Baxter said:I'm not as into Father as I was on Redemption or the ongoing, but I'm enjoying it a little more than Vrs Punisher. Maybe issue 2 will pick up my intrests alittle more.
Get the Hardcovers. They've got loads of extras, beautiful, blown up art by Alex Maleev, and you can get Kevin Smiths run, most of Bendis (We've got V4 coming out wich will collect all but Golden Age, Decaloge, and the upcoming Murdock papers.) and can be set up to jump onto the ongoing when Brubaker starts. As for minis, Redemption just finished and was excellent, and we've got DD vrs Punisher running wich is alright, and DD Father wich hasn't really gotten moving yet.Samurai Jack said:Having opted to take up collecting the Daredevil comics, I did a bit of research. I figure I'll get Volume 1 in the Essentials, but I am undecided on what to do with Volume 2. I could get them in TPB, which would mean I can get them a lot faster than if I have to wait for the Hardcovers, or I could get them in Hardcover and get the "DVD style extras," any sugestions?
However in the trades, there seems to be a whole six-part arc missing? Where did it go? And in the Hardcovers there is even more missing?
Is this because they are going to be collected at a later date, or have they been collected under another title? And what about the minis, does anyone have any information on just how many there are, I am kind of nerotic about these things, it's why I bought the Ultimate Team-Ups in Hardcover.
Can anyone help me out?
I guess my vote in the poll would be, soon I will read Daredevil, and I would like more minis, with a bit more focus on DD, rather than Elektra, but I supose that is in the works, as they numbered the DD and Elektra TPB as Vol. 1. An ongoing would be cool though.
Do as he says. If I had money and the patience I'd be all about the extras.Baxter said:Get the Hardcovers. They've got loads of extras, beautiful, blown up art by Alex Maleev, and you can get Kevin Smiths run, most of Bendis (We've got V4 coming out wich will collect all but Golden Age, Decaloge, and the upcoming Murdock papers.) and can be set up to jump onto the ongoing when Brubaker starts. As for minis, Redemption just finished and was excellent, and we've got DD vrs Punisher running wich is alright, and DD Father wich hasn't really gotten moving yet.
Well, as far as I see it, the hardcovers are more economical in the dollar to issue ratio, once you factor in the oversized format. But like you said, patience is another factor.TheManWithoutFear said:Do as he says. If I had money and the patience I'd be all about the extras.
Baxter said:Preview for DD 76 up HERE
Looks intresting, I'm a big fan of Ben Urich, so I'm really intrested in his half of the preview over DD fighting the criminals.
A few years ago, Brian Michael Bendis embarked on a long-form story arc when an FBI agent exposed Matt Murdoch's secret identity to a tabloid newspaper. Through several twists, turns, and subplots, Bendis finally brings the story he began to a head. When Matt Murdoch beat Wilson Fisk within an inch of his life in front of a group of mobsters, he declared himself the new kingpin of Hell's Kitchen with one edict – "Clean up or get out." Bendis went ahead with the fallout without showing us Wilson Fisk. Now, Bendis sets the two on a collision course.
Very cool. Thanks Ice.icemastertron said:Daredevil: Father (#1-FEB041560D, #1 Director's Cut-JUN052001D, #2-JUN052002D, #3-JUL051874D, #4-AUG051905D, #5-SEP051916D, $2.99Ea.),
originally solicited as a five-issue mini-series, will now run six issues.
icemastertron said:
Nice Find ICE!! That sketch of Bullseye looks awesome. I love me some Daredevil/Bullseye and the fact that he says he's trying to make it fit sounds beautiful.icemastertron said: